Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine
Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine
R | 04 September 2015 (USA)
Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine Trailers

When Steve Jobs died the world wept. But what accounted for the grief of millions of people who didn’t know him? This evocative film navigates Jobs' path from a small house in the suburbs, to zen temples in Japan, to the CEO's office of the world's richest company, exploring how Jobs’ life and work shaped our relationship with the computer. The Man in the Machine is a provocative and sometimes startling re-evaluation of the legacy of an icon.

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
fredpeterson Has got be my favorite documentary ever. Really dives into Jobs personal life and shows the type of person he was. From abounding his to daughter to taking shortcuts with the law this documentary covers all of it really makes me wish I could have met the man. Apple still isn't my favorite company though I'm not a fan of how closed in their products are and think Steve really screwed up the company by making it a luxury brand
raza_bukhari1 He was an artist who sought perfection, but could never find peace. He had the focus of a monk, but none of the empathy. He offered us freedom, but only within a closed garden, to which he held the key.It's an amazing documentary about a person who was a maniac and totally insane about his dedication to his company, his ideas and his products. The story of person who gave ace to Apple, saved it, all the up and down of company. It worth something. This documentary will give you both perspective of Steve Jobs personal life, all the hard times and the thing we never knew about him, the side of coin we never noticed or watched, gadgets and their usage in your life, how you get intimated with those toys, how they effected and changed you life and living era. This documentary is perfect thing that puts a light towards soaring technology domain surrounded by more and more gadgets, technology and products. Don't miss it. You will find more interesting things out there.
visualandwriting Steve Jobs does not need any introduction. The owner and co-founder of Apple - personal computer and mobile devices have established the trends for the coming years. The guy in a black turtleneck, jeans and sneakers has become not only an entrepreneur but entered the pop culture hall of popular. A wide audience is known as a man of success, the fulfillment of the American dream, confirmation of the thesis about the human capacity for self-determination. But is there a scratch on this perfect facade? What price paid Steve Jobs to became successful. In the film Steve Jobs: Man in the Machine Alex Gibney tries to present a full-sized figure of Steve Jobs, with all his vices and virtues. The movie is not a congratulatory scroll to honor entrepreneurship; it also does not attempt to overthrow his monument. Is rather a quest for answers to the question: why Steve Jobs was worshiped? Unfortunately, the film is designed for people who know the subject superficially; it doesn't bring something new to the table. Most of the information contained in the film appeared in the biography book. If someone read even one book about Jobs, the film will be for him an only reproduction of this information. The film was made without the authorization of the family.Steve Jobs: Man in the Machine consists of archival photos, videos, and interviews with Jobs coworkers, friends, and family. Commentaries on the image put his colleagues including Steve Wozniak, Lisa's mother- as well as people associated with the industry such as technology journalists. Everyone says both positively and question some decisions, behaviors of Jobs. The authors perform video showing life events in chronological order. The story of his family, studies, interests, and eccentric decisions. Walking barefoot on the university campus, driving without license plates Silicon Valley. His unbridled interest in technology and the dash in obtaining work has become a legend in his lifetime. The creators are not trying to deny that Steve Jobs is a man of success. Interestingly, in some materials the film shows his marketing and salesperson skills, quite often overlooked and accountable for Apple popularity. Speaking about the vision comes homes to Steve easily, backed by a force of persuasion it reveals the strength of his success. Not surprisingly, the fact that his original approach to technology made people think and learned how to use and look at Apple's products. He showed alternative possibilities that technology can offer. That film is the story of Zen philosophy as the source of his inspiration. But Steve Jobs had a dark side, which the authors are not afraid to mention. The story of his ups and downs - lay off his own company, reconciliation with unwanted daughter and the exorbitant payment of fees makes the character of Steve Jobs in the film seems to be more complex, more dual. Alex Ginsbey shows Steve's social disabilities. His fetish of technology and success drive pushes off social skills. It wonders. Isn't Steve Jobs a man who is stuck in the machine? Are the devices that he built an attempts to establish a relationship with people? Not one, not two but with million? Or maybe his popularity comes from the people need to socialize. Are we using these technologies trying desperately to connect with other people? Or perhaps we need to contact with the machine rather than a human? If so, then crying, grief, and the sense that we needed the mediation contact? These questions seem to be the starting point for the director biography. Alex Gibney is known documentary director whose films often undertakes essential matters in the contemporary world like sexual abuse of Catholic priest, Scientology, etc. But Steve Jobs can't be a match for those issues, although there is a Gibney wonder in this biography, this documentary isn't revelatory.The film Steve Jobs: Man in the Machine is a proposal for those who have the fat biography of Steve Jobs did not have the courage to reach. But this film is not only audiovisual biography, but the strength of this film also seems to be the context in which compiled this character. To doubt the morality of Jobs actions, whether his character sometimes does not reflect the current state of the human spirit. A spirit that closed in the machine - iMac, iPhone, iPod. But what is clear from this information, it leaves open for further reflection.
Nicolay Nikolov The movie is the epitome of logical fallacies and propaganda. Alex Gibney has a very biased representation of Steve Jobs attributing to him some universal wrongs like the pollution in China. Nothing in the movie really portrays who Steve Jobs was. Gibney tried to invent the wheel by recycling old information and put in a different context. His resources are false and biased, his arguments are mediocre and not well supported, and there are chronological mistakes as well. Yet, he portrays people as bunch of idiots for liking Steve Jobs who in reality is an evil person purposely trying to enslave everyone in his magical "Apple Eco-system" .I find it immoral Gibney including an interview of Steve Jobs who already was deathly ill at the time and on pain killers in order to portray him as a villain .Last, including only people who were disappointed from Steve Jobs such as Chrisann Brennan , and Daniel Kottke rather his widow and close friends makes a one side conversation.