Jimmy and Judy
Jimmy and Judy
R | 05 February 2006 (USA)
Jimmy and Judy Trailers

Two misunderstood suburban kids challenge society and run from the police while documenting all of their deeds with a digital camera.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
fridaynightmovie This movie caught my attention a while ago but because of reviews I was very skeptical about watching it. The movie is a dark look at how far teens will go for their crazy definitions of love. Yes, the acting has its weak points (not so much the two leads but those surrounding them) and yes, it may go a bit over the top, but for those of us that have fallen in love as teens it may ring some bells. It chronicles a relationship from its addictive start to its overdosed finish. Many kids think they have found the one and that no one will ever understand them or love them like this person does. Its a feeling that will make you do nearly anything. While this movie may take that to a level no one ever dreamed about when they met their first boyfriend or girlfriend it does make you realize that teens are volatile, powerful, and capable of things their parents don't want to even think about. This movie takes the viewer to a dark place but take the "excessive and unnecessary" nudity as the reality of teens sex-ting and take into consideration the gore we subject ourselves to when watching Saw, you might find the meaning makes these things less of a draw back and more of a necessary evil when talking about the reality of troubled teens. Its not the end all beat all but its worth a watch.
kshitij (axile007) Jimmy & Judy left me disappointed because I did not find anything original in the movie. While watching the movie many other better flicks similar to this one, came into my mind like Natural Born Killers, Badlands, Kalifornia etc.And I kept on hoping that there may be some twist in the plot but nothing happened. Another problem with this one is that the characters never got the time to develop.The acting was ordinary. Both Jimmy and Judy looked normal teens acting weirdly !I don't know why? Nothing was said or shown. So all in all you may miss this one and better watch any of the above mentioned movies.
mccaveryrichard The trailer makes it look good, like a typical bonnie & Clyde movie.However it wants to be to much like true romance or natural born killers In the way that the two characters care for nothing but each other and would rather die than be apart.some of the camera work is a bit amateurish too. no matter how much negativity surrounds the movie. if u see the trailer you'll watch it anyway, well I would.But if u know your movies, you'll be disappointed.p.s Im only writing move because u have to write 10 lines to post, which is stupid. Also I think its typical of a cult leader to demand sex from the females in the group. I cannot believe people join these cults and believe the garbage thats drilled into them.
jzappa This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where I'd only first heard of it the very day I saw it. Seeing this dark, grungy low-budget independent movie late at night at a large-scale mainstream theater just seemed to drop in my lap. It was quite an experience. Only halfway through the film did I realize that this shot in my town. There's a scene where we see the profile of Rachael Bella in medium closeup as she drives. In the background, I saw what I had a strange feeling was familiar. Then, after she passes a few dead giveaways, I'm taken by surprise in finding that this film was shot in my city. Well, it was shot in the grimiest and seediest parts of my city, but it's my city. I then realized that that must be the reason why it's being shown at this mainstream theater rather than being confined to the Esquire or the Mariemont theaters.Jimmy and Judy is one of those relentless gritty and voyeuristic couple-on-the-run movies. It's reminiscent of Francois Ozón's Criminal Lovers, and even Baise Moi, which was scuzzy to the point of being pornographic. Jimmy and Judy is one of those movies that, in the end, is almost completely desensitizing and fixates your mind on a disturbing and morbid atmosphere that you'd rather it not be fixated on, and you end up being under its spell for the next day or two.That is not to say that Jimmy and Judy is not a well-made movie. It is. Otherwise, how could it put you under such a spell? Its effect is the surefire sign that it's done its job. It's about everything intriguing to that is to most people the underside of your mind. It's all about the effect of alienation, vindication most people only think of under the influence of serious bouts of anger, and other things that, in a movie, are not for everyone. Yes, there are many movies that tackle subject matter like this, but not to such a raw and overwhelming extent. William Sadler's character alone is one of the scariest and most realistic people I think I've ever seen in a movie.Jimmy and Judy is not quite at the status where it can be called a great movie, but it has a very clear message and a very precise and innovative way of conveying it. It-does-not-pull- any-punches.