| 26 June 2006 (USA)
Terrorstorm Trailers

Throughout history, regimes have used terror attacks as a means of control over their populations, and for the last 100 years, Western governments have employed the same measures.

Executscan Expected more
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
veganmatty Great film about just a few documented examples of western government-sponsored terrorism.9-11 was an inside job, but so were the 7-7 bombings in London, and there is a long long long list.Well researched.Essential for fighting the info war.The best Alex Jones film to date. I also recommend Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement, www.whatistheendgame.com, The Order of Death, Martial Law: Rise of the Police State.
Noble Fisk This comment is directly related to what "chris from London" said.I have done a whole lot of research on many of the things that Alex Jones says in his documentaries as well as his web pages. What I find is that the vast majority (if not all) of what Alex says is correct. The things that you are saying sound okay and all, but you do not offer any references or proof of research to back it up.I ask you to simply PROVE ALEX WRONG with documented research. I believe you will find it EXTREMELY difficult, if not impossible.This movie was incredible and the information was accurate as it was in Dylan Avery's film "Loose Change." I would encourage everybody to go and see "Loose Change: Final Cut" in the theater when it comes out. And to see "TerrorStorm" if you have not yet. An excellent documentary indeed.Thank You.
punjab9800 Why is it the same thing with all Alex Jones fake documentaries??Every now and then, then in a cause of a few days there are 4 - 5 new reviews of Alex Jones latest movies, and they all give them a 10. When you look at what they usually review, then it is only Alex Jones new movie, and nothing else. Especially the comments that are months old, you can see that they haven't been used for anything for months. And that is the proof that all these Ten-star reviewers are in fact just one pathetic person, reviewing the film with a lot of aliases to make it seem that many people love the movie.But persons living in the real world should not be troubled by these 9/11-deniars. They are dwindling in numbers finally, since people with education have debunked their lies. Either it is Popular Mechanics or BBC. But then the paranoid face of the CT's show again. Their first reaction to that BBC had debunked their lies was: "Uhmm, uhmm, well, uhmm, THEY ARE PART OF THE CONSPIRACY, yes. Because they had a film-crew in New York that day, that is proof that they knew of 9/11, and that they are part of it". I heard a CT-guy say something similar, but it did not occur to the guy that BBC is in New York all the time.Also they (CT) claim that BBC had prior knowledge of WTC7. But had it not occurred to the CT's that the BBC and others heard from the fire department that there was a fire in WTC7, and it was going to collapse. Secondly: you cant rely on any of the first news-report of 9/11, most exaggerated all things because of panic and the surreality of the whole thing.But CT's: all the things you claim have a scientific explanation. Go to this website (if you aren't to afraid of the truth, that is): www.911myths.com
akeanefan After reading the recent reviews of the one-star reviewers, I'm really beginning to wonder if they even WATCHED this brilliantly put together film at all. First of all, one has to realize that Everything about the entire incident of 9/11 completely smacks of a deliberate demolition of skyscrapers. The one-star reviewers fail to point out the fact that the Twin Towers, as well as every other skyscraper, were constructed with the idea of jet airliners crashing into them. Also, the steel structures in the buildings were designed to withstand at least 15,000 degrees Fahrenheit--and jet fuel only burns at 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit!! This fact clearly demonstrates that the explanation regarding the buildings collapsing due to the jet fuel running down the steel structure of the edifices is clearly BUNK. Also, another striking item that Terrorstorm brings out is the fact that EVERY TIME there has been a major terrorist attack, the government HAS HELD PRACTICE TERROR DRILLS AT THE SAME TIME THE REAL ATTACK WAS TAKING PLACE!! Anybody who dismisses this as a mere coincidence really needs to have their head examined, especially in light of the extremely high mathematical improbabilities against it being a coincidence.Finally, an item that has just been discovered this week is a broadcast by the BBC on 9/11 showing the collapse of Building 7. Uh, the only problem is-- this broadcast was occurring over twenty minutes BEFORE BUILDING 7 WENT DOWN!!!!! After examining all of this evidence, one really has to stop and say to himself, "You know, I really think that there is something EXTREMELY FISHY going on around here." In fact, you can go to the website www.prisonplanet.com, read the articles discussing this and watch the broadcast for yourself. If nothing else has opened your eyes, then this definitely will.In conclusion I just have to say that 9/11 was an EXTREMELY tragic event that the people of this country, especially the people of New York, have had to endure. Many firefighters and police officers, as well as other personnel, lost their lives in the process of trying to save people from the burning rubble. Men with families, sons and daughters, and other loved ones. After taking time to reflect on this, I REALLY become sickened at the baseless and tasteless blather of the one-star reviewers who do not have their facts straight and make extremely harsh, personal attacks on good, honest men like Alex Jones who are just trying to set the record straight and have the faceless cowards who are TRULY responsible for the horrid event of 9/11 brought to justice.