Massacre at Central High
Massacre at Central High
R | 01 September 1976 (USA)
Massacre at Central High Trailers

Maimed by bullies at a California high school, a new student engineers acts of revenge.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
BaronBl00d I saw this film for the first time as an adolescent in the late seventies and it left a sizable impression on me from that time. Two reasons, first, the obvious one was Kimberly Beck's nude scenes on the beach and the nude scene on the mountainside with Lani O'Grady and Rainbeaux Smith, secondly, and I hope even more profoundly was the story about an outsider coming to a new high school and offered the role of being part of the in-crowd only to shun it and help those that were being mistreated but then - the mistreated when given the opportunity become just as bad as the in-crowd that lorded over them in the beginning. This film is allegorical, metaphorical, analogous, etc.. - it has some deep philosophic roots if you look for them and get past the schlocky teen elements enticing to teen audiences at that time: violence, nudity, etc... It is almost like a fairy tale of surrealism - except for the very end of the film there are no - I mean NO - adult actors, no cops, no parents, no teachers. Teens are dying from explosions, hand-gliding accidents, diving into cement pools sans water, pyrotechnic hearing aids, etc... and not one teacher do we see in a hall. Two girls are being raped, screams can be heard from the outside almost on a busy day of school - and not one adult do we ever see. This must have been done by design and if you except that this is not to be taken too literally - the film works on the level that people often become what they hate when given the opportunity. Man is basically evil and only interested in his own self-interest. Of course this message is dressed up with violence and nudity and a teen setting and teen actors. I have a very fond place in my heart for this film(and Kimberly Beck, Rainbeaux Smith, and Lani O'Grady). There are so many vivid images from the film that as I watched(very, very hard to come by a copy I can tell you)the film unfolded scene by scene in my head moments before it did on screen. It is, along with Twisted Brain, one of two films that held such fascination for me. Maybe it was the outsider element that appealed, the revenge on stereotypical high school cliques, or the neat, inventive deaths that were used. For whatever reason, Massacre at Central High lasted with me 30 years later and that must make it a pretty good film in my book. The acting is generally pretty sub-standard but not horrible. Andrew Stevens and Robert Carradine are in here - looking very young, and Derrel Maury does a serviceable job as the male protagonist. I really liked some of the performances by the supporting cast - particularly those of Rex Stevens Sikes and Dennis Kort as the library kid Arthur where a librarian day after day can never be found. They are fun performances. And the girls of course are not much for acting talent - though O'Grady has some indeed - but all three - especially Beck add some definite dimensions and high-points to the film(sad to see both Smith and O'Grady are no longer with us - what a real pity to go so very young). If you have not seen Massacre at Central High - give it a peek. It is nothing terribly great - except to those of us who sat through it at a more impressionable age, but it is a cut above many of the same films of its ilk from that era.
midnitetosixsteve1 I've been waiting to see this for a number of years and finally found a video copy of it.It was awesome but a little strange.First of all not once are we introduced to any authority figures that a school(which is where all of it takes place) would have.No teachers,no principles,not even a school nurse!What the hell?Robert Caradine plays the hippie(who gets criticized for drawing swastikas,we are supposed to be on his side?).There is a fake James spader guy among the preppies who are in charge of the school.The dude from the Fury and 10 to midnight is old pals with the guy who resembles the killer in 10 to midnight(but it is not him). I was happy to see Rainbeau Smith from "Revenge of the cheerleaders" and thought it was strange when both her and her gruff voiced friend get raped and when she goes outside after being rescued she totally forgets to button her shirt back up!Later on they are both crushed by a boulder(along wit Carradine). Once the hero/psycho of the film gets his leg broken he goes insane and gets even with the sweater helmet haircutted preps of the high school(who would all later end up on Happy Days or Eight is Enough).He is also driven to kill by his good friend's(the Fury guy) girlfriend who he hates but likes at the same time(I was throughly confused by this).Another thing that is a concept only in this film when jocks go away nerds go into attack mode and try to destroy each other! In many senseless ways the locker bombing(1) the car blows up(a couple of times) and the weirdest the librarians hearing aid kills him and blood pours out of his ears.If you want to see hilarious murders and senseless violence done in a 70's schmaltzy way then check out this one.
The_Void Massacre at Central High is one of the earlier exploitation/slasher films to feature a school full of thirty-something's getting bumped off, but that's not to say it's a cut above the rest of the genre. The film stands apart from others like it because it features a social commentary to go along with the bloodshed, but it's largely ill-conceived, and doesn't work the way it was obviously intended to. That's not to say that the social commentary isn't a good idea; these sorts of themes have worked well in many more professionally made films, but the inane dialogues and poor production values of this film make it too difficult to really take seriously, which doesn't do the social commentary any favours. The plot focuses on David; a new student at a high school in America. David was once friends with Mark, who is in a clique with the school bullies. They rule the school with an iron fist, but they get more than they bargained for when they decide to cowardly injure David under a car. Now crippled, he decides to take his revenge on the gang that did it.Aside from the none too successful social commentary, this film also suffers because it's never all that interesting. The seventies style is there, but other than that, the film can be a bit dry. The murder scenes are more inventive than your common slasher fare, but they're not very gory and are mostly extremely unlikely. None of the performers succeed at convincing the audience that they're young enough to even go to school, and it's all rather wooden as well. This isn't always a problem with trashy low budget cinema, but there's little distraction with this film. The fact that the film was shot on a low budget is evident throughout, as the locations are often very bare, the cinematography is bland; and as mentioned, they couldn't afford any capable actors. One thing that writer-director Rene Daalder does succeed at, however, is putting the focus squarely on the society at the centre of the film at all times, and this is done by only showing the school "kids", and no adults. Overall, this might appeal more to the kind of people that enjoy slashers and the like; but I found this film very lacklustre.
koosdekleine This movie might have been somewhat decent, if it hadn't been for the terrible filming, lighting and sound recording. Half the time you couldn't recognise the characters or understand their conversations. You had to guess who they were and what they were saying (which, I have to admit, was pretty fun!).I also noticed that all the actors were at least in their thirties while their characters were high school kids. They kept on talking about "old friends" (how old could they be, if they were not older than 18???) and their time in jail!! This seems pretty impossible for someone attending grade 12. The story itself was not even too bad, but all the efforts were in vain due to the amateurish way in which the film was shot.