The Forest
The Forest
R | 08 January 2016 (USA)
The Forest Trailers

Set in the Aokigahara Forest, a real-life place in Japan where people go to end their lives. Against this backdrop, a young American woman comes in search of her twin sister, who has mysteriously disappeared.

GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Páiric O'Corráin The Forest: US made but set mostly in Japan. US woman, Jess, goes missing in the Aokigahara Forest, where people go to commit suicide. Her Twin Sara rushes to Japan to find her. Many of the usual Japanese Horror Film Tropes with Angry Ghosts and Trickster Spirits, Yúrei. These Yúrei foll you into harming yourself rather than directly causing harm.With the aid of a forest ranger and an Ozzie travel writer Sara searches the forest but she is soon submerged in a world of dangerous illusion. Confusing at times, perhaps due to editing but ending suggests a sequel. 6/10.
eddyhate The movie is badly written, the plot twists are just dumb and are just there to make the bad writing go somewhere. to me this movie fails at so many levels it's hard to believe some people liked it. things just start bad and go nowhere and does not make you compassionate about the situation, i was more annoyed by the beginning of this movie. bad acting from the boyfriend, the dialogs are badly written and sometime just go nowhere, do nothing for the story and it's just boring, dumb and annoying, the main character just comes out as dumb and sad nothing more. JUST TELL ME WHY she goes with a stranger to that forest, why even trust a guy you don't know especially when you are looking for your missing sister. the actual action in the movie is STUPID, cut off a chicken head and let it go, that represent the action. the play between reality and the supernatural that happen is again really stupid and not very well used in this movie. the girl sees thing that aren't real and does not doubt for a second that it is real even after it happened lots f time that shows her that she's being tricked. Basically everything that happens in this movie is stupid and what happens is only there to put the main character in bad situations, if you take this movie and take out everything that could and would not be stupid and pointless, this movie would be about 30 minutes long and it would still be boring. the ending is predictable and boring dumb and just confirms that you've watched a really dumb boring movie. the only reason this movie still has people liking it, it's because of the quality of the filming and by that i mean they did take people who knew how to film good looking scenes, good angles etc... still the most interesting thing to watch in this movies is Miss dormer, beautiful woman but not good enough actress to give a great performance in a so badly made movie.
Leofwine_draca THE FOREST is another horror/thriller dealing with the sinister setting of the Aokigahara Forest in Japan. The said forest nestles at the foot of Mount Fuji and is notorious in Japan for being a place where suicides go to die. It has previously been the subject of two films, GRAVE HALLOWEEN and SEA OF TREES.Sadly, in the hands of an inexperienced director, THE FOREST is very much a middling horror film. It's too tame and predictable to really scare all but the most novice of viewers. The plot is slow paced and the cast limited to just a few faces, so there's little going on. Some of the atmosphere isn't bad and the filmmakers do a good job of making the location seem authentic, although of course it wasn't really shot in the actual forest. Best of all is the reliable Natalie Dormer, who invests her lead with depth and charisma that might have been lacking in another actress.
Ade Lina This movie has a little bad end . All the movie was about a girl, Jess, who seen death of her parents and she goes in a cursed forest on a trip in Japan and she lost there. Her sister,Sara, who hasn't seen death of her parents, comes in this cursed forest to save Jess . At end Jess is saved indirectly by Sara and Sara dead in that cursed forest . This movie has some jump-scares and without these, this movie wasn't scary.