The Prince
The Prince
R | 22 August 2014 (USA)
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A family man who turns out to be a retired mob enforcer must travel across the country to find his daughter who has gone missing.

Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
luciana_r_rosa Nothing could save this movie. It is lame from beginning to end. The acting is so bad that even Bruce Willis was unconvincing. The story makes no sense and the main character is laughable. Don't waste your time.
Josephine Andersson Where do i even start. The main character's acting was horrible. He couldn't open his mouth without doing awkward bad actor movements, whilst having zero emotion in his voice and with dead eyes. With the very famous side characters bruce and john, i just can't understand why they chose this nobody as the lead character. His character showed no reason for us to even feel sorry for him. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't get the bad boy vibe. His daughter was a crackhead that we didn't get any reason to like whatsoever. The male lead has his daughter's college friend as his sidekick. There was some strange romantic vibe going on between them. Which is just very creepy. Her acting was terrible. She's pointless and just there as a transformers Megan fox copy. Bruce willis is the villain who gets like 10 minutes of screen time in total and is the only person to feel sorry for. Bruce looked like he put zero effort into this movie. John cusack probably got even less screen time and is completely pointless to the story. Seiously why was he there. Same as with Bruce, he clearly put no effort in.Now let's get to the only good part of the entire movie. Rain. The only interesting character. A mysterious well dressed killer who does the dirty work for Bruce. He suited the role very well, which was a happy surprise for me since i have only seen him in comedy before (Full House and some TV appearances). His English is far from flawless, but i thought he did a good job with pronouncing and sounding fairly natural despite that. He also looked the most natural with the gun.To sum it up, it's basically a bad version of Taken. The script is horrible and i can't put my finger on how, but the editing just seemed very weird and awkward. Don't waste your time on this movie. Unless you're a Jihoon fan. The just fast forward and watch his scenes.
secondtake The Prince (2014)Ha! A joke. The main character is played by a Bruce Willis wannabe, Jason Patric, and he's decent, barely…but Willis isn't just decent, he's compelling. Still, this movie could have been decent. Barely. But the writing (and direction, overall) are horrid. I mean so unbelievable and amateurish you have to laugh.This is a tough guy movie—Patric plays a guy who is just a nice (handsome) old car mechanic with a cute daughter away in the big city, but he has a past as a super fighter, great with guns and wits. But the writer has him enter a bar and say absurd tough guy things, and then the people around the bar say absurd things back, either tough stuff, too, or just whiny mean stuff. It makes no sense.Of course, you do wish he could save his daughter. And guess what, he does! And kills a lot of people along the way, generally bullet proof in the process. Oh, and his daughter's teenage girlfriend has the hots for him. Etc.Wait, I'm not done! The movie shows Bruce Willis himself as a character! Yup, and he's pretty good, working with a lousy script. John Cusak shows up, too, and is almost pretty good, also with a lousy script. Don't be fooled. This is Patric's movie, and he is at a loss in the mess.
picturebigger Started out minorly promising but my intrigue waned pretty quickly. This felt like a second rate TV drama the way it was shot and I am only able to conclude that the script may have been bearable with better directing. I think this could have been passable if it wasn't for how it was shot. I cared about the characters about as much as I care for a herbal tea and it saddens me to see the fall of some actors I enjoyed watching in the late 80's being involved in such a second rate cobbled up film as this. It was clear that Bruce Willis did his best and was left high and dry with what happened out of his control. I expect he cringed a little if he watched this later or just laughed as he counted the dollars. I have not watched Sharknado because I imagine it's terrible but frankly I am guessing it's probably more entertaining!
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