First Born
First Born
| 20 March 2007 (USA)
First Born Trailers

Laura's expecting. Her husband, Steven's a loving guy but has little time for her. Her mom lives thousands of miles away. Forced to give up on her dreams, she's always been a bit edgy. A C-section drives her over the edge, making her see things in a different light. A creepy babysitter doesn't make things any better. She begins seeing things, trusts no one, as she goes into self-destruct mode.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Billy_Crash A first time mother gets delusional over baby.This feature had the feel of a MOW (movie of the week). Though I doubt Lifetime would run it up the flagpole. Sure, it had atmosphere at times and decent lighting, but twenty minutes could have easily been hacked off the ninety-five minute run time.As for the movie, this is writer/director Issac Webb's first feature. Yet, how this slow moving beast of confusion and nothingness got greenlit and made it to the screen is its own mystery. Now, I don't need everything tied up neatly in a bow, after all, I'm a big David Lynch fan, but give me some gateway to possible answers for some of the odd occurrences. Please. Worst still were the characters: Although Elizabeth Shue did her best as whiny mother, Laura, she was simply annoying. In short order, any semblance of compassion by the audience for this pouty trainwreck of a woman was clearly destroyed by the beginning of act two. The workaholic husband, doing his damnedest to impress his bosses – how droll – also sported his own poutiness in the face of actor Steven Mackinosh (though he somehow manages to secure an entire month off when his wife truly, truly needs help with baby Jessica for real this time). And of course, we had the creepy old babysitter, who… whatever. It's as if Webb plucked his characters off the shelf at your local and utterly decrepit K-Mart.Since there was little happening, especially with a group full of solemn and cardboard characters, the climax was extremely clear from the beginning and leaves the audience without any shock and awe – just a yawn. And a big one at that. In fact, suspense was annihilated early on when it became blatantly obvious this was one of those "Is it in her mind?" movies.Regardless, Webb and the rest did not bring anything new or palpable to the genre with this drek. Give a half-star to the Camera and Electrical Department for making this drek look good on some level.
diahann-172-571701 Really liked the hallucination(?) scene where she thought someone had broken into the house. Was she seeing herself in the immediate future or what? Realistically, how alone could she have been? House that big, someone has to care for it. A new mother after a C-Section with a rich husband cannot do the dusting, vacuuming and scrubbing bathrooms, etc. Gosh, a whole cleaning team would need to come at least once a week. And what about the landscapers? Water delivery guy? No UPS, Fed-Ex ever? Even in the country, there are nosy neighbors, in fact even more so. I wish I COULD be that alone.I had a C-Section, and one does feel lousy for a long time. My mother didn't come out either; she had other things to do. So that part is believable.After seeing the movie and thinking about it a little, the disappointment of the witch/curse angle not being resolved has eased. That may have been a device to increase her paranoia, self induced as it may be.On the other hand, who is Jenny, why a Jenny?But loved that break-in scene. Kinda Momento time sequence like.
Pharoah I went into this movie with the notion that Elizabeth Shue is a great actress. And she has made a lot of great movies. But the reality is, not even a miracle could've saved this movie from disaster.The story is flat. It doesn't go anywhere. And it is entirely predictable. And on top of that, the scenes in the movie drag on-and-on. To the point that, it was a test of will for me to sit through the entire film.Even if I were to look at it as a low budget movie, which it is. I cannot find a single aspect of the movie that had any promise whatsoever.Bottom Line: If you must see this movie, then rent it. Because if you purchase this movie, I can almost guarantee that you will feel ripped off!!!
dea999 OK well, I've just seen the movie. First I expected a lot from it, it had a promising beginning, dark and creepy paranoia stuff, my favs :) But at one point, I've lost it... And since I'm totally annoyed by this ignorance of mine, can PLEASE someone explain couple of things for me? I get it that the movie was based od PPD, but how exactly does that witchcraft woman fit in? And the ending, what the hell was that?!! Last I concluded (at least I thought I was on the right track) was that she bought that witchcraft book, 'fond out' that the lady was doing some kind of black magic over her and she got lost of that baby doll.I sincerely thought that the doll was the last piece of that voodoo crap and we'll have a happy ending. But what the hell happened when she buried that doll? And what happened to her, precisely- with her memory, brain or whatever...? I'm furious and I don't get it! So please, if anyone has a good and (more or less) logical version of the possible ending, it would help a lot :) Than U!!