The Hateful Eight
The Hateful Eight
R | 25 December 2015 (USA)

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Bounty hunters seek shelter from a raging blizzard and get caught up in a plot of betrayal and deception.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
rahulranganath The Hateful Eight is Tarantino's eighth film (considering Kill Bill Vo. 1 and Vol. 2 as a single film). As expected, this is a highly dialogue driven movie, especially the first half of the movie. You can feel the tension in the air, given the backdrop. It takes place sometime after the American Civil War, hence the insecurities. I've got to applaud the director for the first half of the movie. It's directed superbly and acted out superbly. It's probably one of those films in which nothing nerve wrecking happens, yet it keeps you on the edge of your seat (I'm simply speaking of the first half). As the second half unfolds, you see this movie turning into a classic crime drama, with thousands of questions in your mind. And mind you, classic in the more traditional sense. But that is not necessarily a good thing. As a short story, that would have been great. It seems to lose its focus, especially in the last two chapters. I wasn't a big fan of the 'explanation' to what the hell was happening. It just stuck onto the norms of similar films. Disregarding the actual plot, this is a wildly entertaining movie. The ensemble cast is great, the cinematography is top notch and the conversations between the characters are intense. Disliking each and every character is a special thing about The Hateful Eight. Some would find the movie wildly entertaining (myself included) but not the best. Others would see this as an instant classic and one of Tarantino's best. Just a matter of personal opinion. But we can all agree upon the classic screenplay in the first half and the gorgeous cinematography.
riczell Now, I'm not writing this review to be "helpful". I'm just voicing my opinion on it as a whole. I stumbled upon this title on Netflix with hardly any knowledge of it, the actors involved, or even its plot. The beginning was somewhat strange, but the setting was somewhat immersive to me, so I stuck with watching it. As the plot thickened and the characters became more involved with each other, I found it kind of hard to get out of my seat for the nearly 3 hours that the movie was on.The suspenseful events that unfold during the movie (especially when it came down to the mystery aspect) really kept my mind focused, and got me involved with the character portrayal and each of their roles in this tiny cabin that most of it takes part in. The gruesome and "expected-but-unexpected" things that happen during this film didn't distract me from the rest of the plot, and kept engaged and focusing on what would happen next. I will say that if you're just looking for a shoot-em-up western that involves a team of heroes, this is not a movie meant for you. If you can grasp hold of what's going on in the film and take the tiny details into consideration given the fact that it's a mystery that revolves heavily around the characters, I think you'll like the movie.
masonkohl I've always been a big fan of Quentin Tarantino's style of filmmaking; ever since his debut, he has proven himself a force to be reckoned with when it comes to writing dialogue and creating memorable scenes. In recent years Tarantino has released films such as Django Unchained and Inglourious Basterds; now even though I've very much enjoyed watching through the both of these over the years, I never felt as though Tarantino was reaching his peak. Both films would start to drag along at certain points and they wouldn't often reach the godly highs Tarantino is known for... so when I saw The Hateful Eight, I was pleasantly surprised to see how excellent it was. In the beginning, the movie gives us a taste of Ennio Morricone's soundtrack, and it sets the mood wonderfully right off the bat; it makes you, as an audience member, feel as though there're sinister events about to occur. Tarantino expertly creates a large amount of tension between characters without even showing a drop of blood for a good portion of the film. Every actor in the film has their shining moment, but both Sam' Jackson and Walton Goggins steal the show in my opinion, and I was honestly having a blast watching the both of these guys; Samuel's got some pretty good quotables. The film's cinematography was mostly well done; there are many beautiful shots of the snowy landscape that could honestly be your new desktop wallpaper, but when our characters find themselves in the cabin the film's shots become less interesting. Now, there's one thing that could be a deal breaker for an audience member when watching this film, and that's the length; personally, it's something that doesn't bother me, but if you're one to be annoyed by a film that takes it slow at times, then you should probably avoid this one. Overall, I thought The Hateful Eight was an amazing experience from start to finish; it isn't quite at the same level as Pulp Fiction or Kill Bill, but it's still one of Tarantino's best films to date.
hunterryanbelkin It's not Tarantino's best, but this film is a brutal, well-written and well-acted cinematic experience. The grotesque violence and atmospheric feeling of dread add so much. Kurt Russell and Samuel L. Jackson are perfect in this film. Fine performances all around, Tim Roth, Michael Madsen, Jennifer Jason Leigh, and more. Definitely worth watching. Very enjoyable.