Dead in Tombstone
Dead in Tombstone
R | 25 October 2013 (USA)
Dead in Tombstone Trailers

An outlaw named Guerrero Hernandez is shot in the back and killed whilst attempting to free his half-brother from a small-town prison. Making a deal with the devil, Hernandez returns from the dead to take his revenge.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
dworldeater Dead In Tombstone is a great hybrid of horror, action and the western. Basically a fast paced, shoot em' up supernatural revenge western that is a cross between Angel Heart and High Plains Drifter. This is one of the better direct to video releases that came out more recently that I think deserved a wide theatrical release. Dead In Tombstone certainly is much better than the sequel to Machete, Machete Kills which came out at around the same time as this. Danny Trejo is great in this and so is Mickey Rourke as Satan. Also Anthony Michael Hall(the nerd in every John Hughes 80's teen movie) is actually very good as a villain in this. Which should surprise anyone who remembers him from 80'S classics like The Breakfast Club and Weird Science. While it is true Danny Trejo will act in anything and appears in tons of stuff, much of which is crap that even Danny Trejo's presence can not save. Dead In Tombstone is much better than some of these IMDb users suggest. I found this film to be a blast and is very original and bad ass horror western with a great cast and great action. This is a lot better than whole lot of stuff in my opinion.
Stachehunter-857-73111 Danny Trejo is an acquired taste. Since being given cult status by the likes of Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez, fearless Danny has now earned headliner status in movies built around him. Good for Danny, he's paid his dues. That being said, even the iconic presence of Mr. Trejo can't save this direct-to-DVD supernatural western. Trejo has maybe five states of being and facial expression in his acting repertoire. but only two are utilized by the director of this spooky oater. Danny looks grim. Danny looks grimmer. That's all folks. Still he tries, but he's just not cut out for leading man status.A paper thin plot drags its story out for around 100 minutes here, filling the spaces between the actual story with repetitive gunfights, slow motion death, general mayhem, and an occasional visit to Hell, where the real-life horror show called Mickey Rourke pretends to be Satan (the character is referred to as "The Blacksmith" in the credits). Danny has been betrayed by his homies, the Blackwater Gang. His half brother Red (played by a nearly unrecognizable Anthony Michael Hall) murders him and Danny ends up in Hell. Tortured by Mickey Rourke (in a sleepwalking tour-de-force of acting as Satan), Danny strikes a bargain to win his soul back. Mickey wakes up long enough to accept this bargain using the worst dubbed-in voice for Rourke imaginable. Danny returns to life, and sets out to kill his homies in revenge. End of plot.This could have been really interesting in the hands of a better director. Unfortunately, no one told the actual director Roel Reiné that he wasn't making a music video. This entire movie is shot in 2-6 second scenes, underlit and too dark to penetrate, too many flashy jumpcuts, etc. If you don't come out of a viewing of this without acquiring epilepsy, lucky you. The end resolution is poorly thought out. Still, the Romanian locations and costumes are worth a look here and earn the first two stars I give. Danny T. gets the other two for really giving his all...I think. Maybe Mickey Monster Rourke slipped Danny one or two of the sleeping pills he must have been gulping down during filming. An interesting/headache inducing flick for those with short attention spans.
Titus O'Neill To all the fans of this genre or the actors involved in the making of this film; I have this to say, "This one will hurt, and not in a funny way, don't do it to yourselves."Do yourself a favor and miss this film. It tarnishes the good memories we have of these actors with its lackluster existence. This films Tombstone should read;"Killed by the epic mediocrity of Director Roel Reiné."If you truly love watching Danny Trejo, no matter how bad the film he is in, or seeing Mickey Rourke deliver lines as if he was trying to understand a sign language interpreter; even if Anthony Michael Hall can do no wrong in your heart, this is not something you want to see. It seriously damaged my respect for just about everyone involved in making it come to life. I am a film editor, cinematographer and even worked as a Zombie stuntman. So, film, and especially cheesy low budget film is an area of expertise for me. I even have the honor of teaching a film class, "Aesthetics of Editing". So if you got this far, at least you know now I am not just some film bashing wingnut; some jerk with no idea how film is made, why it is good, bad or meh.
danew13 This wasn't just a run of the mill was Faustian nightmare of the supernatural. The story wasn't anything special except the idea of justice through the devil's retribution gave it an old Twighlight Zone feel. While it didn't have the humor of Machete, Danny Trejo played it strictly for action in his quest for vengeance. Yes, you can knock the film for a rather thin story. But, its rather different play on an old theme went down well and kept the viewer interested. The acting was all you could expect for such a plot. Anthony Michael Hall was great as a bad guy who I could hardly recognize. In the end is accomplished the basic goal of any film, it was entertaining.