The Bag Man
The Bag Man
R | 28 February 2014 (USA)
The Bag Man Trailers

A criminal waits in a seedy motel for his boss after killing several men to steal a bag.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
adonis98-743-186503 A criminal bides his time at a seedy motel, waiting for his boss after killing several men and making away with a mystery bag. The Bag Man is not one of John Cusack's and Robert De Niro's best acting achievements or projects in general but it's not one of their worst ones either. The acting was solid, the plot interesting and the rest of the cast did do a solid job. De Niro as a Crime Boss of course it works alot and Cusack does good as well, Rebecca De Costa also did a very good job. Honestly this movie wasn't as bad as some people made it sound like but for a Saturday afternoon with some pop corn and drinks it's a fine little film that will either please viewers or not it depends. (7.0/10)
skwidji Wow I've seen a lot of bad reviews on this film but for a rental I really enjoyed it. Fine neither Cusack or De Niro are exactly breaking any moulds and they role out a couple of fairly typical characters. But what are you expecting. It's a crime thriller and it does what it says on the tin. I suppose it's pretty formulaic stuff but I got what I was looking for. And thankfully for once it's not a straight forward role for the love interest in the piece, which makes it more entertaining. If you are looking for something to kill a couple of hours with a bit of suspense, a few twists and a satisfying finale then I'd say give it a go.The film doesn't hang around and gets straight in to the the plot without delay, which is always a relief. There's nothing worse than a film trying to be too clever to massage the ego of the director or big stars. It's pretty basic - deliver this bag and don't look in it. An easy job so nothing could go wrong. Right? Well perhaps not. What ensues is a nicely timed, dark, journey with our main protagonist trying to survive long enough to earn his pay.
Johnny_Hing I've been a huge De Niro fan since the 70's and have always enjoyed Cusak's work since The Grifters. But alas, they were not able to carry this film. Their characters were not at all likable. I didn't find myself rooting for either one of them, nor the girl. You don't see much of De Niro anyway, except at the beginning and again towards the end. The motel clerk was okay (thought it was Steve Zahn at first), but even he pooped out with his "don't touch my wheelchair!" scene.This is a dark movie - literally. Very dim lighting. Not easy on the eyes. You don't see any daylight until the final scene. I happen to sometimes like dark movies, and I also like "sleazy motel" movies, but there has to be some interesting stuff going on to make up for for what is missing visually. Witty dialogue would help, but there is none to be found. Plot? Blah. What is in the bag is way too predictable. Too much senseless violence. Okay, it has a surprise twist at the end, and I can bump it a half star for that. So... 2 stars total for me.PS: In reading through several dozen pages of the favorable reviews, it almost looks as if they were written by the same person employing many different aliases... same broken English, same adjectives, same rushed format. Surely I'm not the only one who has noticed this. Wow.
djderka She is hot and worth watching in this movie for every frame that she is in.Get the DVD so you can freeze frames.Just watch her, zone out with whatever and enjoy the movie.It is trying to be Seven, but falls short.Crispin Grover is a hoot as the really goofy guy Ned. Great job.Was De Niro dating her at the time or did he just make the movie to go on a 'date' with her.It is one of those movies where De Niro wants to know if he can trust Jack, in some future deals.He sure puts him through a very serve test to find out.