R | 16 April 2000 (USA)
Jailbait! Trailers

A popular high school senior gets accused of statutory rape after he impregnates a tawdry sophomore girl.

Chatverock Takes itself way too seriously
Micitype Pretty Good
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Ellyn42390 this movie was based on something that happened in my hometown of wisconsin. except, there was no cheating. they were dating for like two years and the girl's mother brought the issue to the police after her daughter had consensual sex with her boyfriend and got pregnant. The girlfriend wanted nothing to do her boyfriend in court and wanted everything to be over. i guess it was really sad for the couple. i don't know if they're still together. also, i don't think that the prosecutor was up for mayor. i think she was just going for the same position she had.
deathduck The movie was okay, at least for an MTV made for television jobber. The story was a little cliche and there were some bad moments, but overall it was good enough. The acting in many cases though, was actually well done. All of the teens were very believable (as they should be) and the grownups were equally well played. The movie also had it's funny moments. Not much can be said for the cinematography or direction, they were pretty standard fare, but on the whole they were satisfactory. Overall, a good movie, could have been better, but for MTV it was good.
aradia18 I watched this movie only because it is based on a real life story. It is a comedic look at the story of Kevin Gilson from Port Washington, Wisconsin. I know this guy from years before and was curious how they would play it out. While the truth is no laughing matter this movie sure is. I love the fantasy scenes and of course the goofy sex scenes. It's a thumbs up as it is campy and just plain funny. It's a bit raunchy and very "John Waters-esque"
meredith-6 Even though the movie was terrible and presented just about every stereotype imaginable, it did raise some good points. For instance, if someone in the movie had actually used protection the whole plot line would never have happened. And that did would have saved everyone from 80+ minutes of bad acting, and a one-dimensional look on life.