Black Christmas
Black Christmas
R | 25 December 2006 (USA)
Black Christmas Trailers

As the residents of sorority house Pi Kappa Sigma prepare for the festive season, a stranger begins a series of obscene phone calls with dubious intentions...

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Phillida Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Leofwine_draca BLACK CHRISTMAS is another pointless remake of an old-time horror classic which didn't need remaking in the first place. This one features a needlessly convoluted back story, a general tired rehash of the original film's sorority house plot, some thin and annoying characterisations, and a lot of bloody kill sequences. The film has a bunch of young and pretty actresses, including Michelle Trachtenberg and Mary Elizabeth Winstead among their number, being menaced by a psycho killer with serious personality issues. The whole thing is shot in a cheap and dark way by director Glen Morgan, who also scripted the film and is a long way from his glory days producing THE X-FILES back in the 1990s. The one decent cast surprise is the presence of Andrea Martin from the original movie, here playing the house mother.
Sam Panico This movie is pretty much wall to wall gore, in marked contrast to the original. Yet I found myself really involved in its pacing, in the cinematography and even the lighting. It's not a slapdash affair.After the critical and financial failure of this film, Bob Clark began work on a sequel to the original with Olivia Hussey and John Saxon reprising their roles of Jess and Lt. Ken Fuller. Jess would have been the new house mother in this version, but Clark died before it could get made.Despite the pain that it took to make the film, I really think it's worth watching. It shouldn't take over for the original, but it's worth your time this holiday season.
Christmas-Reviewer I just finished watching the original I liked that one. So I decided to try the remake and that was mistake. The 1974 film was directed with style by the late Bob Clark. The original left many thing to the viewers imagination. This remake is nothing but gore with no original plot ideas and most of all many stolen ideas from other horror films. In this film we see the killers front and center. We also get a house full of sorority girls that we do not care about. They are trashy and disgusting. There is nobody you care for . AS for plot we get on incest story line about the killer and we see many violent deaths that are not very inventive. As for the story itself is just OKAY. The original has a weird mystery to it that kept you in suspense. If you don't know the story:Billy, a young boy, was abused by his mother as a child. His mother cheated on Billy's father, and eventually killed the man, while keeping Billy in the attic--for good, while she was with her lover and starting a "new" family. As Billy's mother fell pregnant with a daughter and treated her with the love he had never experienced, Billy came out of the attic after years and brutally murdered his mother and her lover. Cut to present day, a group of six sorority sisters consisting of Kelli, Dana, Lauren, Megan, Heather, Melissa and their house mother, who now live in Billy's childhood home, find themselves being harassed by threatening and intimidating mystery phone calls during Christmas Break. As one of the girls goes missing, they begin being murdered one by one by no other than Billy.Now this films budget was 12x times that of the original but it is 12x less inventive and 12x less scary. Do yourself a favor skip this and watch the original. Pass on this mess!
Spikeopath There's a running eyeball motif throughout this revamp/reimaging of Bob Clark's much revered culter of the same name (1974), after sitting through it you may, like me, feel like extracting your own eyeballs and playing ping-pong with them! Bunch of pretty sorority girls get menaced and mangled by a deranged killer who has come home for Christmas...This lacks everything that made Bob Clark's film so effective. The less is more approach has gone, thus there is very little suspense, and in place is a gigantic back story for the killer. The characterisation of the girls, some acted by some very capable actresses, is practically non existent, so very little emotional heft to draw you into a state of caring for them. There's some good gore on show, but since tonally the pic is all over the place, it's never once scary or ironically funny.A poor show all round. 3/10