Storm Warning
Storm Warning
R | 19 October 2007 (USA)
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A couple becomes lost in a massive storm and seek refuge at a nearby farmhouse, only to be captured by deranged killers.

Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Woodyanders Wimpy lawyer Rob (affable Robert Taylor) and his resourceful French artist wife Pia (a winningly spunky portrayal by the gorgeous Nadia Fares) are a young couple who are forced to land their sailboat on a remote island due to a storm. The duo run afoul of a vicious family of crude hicks that reside on said island. Director Jamie Blanks relates the gripping story at a brisk pace, maintains a hard gritty tone throughout, and adeptly builds plenty of raw'n'rattling go-for-the-throat suspense that escalates to a nerve-frying fever pitch in the harsh'n'harrowing last third. Everett De Roche's tight script neatly explores the vehement disdain that boorish rural lower class folks feel towards affluent and arrogant upper class yuppies from the city. Taylor and Fares make for appealing leads. David Lyons as the sadistic Jimmy, Matthew Wilkinson as the simian Brett, and especially John Bumpton as fearsome and glowering brute patriarch Poppy register strongly as frighteningly convincing redneck psycho degenerates. The startling outbursts of savage, gruesome, and often perversely inventive violence pack a ferocious punch to the gut. The pulsating score by Blanks hits the heart-racing spot. Karl von Moller's sumptuous widescreen cinematography offers lots of breathtaking shots of the beautiful ocean and sprawling countryside. The terse 84 minute running time ensures that this movie never becomes tedious or overstays its welcome. A worthy shocker.
Nitzan Havoc Oh my what a rush!! As a devout Horror fan, I've spent the past few months sort of "exploring", trying to enrich my knowledge and expand my "database" of Horror films and sub-genres. Storm Warning was definitely one of the better experiences I've had doing so.We started off with Rob (Robert Taylor), a usual macho guy who doesn't sound like he's wrong even when he's wrong, and his French girlfriend Pia (Nadia Fares), a usual kinda spoiled and slightly whiny girl. When their boat got stuck after they had got lost (not because of Rob's poor naval and navigation skills, heavens forbid, but because of many other reasons!) and Pia complained that she was cold and tired, they found a farm and hoped to rely on the residents' hospitality and trouble them for a phone call, maybe even a ride. These hopes were shattered very soon when they realized the people who lived in that farm were sadistic redneck crooked hicks (imagine the Christian cannibals from Judge Dredd who raised Marijuana for a living.Soon enough afterwords the rednecks started tormenting and torturing the couple in a few ways going from bad to worse (great screen writing!), and we witnessed a very pleasant surprise when Pia turned out to be the courageous resourceful one and Rob (injured by the hicks) turned out to be quite helpless and little more than a liability. It seemed the two weren't going to go down without a fight, and what a fight it was!Storm Warning is a cleverly written and directed story of a struggle to survive. Think "Wolf Creek" meets "I'll Spit On Your Grave". The acting is great, especially actors David Lyons, Mathew Wilkinson and John Brumpton who play the three hicks. The film isn't without gore scenes, but they aren't a pointless vulgar display of special effects budget, but actually help and go well with the plot. If in the beginning the audience fears for the couple's lives and well-being, they later feel the despair and hopelessness of the couple's situation, and finally the thrill of battle as the couple helplessly attempt to defend themselves against all odds.All in all - I enjoyed every second of the film, ever scene and every small nuance. If you don't scare/scar easyly and don't mind a lot of blood and very disturbing scenes - I'd highly recommend it!
JB Beverley Before WWIII erupts: THE FOLLOWING IS MY OPINION.. Nothing more than that. In an age where movies feature zero character development, a very thin plot, and a kill every three minutes.. I was pleasantly surprised to find Storm Warning a more traditional and fun movie to watch. I have heard the comparisons: "Another Wolf Creek" - WRONG. This film has a much more rich plot than Wolf Creek, and has a completely different flow and style."Another Texas Chainsaw Rip Off" - UNFAIR STATEMENT. This film is NOTHING like TCM. The backwoods loonies are not half-retarded inbred yokels, rather some sadistic fellows who have been in the brush for a bit too long. "Boring" - Compared to what? This film is constantly moving.. Granted, we've all seen the "innocent couple / group of people lost in the woods" set up before. True enough.. HOWEVER, the plot specifics are original (by today's standards) and the writing is superb. The lighting and cinematography are exceptional, and the acting and direction of the film are tip-top.. Especially given the admitted low budget. I think that modern horror fans who are used to a kill every three minutes will hate this film due to the lack of gratuitous splatter. However the kills that are featured are ALL brutal and unique. I'd prefer a movie with some good build up and powerful turns over a film that is just mindless gore any day.. To see the same people who praised the Friday the 13th remake bashing this film is laughable.. So in detail, here is my assessment:The Plot: We've seen it before.. City folk trying to fight off crazed hillbillies. Nothing new here. However, the specifics of the story, the characters, and the build-up are very realistic and human... not formulaic and tired. I had no trouble staying locked into the story.. and despite a hint of predictability, the film delivers.. I love the fact that had the city-folk not tampered with the house (nor the shed) that it's implied they might have been left alone. The Writing: This story moves, and the dialog is very well-crafted. Everett De Roche did a phenomenal job making the story-line believable and realistic. The Acting: The actors all deliver. Period. No weak links in my opinion. I have heard people talk trash about both Nadia Farès and Robert Taylor's performance.. especially the latter. However, given the types of people they are supposed to be, the delivery comes off as very real and true to form. Personally, I think that they both gave strong performances, and stayed true to the nature of their characters. Also, I must say that David Lyons won me over as an actor. That guy steals the show, and his performance alone is worth watching the film. I haven't seen an actor with that much physical command in a while, and his performance was a pleasant surprise. The Cinematography: This film was beyond "well shot", especially with budget constraints.. I was highly impressed with the movement and the camera angles.. Very smooth and very bold. I did notice a couple repeat shots.. one of which is used both backwards and forwards within a couple minutes of one-another.. but it doesn't take away from how wonderfully filmed this movie is. The Directing: Personally, I think this is Jamie Blanks' best work to date (that I have seen), and I will be keeping an eye out for future films by this very talented director. Personally, I enjoyed this film way more than the (more modern and trendy-styled) Urban Legend. I must also commend the tasteful use of CGI. I am so sick of computer-based shots that insult my intelligence.. and the use of CGI in this film (while present) is very tastefully done. For the older, more old school horror fans, this film is a breath of fresh air. I am extremely picky about horror films.. Even a bit snobby. I am not easily impressed, and this film is impressive. It is rare to find a modestly budgeted film that has solid writing, directing, acting, and flow... and Storm Warning delivers.. This film is anything but "another Wolf Creek", and it is surely no TCM.. Although, I did enjoy the nod to TCM when Poppy meets the hidden bottle. The sound effect was an eerie reminder of the original TCM. Beyond that, this film stands in a class of it's own. Nicely done.
GC_MaxProductions Refreshing opening scenes added depth and setting for the terror to come, Storm Warning felt well acted and had some nicely balanced moments where the air was tense. At no time did it seem that anyone was out of character or over the top, in fact it was a little bit of the opposite where you felt the villains were being played down slightly on their own turf. The gore aspect was well dressed and distributed, definitely worth the wait with more than one eyebrow raising moment, one of which was totally original at the time of production. To conclude, unlike many other horror films, this film has a plot with a backbone which remains unbroken, there's gore and then there's gore with meaning.
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