Anne B. Real
Anne B. Real
| 01 January 2003 (USA)
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Anne B. Real is the coming of age story of a young female rapper, who finds her inspiration by reading the Diary of Anne Frank.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Babetaz Yeah movies are about what actors are in them, who they are (fam-wise), and how they perform. I didn't know who any of those actors were... but one thing I do know is that I Love that movie,I just watched it like 3 days ago and started to search for it today, I even registered today just to post my comment. The movie was straight up real, not to sound cliché, Anne B. Real was real. People always go along with the crowd and give peopl3 props who are known already, people gotta start from somewhere to get where they want to be.... This movie is now one of my favorite movies, well I late to work it's 4:32 and I'm supposed to be there at 5:00, let me go make my paper.... A note to all of you all, be REAL with yourselves. Much love... now it's 4:34 bye now it is 4:35, did not know I had to write all correct, with out slang
joy13blu I really enjoyed this film. Though the title is misleading, i can recognize what the title was trying to accomplish. The influence of Anne Frank's Diary has never been so eloquently shown. By applying the diary to the life of an inner-city young adult is to put the past into the future. Carlos Leon and Ja Nice Richardson did wonderful jobs and i am upset that she has been in few other films. She puts the watcher in the mind of Michelle Rodriguez from Girl Fight and Fast and the Furious. Ja Nice's character is somewhat weak through out the whole film in my opinion and could have gained her strength much earlier in the film. Aside from that the film has a strong storyline and good basic message. What i enjoyed the most in this film was all of the music. being a HUGE fan of underground hip-hop i EASILY recognized many of the songs. I also appreciated the fact that music from the West Coast in a New York based film. Kudos to the music director.
DCneuro Anne B. Real has all the makings of a modern version of what the American dream is all about. It is filmed in the gritty streets of Spanish Harlem giving the viewer an unsanitised authenticity not often seen. We follow our heroine on her journey to find her voice amid self doubt, made worse by non-supportive and deceitful family members.The lack of profanity in the film is hardly noticed because we are so focused on the well written and well acted words.
pompaj Anne B Real takes the foundation of an artist with a gift for rhyming lyrics and it expands on it. It uses the Diary of Anne Frank for inspiration, citing passages through voice over, and explores a number of realistic problems. These problems include the fact that the main character is a female rapper in an idustry that is dominated by males. They include her troubled family members and a world where even family will sell you out if the price is right. The movie works so well because of both the intensity of the conflicts and also the emotion behind each character. Every part has been perfectly cast so that not one character is forgetable. They take a strong story and they fill it with energy. 8 Mile was good, but it only had one note and one idea. This movie does what 8 Mile wanted to do. It really explores the lives of the characters in this world and lets the audience feel like they are a part of it.