Fahrenheit 9/11
Fahrenheit 9/11
R | 25 June 2004 (USA)
Fahrenheit 9/11 Trailers

Michael Moore's view on how the Bush administration allegedly used the tragic events on 9/11 to push forward its agenda for unjust wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Micitype Pretty Good
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
SincereFinest disgusting, overrated, pointless
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
Smoreni Zmaj Intelligent people should realize most of this even without this movie, but even with it most of people refuse to see what's going on. And I must add one objection - I don't know if there really was terrorist attack or government staged whole thing, but anyway, even if that was really terrorist, government allowed them to do it, cause there is no damn chance it could happen without their intelligence knowing about that. Plus, plains could not completely destroy towers and especially not the way they collapsed. There had to be huge amounts of explosive and plains just started the chain reaction. So, either whole thing was staged, or it was at least allowed and "improved" by USA, to provide for themselves nice excuse to invade, occupy and rob middle east countries. USA power is based on such things, they did it whole 20th century and they do it still without any intention to stop it. They must not stop it cause without war they would collapse.
Python Hyena Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004): Dir: Michael Moore / Featuring: Michael Moore, George W. Bush: Michael Moore's fantastic followup to his previous hit Bowling for Columbine. This time he addresses issues that are kept from the public that resulted in one of the darkest days of the century. Moore targets U.S. President George W. Bush and various elements that surrounded the terrorist bombings of September 11th, 2001. According to the film Bush was warned prior to the incident but chose not to act. Moore interviews those who have lost family to the tragedy and even address those whose children were sent off to fight. One particularly amusing sequence involves Moore approaching members of the White House asking if they would send their children off to fight. Moore's film is powerful and sad but it is not without the trademark humour much of which makes Bush look like a jackass. One could just watch Moore make fun of Bush for ninety minutes and that may even suffice as a passable documentary. Moore is one of the best of documentary filmmakers whose physical presence has become familiar. Whether viewers agree with him or not, he certainly makes his point in his ploy against the media's desire to exploit this stuff. A must-see for anyone seeking understanding on what happened behind the scenes during that date that will long haunt our memory. Score: 10 / 10
George Roots (GeorgeRoots) "Fahrenheit 9/11", possibly remains just as controversial now as it did back in 2004. Where I definitely consider this documentary to be the one where Michael's opinion really has a much larger presence than it needs to have, it's exceptionally well put together and really shows off some of the well known absurdities of George Bush's time as President.Whereas the first half focuses on Bush's campaign and actions, the remaining half focuses on the devastation of the Iraq War. The segments where people in and outside America "cheerlead" the War, as well as the prisoner abuse kind of unsettles and angers me. The fact that a majority of soldiers are made up from the poorer class systems seems like a no brainer, and I do like it when Moore tries to persuade Senator's to sign up their children. It's crude and absurd, yet sometimes there is no right and wrong when it comes to War.Final Verdict: The only thing left to mention is see it and make up your own interpretation. In many ways it's all a farce, but thanks to the freedom of speech we'll always have our own opinions. 8/10.
mjcfoxx I remember seeing this in theatres as a Republican back in 2004. I voted for Bush that year. Four years later, I voted for McCain. This past election, I voted Libertarian, having come to the conclusion that the major parties were too corrupt to trusted. It's been so long, we keep forgetting the tenuous rationalizing, the weapons that were never there, the freedom that nobody in the Middle East (except the elite, I assume), ever got to benefit from. I've always been under the impression that the world would be better if democracy spread throughout it. But, you have to respect the ideals of that democracy, or it's a democracy in name only. "We don't have time to read the laws." 1 out of 535 representatives had a child fighting the war (and probably against his parent's wishes). There was a time in America's past (1870s-1900s) called the Gilded Age, where the government was vastly corrupt and we fought wars for corporations (the Spanish-American War of 1898, the annexation of the Philippines, etc). The difference between now and then? Information. The internet. The truth finds a way to get to you. I wouldn't presume to tell you how to vote in any future elections, but I hope you stick your ideals when doing so, and I hope you do not compromise those ideals in the name of safety and I hope you do not withhold rights from other people because their traditions and way of life is different from yours. That is all.