Most Likely to Die
Most Likely to Die
| 30 August 2015 (USA)
Most Likely to Die Trailers

A group of former classmates gather for a pre-party at one of their homes the night before their 10-year high school reunion, and one by one, they are brutally slain in a manner befitting each's senior yearbook superlative.

SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
JÄnis Locis Nothing original here, a movie you will forget within hours of watching it. The same old classic slasher film cloches regurgitated once again into this little, boring slasher flick. Filled with unintelligent and straight up stupid dialogue, as expected, this movie fails to create any suspense, so whenever one of the kids gets killed you simply couldn't care less, since the writers have completely failed setting the atmosphere of this movie, you can see where it is going right from the start. In my opinion, we have had more than enough of the same recycled slasher films over the years and it simply is the time to stop and move on from this genre, at least for a couple of years, because this type of horror has been witnessed so many times throughout the years it has gotten completely mondane and boring. People are not looking for shock value in movies anymore, hence the low ratings here. Also, the plot twist is absolutely ridiculous and could very well be one of the dumbest i have ever seen, simply put this film has a horrible ending. Another thing to point out, the lighting/sound effects in this film were surprisingly bad, the location was great, but clearly somebody was not doing their job right, when it came to lighting/sound effects. Overall ''Most Likely To Die'' is your casual, boring slasher horror film, which brings absolutely nothing new to the horror genre and will be forgotten almost instantly after viewing. Do not recommend watching this in the slightest!
Wuchak RELEASED IN 2015 and directed by Anthony DiBlasi, "Mostly likely to Die" chronicles events at a retreat home on the scenic coast of Southern Cal when several former high school classmates gather the day before their 10-year reunion. Unexpectedly, they are picked off one by one in a mode suitable to his/her yearbook superlative (i.e. "Most likely to...).This is a low-budget independent slasher, but it's not micro-budget. The competent cast is generally no-name, except for Jake Busey, who was probably doing a favor for a friend (it's not a big part). The locations near Malibu are spectacular, particular the opening aerial shots. There are several good-looking women (e.g. Skyler Vallo & Heather Morris). The filmmaking is professional, unlike no-budget slashers such as "Butchered" (2010) and "The Ridge" (2005), but due to kinks in the script "Mostly likely to Die" falls a notch below those two story-wise. For instance, would a woman mistake the reflection of the killer in a mirror and shoot the mirror, but then fail to turn around to shoot the actual killer and, instead, drop her gun for the killer to apprehend? True, she saw her friend dead on the floor, but how would that make anyone think the threat of the killer no longer exists? Then there are eye-rolling conventions, like the token characters (you'll see what I mean). Moreover some of the soap operatics seem overly drummed up. Lastly, you'll figure out the identity of the killer around the 30-minute mark (or sooner). Still, if you like slashers this one is competently done and has several highlights. There are a couple of great cuts on the score/soundtrack. THE MOVIE RUNS 90 minutes and was shot in Topanga, California. WRITER: Laura Brennan. GRADE: C+
yomanhello Yes, The ending was awesome because it was a big plot twist but it actually started out really boring and it took me alittle while to actually be interested in the movie. I did give the movie a chance though and I kind of liked it. That's why I rate it 5/10. It was still pretty good though it's just almost half of the movie started out really boring.
Argemaluco Well into the 21st century, we still have four or five slasher films per year. The formula never changes, but its longevity has allowed the exploration of new styles and interpretations which present something different; among the slashers I liked the most in recent years, I would mention Stage Fright and the remake of The Town That Dreaded Sundown. However, on the other extreme of the creative spectrum, we find films such as Most Likely to Die, an atrocious rehash which executes the formula without any grace or ambition, making us wonder: "What was the point of the film?". I guess that the answer is "money", but even from that mercenary point of view, it's difficult to imagine someone having faith in the commercial potential of this listless movie which doesn't wake the slightest interest or suspense on the audience. I don't want to spend too much time talking about this piece of junk, so I will limit myself to mention some of the many things which are wrong with this film: horrible performances; awful narrative; stupid characters making bad decisions to keep the story moving; and Anthony DiBlasi's bad direction, which doesn't bring any rhythm, style or vision to the tedious scenes. In summary, Most Likely to Die is a deplorable movie without any ingenuity or enthusiasm to transcend the clichés, or at least, bring them a more attractive appearance. Talking about attractive, the actresses of Most Likely to Die certainly are so, but none of them displays any credibility or charisma in their roles; they couldn't even capture the spirit of the "scream queens" from yesteryear. That would have required talent, and it's already quite difficult to make a movie in order to get worried about making it original or entertaining.