Food Choices
Food Choices
| 21 April 2016 (USA)
Food Choices Trailers

This documentary explores the impact that food choices have on people's health, the health of our planet and on the lives of other living species. And also discusses several misconceptions about food and diet.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
j_co I'm very pro the message of this movie, and the information provided is important, but the problem is that this movie doesn't say anything new, it doesn't tackle any of the hard questions, it is just another movie for people wanting confirmation they are doing the right thing (Confirmation Bias), that they are healthy and compassionate and all of those wonderful words.This movie won't inform or convince anyone that isn't already vegan or close to it, it is a good movie for a vegans wanting to feel better about themselves.The movie is also not compelling, it doesn't tell a story or provokes any emotion, it just feels like a conversion movie, not a documentary.
gerrith This movie is a important Documentary about our Health situation right now and it has gathered some of the most important pieces of the puzzle around our health and our environment. It will have been without any doubt the most important film of all the films out there, if it has not build up the story with a certain 'one eye' belief system: It's all about eating vegetarian food and this is the solution to be healthy - and we can save our planet at the same time. This is not quite 'the whole truth'.I was so happy about all the experts mentioning many of the facts we know from different countries and different sources today. When all comes together and is aligned, things are getting trustworthy and credible.In this movie the credibility stops for me, when Dr. Michael Greger was talking about computer- model's showing, it is not necessary with organic food. You can wash all away - but it was not possible with meat... OK?!? This was the most dumb and ignorant sentence in the whole film. Afterwards the film was again about saving our planet and about, we do not - as the only species - live in harmony with the nature. Does conventional gardening and farming live in harmony with the nature today?So how can it be, this documentary shows us all the horrible things about conventional farming and how the planet is suffering - and at the same time tells us, organic is not important???It is exactly the whole idea of growing organic - to save our planet, by preventing all the chemicals and artificial fertilizers are poisoning our soil, our water and our air... for generations ahead.But most important in the whole organic discussion, at least in Europe - perhaps not yet in the US - is the fact, that vegetables who are coming from organic farms, have a chance to contain most of the over 80 minerals we need to build all our different cells and nervous systems. It all depends on the Farmer and which knowledge he or she has about minerals. Conventional vegetables bred with artificial fertilizer, only get 4 minerals in their lifetime. And when you ever have seen the extreme huge glass-towns in Spain and the Netherlands, where tomatoes and cucumbers and fruit is controlled by robots, applying pesticides from the beginning to the harvest, without any soil, but growing on Rockwool, the you'll know the different.And the documentary is also ignoring the fact, that our alkaline - acid balance is most essential in all of this. This balance is threatened by meat and also Coke and white sugar and white flower and coffee and some fruits and fast food. What is alkalic AFTER digestion, is important to know, not measuring it before! Too much acid in our blood gives us perforated veins - and this again provoke cholesterol to patch the holes and preventing internal bleeding. So too much acid from meat is the real problem and too much animal protein is stopping the blood vessels and prevents nutrition coming out to the cells and organs, and prevents at the same time all the waste back to our arteries. When we know all facts, we can find much better ways to maintain or restore our health. Minerals helps us to keep this delicate balance together with Vitamins. And this Minerals are not death minerals from mineral-water or mineral-salt or mineral-pills - they have to be living minerals and vitamins, transformed by chlorophyll in our plants, ad then used by our organism to build new cells. Actually it is important to know, that our taste buds are our personal radar, our sensors to find the correct combination of minerals, in all the fruit and vegetables we eat. One combination gives us the taste of celery, another combination gives us the taste of peaches or leeks. The taste is not important - it is the combination of minerals our body needs and prefers. All of this is part of the knowledge of good organic farmers. They use e.g. stone dust in the garden. So why should it not be important with organic fruit and vegetables? A serious glitch in this most of the time excellent movie.
stefankarlssoncom at last someone pointed out the danger with fish (mercury) but there is other plastics going in to the fish nowadays as well.i am shocked however that everyone says fruit and vegetables are so good for you. some are so fast produced that they don't even have the vitamins in them at all. i live in Sweden and our data comes from 1970 when fruit and vegetables had its course and was healthy and filled with vitamins.another matter is the pesticides used in and around fruit and vegetables. a friend of mine threw away a green apple in the compost. after 6 months it hadn't changed appearance.the government in Sweden is still using the same data sheet from 1970 even though todays produce is nowhere near the same.
William Warby Food Choices is a relentlessly biased opinion piece about the benefits of veganism, presented with all the appearance of a well researched and scientifically valid exploration of the facts whilst actually comprising almost entirely of cherry picked research presented by a parade of disingenuous quacks.Pay close attention to the credentials of the speakers as they are presented on screen and Google them. Note the total absence of professional scientific researchers and the abundance of "nutrition experts", "wellness advocates" and "alternative" therapy practitioners. You will find the speakers are a whose-who of self-serving peddlers of anti-science nonsense who promote their harmful ideas in faddy diet books.Using techniques that are intellectually indistinguishable from those of climate change deniers and 9/11 truthers, the filmmakers present a counter- narrative to conventional wisdom on diet and seamlessly weave together unsubstantiated theory with real but cherry picked scientific research. The effect is compelling, especially if the pre-determined conclusion of the study is already appealing to the viewer.Veganism may indeed be a perfectly valid and healthy lifestyle choice and some of the information presented in this film may well be true - I don't know and I don't believe there is anywhere near the level of scientific consensus on the matter as there is on climate change for example. My point is not that the conclusions of the filmmakers are necessarily wrong, it is that they weren't seeking to discover the truth in the first place but rather to provide a rationalisation for a pre-established point of view. This is documentary filmmaking at it's worst.