PG-13 | 19 July 2013 (USA)
R.I.P.D. Trailers

A recently slain cop joins a team of undead police officers working for the Rest in Peace Department and tries to find the man who murdered him.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
blanche-2 Ryan Reynolds, Jeff Bridges, and Kevin Bacon star in "RIPD" from 2013.The story concerns a Boston cop, Nick (Reynolds) who, along with his partner Hayes (Bacon)discover a cache of gold while busting drug- dealers. Nick buries his, and then decides against stealing. He informs Hayes that he is going to turn in the gold as evidence from the bust, but he won't mention that Hayes committed theft as well.Well we all know what's going to happen and sure enough, as soon as it can look like a shooting while bringing down a vicious gang, Hayes lets Nick have it. Nick leaves behind his wife, Julia (Stephanie Szostak). Nick is sucked up into a vortex and finds himself in front of a Proctor (Mary Louise Parker) - he's still in uniform. She informs him that he's a member now of R.I.P.D. (Rest in Peace Department), Boston division. His assignment is to pair up with Roy (Jeff Bridges) - obviously once a cop in the old, wild west - and go hunting for undeads, evil people who actually died but haven't yet descended and are sticking around. They wear disguises so they don't look dead.Nick, of course, would also like to bring down Hayes and check on his wife. He and Roy have avatars also so that people can see them, but not as themselves. Roy is a gorgeous blonde (Marisa Miller, in real life a Victoria's Secret model) and Nick is an old Asian American (James Hong).Silly movie, predictable, but a decent rental. There were a couple of good scenes - one was Nick going into the vortex, another was the dead cops chasing of one of the undeads, who is wreaking havoc on the city. On the slapsticky side, but okay.
alien_invasor_05 Well, i skipped this movie for a looooong time, mostly due to his IMDb score. It wont win an Oscar? Sure, few movies do. It has a cliché plot? Sure, but which modern action movie hasn't? If you know Ryan Reynolds, you know he is a funny guy, despite the movie he is in. If you know Jeff Bridges, you know the guy can act, either comedy to drama and all in between. Kevin bacon is always solid.What happens when you mix them all with a decent plot, some good action scenes and good visual effects?, This movie. Sometimes all you need is to sit down, get a couple of beers, some popcorn, either alone or with good company and have some laughs. Don't trust the rating of this movie, just watch it. Its worth it.
Jack Venturo Jack "The Film Lover" says... meh! I love the cast but meh, it was funny at some parts and some parts where amusing but overall, it didn't do it for me. I didn't really feel anything for the characters they were all kind of rushing to get to the special effects and big ending just so they can all wrap it up and go home.I love watching movies so it's no problem for me but damnit this was tough, after seeing it I felt robbed like there could have been other better things to see! Jack "The Filmmaker" says… oh CGI how I wished you could die down a bit, I miss real effects, I mean Special Effects, actual live on stage gags! Everything and everyone is so animated now a days! They just don't make them like they use to… well that's good and bad.Ryan Reynolds was great as always, but I would have liked someone more flexible in that role, someone who can morph into the victim and into the hero, someone like say Will Smith! Imagine Will Smith in a role where he doesn't know what is going on and he gets thrown into a world that turns his perception of reality upside down and then he must become the hero to save the planet! Oh wait that was called "Men in Black"!A lot of people are comparing the two movies "Men in Black" and "R.I.P.D" because they have a lot of similarities. It is your first reaction to a movie you don't like. You start comparing it and adding it up to something else. It's the same thing you do when you get into a new relationship with someone, do they live up to the expectations the last person left behind? In this case? NO! this was no "Men in Black", this was no "Ghostbusters" hell it wasn't even a "Weekend at Bernie's" this was just all over the place, it was a weird roller coaster on a rainy day, on a broken track run by a carny with really small hands. It seemed like it was trying too hard to fit in and sit with us at the cool movies table so we just made fun of it and made it go away.It did have some funny lines and silly new ideas and rules throughout the plot of the movie that was well thought out but in the end too much build up for a sight gag. Jack "The Parent" says… We saw this movie mainly because our 5 year old wanted to see it, she loved it, she didn't quite understand a lot of the elements in it (after life, deados) but she had a blast, this is not recommended for all 5 year olds, they can skip it, well you can skip it too!
aesgaard41 Back when I first saw "Men in Black," I wondered what it would be like if Jay and Kay had to go up against ghosts, zombies, vampires and other paranormal entities. This is not that movie except superficially. Ryan Reynolds plays a police officer who is struck down in the line of combat, but in some sort of almost "Beetlejuice" arrangement, he has to police the world's ghosts before he can cross over. Jeff Bridges is his partner, a former Wild West sheriff, and they can only appear on Earth "Quantum Leap" style as their human hosts, an elderly Chinese man and a stunningly attractive statuesque blonde. If you've watched this far, you've realized it's already more convoluted than "Quantum Leap" and less entertaining or creative than "Beetlejuice." Now, I know "R.I.P.D." is based on a more successful comic book, but maybe more effort should have been put on the script than the special effects. It has a few funny moments, several gross scenes and tries to be exciting, but the only good part is the repartee between Bridges and Reynolds. Kevin Bacon is annoyingly tedious, there are numerous moments that just don't make sense much less feel as if they belong in the movie and some moments seem almost incoherently tagged on (a house that looks normal but is actually condemned??) Even Reynolds own pining for his wife feels stolen from "Spawn." Bottom line, this movie could have been streamlined to a much more tightly and coherent flick. "MIB" had much better acting, writing, visual gags and a stronger concept based on the extraterrestrial phenomenon. For "R.I.P.D." to have worked on a "Beetlejuice" level, it would have been better to have some concepts viewers would have recognized without knowing the comic books.