Heavenly Sword
Heavenly Sword
NR | 30 June 2014 (USA)
Heavenly Sword Trailers

The film's plot follows that of the game closely. Nariko, a member of an ancient tribe who have guarded an ancient magical sword for thousands of years, is charged with bringing the sword to its destined wielder, a deity reincarnated who will bring peace to the land. But on her quest, Nariko must wield the sword herself against the forces of King Bohan, who wishes to possess the weapon himself.

Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
TheLittleSongbird In fact, it is an absolutely awful movie, with very few obvious redeeming qualities , outside of the somewhat rootable and empathetically voiced protagonist Kai.Technically, Heavenly Sword ranges from weak to dreadful., constantly looking a movie or video game that came out 20 years too late. The editing is confused, the characters lack emotion and move stiffly, the colours are very flat , there are very obvious continuity errors and the backgrounds while the least bad of the animation are unimaginative and lack detail. The music sounds very random in placement, and stylistically it's either an ill-fit or completely misplaced.With the writing, Heavenly Sword fares every bit as poorly and even more so. The writing sounds incredibly awkward (almost like gibberish) all the time, very shallow, very on-the-surface and there is a complete disconnect emotionally. The story had some decent, if rather clichéd, ideas, but executes all of them messily, with laborious pacing, unexciting and incoherently edited action , a constantly jumpy feel and a complete lack of depth as a result of not doing anything with the ideas it had.Outside of Kai, the characters are flat in personality and fail to remotely engage, and voiced with little emotion, some of the voice actors don't even fit their roles. Not even a talented actor like Alfred Molina can save this., one of my biggest bugbears regarding films/movie/television is waste of talent, which this movie manages to do.All in all, very poorly done. 2/10, and that is only for Kai. Bethany Cox
e_man_7-66-977435 SPOILER ALLERT: You already know what happens in this movie. First of all, the stilted animation, the barely 3-D faces, with no expression on them let alone movement. The graphics are pixelated in places and background hardly deserves the name. Honestly, primary school children could do better with crayons.But I could forgive that. Yes, I would completely accept the creators limitation in this regard and appreciate the life spent upon this endeavour if the vocals weren't so fake-sounding. The tone, cadence and timbre in all the voices are incredibly jarring. I wish these guys had listened to any English dub anywhere if they could not do this in Japanese, Chinese or Korean with subtitles. You'd think they didn't know what angry or sad people sounded like. To be honest, silence and subtitles would have been a massive improvement.Sadly, what they were actually saying was no improvement. You've never heard a cliché they didn't say. The plot line was devastating but I can live with a girl inheriting a magical sword. What I can't live with is a cliché killing off everyone she knew in her life in 12 seconds except for her one crazy but strangely wise and blood thirsty companion she didn't know was her sister. Six-year-olds have better plots in their fantasies. Ten-year-olds have much more imaginative characters. I'm not a troll okay? I wanted to like this I was on board but 23 minutes and 41 seconds in I just knew that this was it. It wasn't going to get better and anything I can muster up in my imagination about how this thing continues and ends or even how it began would be eminently better than whatever predictable, agonising procession of pixels this Frankenstein could lumber up. I am sorry. My friend if you watch this film, you'll see what I mean but don't. Stop reading this. Go life your life.
DaRangedTC When the Heavenly Sword game came out, it was at the pinnacle of the PlayStation 3's graphics and even the original graphics from 2007 look better than this movie.The animation, the acting, and the dialogue, everything that made the game brilliant is missing in this film. The characters have little to no facial animation when expressing emotions. No effort has been made to try and match the mouth movements to dialogue. Might as well be watching Team America/Thunderbirds puppets in CGI. Only the backdrops look good... from a distance, because as soon as you get close they blur or pixelate... and I am not even going to get started on the physics are represented.The film also borrows the 2D animated miniseries which preceded the game's release. This is chopped up and used to tell an abridged version of the story, but they have also dubbed the original voice which was much better acted than its replacement, so I cant even give them credit for that.And then... there are the continuity mistakes.. even as bad as to switch King Bohan's scarred eye from left to right and more than once in the opening act!? Unforgivably bad.Not having much to fall back on, there is none of the music from the game which was beautiful, and the story follows some real gagworthy plot clichés.Sorry, in a nutshell.. there are no redeeming qualities, so don't waste your time on money on this.You're much better off watching the Full Cutscene version movie of the game on YouTube, or playing the game on PS3.
sergio-arauzo I came to this film because of the games, which I think are good. But this film has only that, a name. When I watch an animation film I expect, nowadays, the graphics will be good, the animations will be smooth, and the faces will show at least some emotion. I have not found any of these in this film. Graphics are very cheap, even pixelated sometimes. Animation seems to come from 10 or 15 years ago. Characters faces are empty of any kind of emotion. So, the technical issue is really bad. I suppose producers thought that with a famous name would be enough, so they decided to spend ass less money as possible here. When we talk about the story or the character development things are only slightly better, but just because it cannot be worse than animation or graphics. Plain characters, no development, plot full of tropes, absolutely predictable. This film is not worth your time.