The Other Side of the Door
The Other Side of the Door
R | 11 March 2016 (USA)
The Other Side of the Door Trailers

Grieving over the loss of her son, a mother struggles with her feelings for her daughter and her husband. She seeks out a ritual that allows her say goodbye to her dead child, opening the veil between the world of the dead and the living. Her daughter becomes the focus of terror. She must now protect against the evil that was once her beloved son.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Michael Ledo Michael (Jeremy Sisto) and Maria (Sarah Wayne Callies) have given up the city that never sleeps to live in India, the part that looks like paradise and doesn't have all those third world beggars. Maria has trouble coping with the loss of her son Oliver (Logan Creran) who she accidentally drowned Susan Smith style. She is informed on how to talk to her son one last time, by going to a remote temple only known to the locals and those with Google Earth. Here the boundary between the living and dead is weak. After spreading Oliver's ashes and waiting until night, she can speak to Oliver through a door, which she is instructed never to open. She gets it all correct, except for maybe that one thing, which you would know if you are old enough to read the title.Soon they have visitations which are initially pleasant and then formula. The film was meh up until the last 10 minutes which were great.Guide: No swearing, sex, or nudity. The "R" and BCFF 15 ratings I consider a bit high.
trashgang The idea of making a horror in India looks promising because you can add culture and believe into the story. And they actually did but the problem I had with this flick wasn't the story itself.I had issues with the effects used and not being scary at all. In the beginning of the flick the first scary moment is done with CGI so for me it was clear that this wasn't going to be my thing. It isn't scary at all even as they put in a creature that reminded me of so many Asian horrors, the long haired crawling girl. As said, the story is rather okay with the temple and the occult being added towards the story. But overall it's except for the drowning all done CGI wise. The last 10 minutes are the best part but again, for me the CGI used pushed away the scary part. It's not one for the real horror geeks but I can understand that teens will like it because it fits perfectly in the Anabelle's and Conjurings of this time being.Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
Markaleth I've found the movie to be a very poor attempt at horror. Not because of acting or effects but the scenario the movie suggests. -SPOILERS AHEAD-So to quickly sum up the story, a mother is tormented by the loss of her son in a tragic(?) car accident. She was driving the car, had to chose between one of her two children, chose the daughter and now guilt and sorrow are eating away at her. She attempts suicide because the loss in unbearable, learns of a ritual to have contact with her son for one last goodbye and is given an extremely simple set of instructions to follow for said ritual, which of course she doesn't follow. Evil is unleashed, bad things happen to her family and the movie ends with the "some things should be left undisturbed" morale hanging in the air. -SPOILERS END-The mother is so laughably unstable and unlikable (again, this is a writing issue, not a cast or acting issue), that i felt really bad she didn't actually take her own life. The movie is plagued by the classical clichés of all horror movies, from contrived reasons to do things to nonsensical or illogical behavior on the part of the characters. DO NOT RECOMMEND 3/10TLDR: You're better off wasting your time on something better.
disdressed12 once again we have a well done horror film,one that doesn't rely on blood and guts.instead it builds on suspense and's also very creative,in my opinion.i like the whole concept of the film,and found it very really makes you think and poses a lot of questions.the acting is first rate all around,but I have to single out Suchitra Pillai who plays Piki.she exudes creepiness,in my opinion.i also like the ending.i hope they make a sequel.if they do,and they stick to the formula of this one,there's no reason why it can't be as good.but this is just my opinion.for me,The Other Side of the Door is a well deserved 8/10
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