Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs
R | 09 October 2015 (USA)
Steve Jobs Trailers

Set backstage at three iconic product launches and ending in 1998 with the unveiling of the iMac, Steve Jobs takes us behind the scenes of the digital revolution to paint an intimate portrait of the brilliant man at its epicenter.

Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
magnuslhad The Social Network meets Hamlet in this biopic that limits the action to three product launches in the early history of Apple. The whole film takes place indoors, except for a climatic scene of change and redemption that moves outdoors. This is the one directorial flourish in a film limited by its locations, and Sorkin's trademark need to have characters stand around barking eloquently at each other. The acting is very good, with Seth Rogan carrying particular appeal. The directing is straitjacketed in the limited locations. Sorkin's dialogue and characterisation, so finely done in The Social Network, does not stand up here. Everyone sounds like Sorkin, which one becomes weary of after a while. A different writer bringing more nuanced characterisation and idiosyncrasy to the dialogue might have served this project better.
HarlekwinBlog The problem with biographical pieces about the recently departed is that everyone has a perspective. Especially if that person is famous. Even more so if that person is deemed to have changed or inspired a whole generation.This is an okay drama of a moment in time but does not feel entirely balanced. Perhaps it is and this is my filter, my perspective if you will, on the subject matter.Jobs was and continues to be a giant in the computer industry. This movie won't diminish that, nor will it enhance it.
Kaustubh Rajnish Steve Jobs is a biographical film with a unique narrative. It showcases 3 moments of Jobs life. The Macintosh launch, the Next black cube launch and the imac launch. At each launch he interacts with 5 key characters. His partner in crime the genius Steve Wozniak, his work wife Joahanna Hoffman, his Father figure / Apple CEO John Sculley, his technician Andy (dont know which one) and his daughter Lisa. While this narrative is able to showcase the trials and tribulations of his personal and professional life, it also reduces his life to 15 conversations which most probably did not really happen. Some of these are really hard to care about particularly if you are not a Steve jobs or Apple fan. While the acting by each actor is brilliant particularly Seth Rogen (maybe a career best and the only scenes worth remembering) and Kate Winslet (amazing as always), there are some conversations where I found myself laughing at the seriousness at which they were taken. Such as John sculley and jobs arguing about whether they should have put in the hard disk in a computer or not. I mean seriously who cares. The narrative also handicaps Danny Boyle's trade mark style of quick action punctuated by an awesome OST and background. Its as if the entire weight of the film rests on the chemistry, the dialogue of those 15 conversations which are well as I said nothing really exciting. This film is a perfect example of how bringing the best in the business may not be enough to create magic. Arguably the best screenplay writer in Hollywood, an Oscar winning director and a stellar cast about an ultra dramatic real life genius of our times still cannot make a great movie. If you want to catch the making of a tech giant. Might as well re-watch The Social Network (ironically a superb script by the same Aaron Sorkin) also showcasing a rude, egoistical, selfish genius of our times. Final recommendation : Skip this iBore and watch this only good scene of the movie KR PS On a personal note, I have never understood the charm of the apple products. I have always found them too much show and too little use. Further, they seem fuelled by blatant capitalism which makes people pay for things that can be got for cheaper and most probably not needed in life. But then that's my POV and i tried hard to not let it come in the way of the movie but maybe it did...
iseeeliteinthesky Steve Jobs is one of my idols and i do not have many. Why? Because he knew what would come and what was needed, and that was sufficient for Apple company to rise to the stars. His mind was brilliant, a genius.This movie was another side than the movie "Jobs" 2013. I liked this perspective as well but it was not a better filmatization than the older movie, which had great scenery and more of a movie feeling to it. Hence i do not at all understand why this got 7.4 at IMDb and Jobs from 2013 only 5. Its the opposite way around in my mind. This movie is about 5 stars and that from 2013 is about 7 stars.There are some weaknesses also in this movie compared to the older movie. Aston Kutcher is brilliant as Steve Jobs, Michael Fassbender does a really great job in acting as the psychopathic Steve but appearance is really not in line, so one gets confused when seeing this movie, and i did not relate to Steve Jobs at all seeing Fassbender in this role.The acting from Kate Winslet is also exaggerated at times (acting 3,5/10) and makes the situation untrustworthy for a movie.I would not advice people to see this in a cinema.