Jesse Stone: Lost in Paradise
Jesse Stone: Lost in Paradise
PG-13 | 18 October 2015 (USA)
Jesse Stone: Lost in Paradise Trailers

Police Chief Jesse Stone now presides over the quiet, seaside village of Paradise, Massachusetts. When the facts don't add up in a brutal Boston-area murder case, Jesse opens an investigation filled with surprises, unlikely suspects and grave danger. Though it's widely believed the murder was committed by an incarcerated serial killer, Jesse suspects another killer is at large and is hell-bent on bringing him to justice.

Konterr Brilliant and touching
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
r-angle I have mixed feelings about these Jesse Stone movies. First, Robert B. Parker knew how to structure a mystery. But I get tired of Jesse feeling sorry for himself and drinking too much. Such a worn-down, hackneyed cliche and such a lame use of that cliche. Other shows have done it better. And I doubt if lovely young women are drawn to Jesse. He's way older and he has that hang-dog expression. How is that appealing? Do they want to rescue him from being pathetic? How is that appealing? But I do love Jesse's humanity. In one episode (this one, perhaps), Jesse rescues a teenage girl from her boozing mother. Nicely done. Good for you, Jesse. That is appealing, to me, at least. Like any good detective, Jesse sticks to an investigation until he solves the mystery. That is satisfying. Always. Saves the series from obscurity. Overall, I give the Jesse Stone series a C+. Watchable but not essential.
djanb1215 I have enjoyed ALL of the Jesse Stone movies immensely(non rating lower than a 9 and a few I'd like to rate higher than a 10)-I believe, along with the movies Three Mile Road,Quigley Down Under&3 Men&A Baby, it's the BEST work he's ever done! I love that he makes Jesse Stone's flaws and issues relate-able to everyone! I enjoy his interactions with his therapist, played so truthfully by William Devane(who I have loved since his realistic portrayal of JFK in Missiles of October) and with his various "consciences" -from Boomer to Steve( having had two rescue dogs as my companion(the 1st passed 6yrs ago the 2nd I have been with for 5 years)I always say they rescued me much more than I rescued them!) Now to the question that I continue to wish someone would ask in one of the movies-What is the deal with constantly saying "Jesse" when he's the only one there? Was that an idiosyncrasy created by Robert Parker or is that a Tom Selleck touch? It's not natural when you're having a one on one conversation to keep saying the other person's name-unless you're "Emily" on the Bob Newhart Show-who gained "popularity" by constantly saying "Bob"! If anyone knows the answer please tell me. Thank you.
boon23 I truly missed Jesse Stone and was sad, when the rumors were up for no other movies. But now he is back and he is back in all the wonderful, slow, atmospheric glory I could have hoped for.I loved everything about Lost In Paradise, first of all Tom Selleck's wonderful acting,the great cinematography, the superb score, the well known and always great cast and of course Steve. The case after 2 years of "fighting crime" was an interesting one and interesting enough for Jesse to fight his loneliness and his search for meaning.If you haven't watched any Jesse Stone movies, give them chance, start at the beginning and enjoy all the way through. This is emotional crime drama at its best.
pensman I like the Jesse Stone movies probably because I was a fan of the novels: heavy on dialogue, sparse on description. Selleck as writer/collaborator maintained that balance. I don't like the dropping of characters from film to film but that may be because the films are so sporadic and actors need to eat. This entry is slow moving and focuses on Jesse being dissatisfied with the way the "last" victim of a serial killer was put to rest. Jesse battles his usual demons—drink, loneliness, emptiness—and doggedly pursues leads with the aid of a certain disreputable boxing promoter. There are a few toss away scenes with Luke Perry, William Devane, and Kohl Sudduth but that's about it. There is a minor subplot featuring Mackenzie Foy as a troubled teen. But the heart of the story is that the last victim, Mavis, was butchered while she was still alive and Jesse knows even though the serial killings have stopped, Luke Perry wasn't the murderer. In the end you won't be surprised to find out who the guilty party is, just follow the "scrubbed" file to the obvious end. Not the most satisfying film of the series. I did like Steve the dog.