| 15 March 2012 (USA)
Vinyl Trailers

Based on true events. When a new record by an old band is turned down by ageist record companies, the veteran punk band assemble a group of youngsters to stand in for them, and fool the music industry.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Prismark10 This is a low budget British films with now ageing actors still showing that they can rock it.Its inspired by true events from 2004, when Mike Peters of the Welsh rock group The Alarm released a single under the pseudonym of a teenage band called The Poppy Fields.Peters plays a cameo in this film and The Alarm provides songs for the film.Phil Daniels and Keith Allen are fellow band members together with two others who reunite after a funeral of a fellow rock star. The band fell out 20 years earlier in acrimonious circumstances but start jamming whilst drunk and discover they still have the edge and produce good music.They look to get a record deal but get knocked back for being yesterday's men. The record executives want young bands with attitude and a teenage fan base.Daniels gets the idea of getting some youngsters to form a band and mime their songs and hit the charts.However Allen distrusts him and is an obstacle to this scheme, one of the teenage band member is a talented musician and might have history with Daniels and it seems no one had a good look at the record contract the fake band signed.The film starts of brightly, Daniels still has a lot of oomph although now middle aged and put on a few pounds. The latter part of the film loses its momentum when it goes for some melodrama but the film is short enough to have a feel good factor and great acting from the veterans.
Jono Hermitt Vinyl- Director Sara Sugarman/ Written Jim Cooper, Sara Sugarman3/5 By Jonathan L HermittIndependent films are somewhat risky where they can either be a cinema gem or confusingly banal. I took the plunge with an indie comedy and discovered that my precious time hadn't completely been drained, staring into my laptop screen.In a peculiar genre emerges a small, low budgeted British off-comedy, Vinyl, lead by veteran actors such as Keith Allen (Minto) and Phil Daniels (Johnny Jones) and fresh, upcoming pretty boy Jamie Blackley (Drainpipe). Filmed in land of the Welsh, tells the true story of a 1980s band that ignites a media phenomenon by casting a group of young children to masquerade the hit single of the ageing eighties band. Raising awareness upon the issue of image, capitalising obsessed music labels and the ignorance of consumerism; projecting an almost satire objective. A cheeky little tale that manages to maintain one's attention throughout; alongside relevant subplots that plays large contributions to the main plot. Occasionally forced the odd chuckle and included spots of crude humour (the best kind) to give it that British edge. A deeper character development wouldn't have hurt the film, although there wasn't much complexity in the characters unless we dug...dug deep.The acting performances overall were mediocre, however Phil Daniels and Jamie Blackley did stand out from the rest of the group- this could be due to being scripted more speech, but the penultimate scene when both had to dig deep and find those tears was rather indicative of skill. The presence of tears weren't the indication but more the timing and control of the quantity were reflective of the characters and the respected reputation of Phil Daniels and potential of Blackley.Could it better? Of course.Regardless, sometimes that is the sacrifice of a low-budget film- needless to say, the film hasn't won the rights to boast although I wouldn't discard it completely.
sara-diana I was lucky enough to see both the uncut version of the film and the finished product at the Welsh Premier in Wrexham. I must say how proud I am to be from North Wales which is where most of the filming took place, indeed the ending scene takes place in Rhuddlan Castle at a rock gig I attended.This film is a proper British film based on a true story of what happened to Mike Peters of The Alarm and front man for Big Country in 2004. Light hearted, funny, entertaining, a real feel good film and one of those films you will want to buy so that you can watch it again.Some great actors in the film and good music too. Definitely a hit in my eyes.
David West As a lifelong fan and supporter of the man and band that this film is loosely based upon, I managed to catch about 45 minutes or so of this film at 'The Gathering' event in 2012 (others who were there will know what happened next!!! only to say it will go down in folklore!!!!!) I was absolutely captivated and entertained by the film. A second showing has been granted for this years 'Gathering' event and I'm very much looking forward to seeing the second half!!! If you like and enjoy British movies, with a proper and entertaining story (which did actually happen in 2004), then this film is for you. The performances by the strong cast were great, and there even was a surprise cameo from Mike Peters himself!!! Go enjoy. 'FREE ROCK & ROLL'