Never Die Alone
Never Die Alone
R | 26 March 2004 (USA)
Never Die Alone Trailers

A drug kingpin's return home touches off a turf war.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Leofwine_draca Considering DMX's previous movie fare – which typically paired him with martial arts stars – I was expecting this to be an action flick. Well, in some ways it is – there are a ton of bloody shoot-outs and it partly follows the classic revenge drama formula – but in other ways, NEVER DIE ALONE surprises, exploring DMX's character in some detail and taking a downbeat look at the life of a drug dealer. DMX takes a role a little heavier than he's used to, and he's very good in the part, a really hateful character that you can nevertheless understand. The supporting cast is also pretty good, excepting David Arquette, who's hopeless as usual.Sadly, NEVER DIE ALONE's subject matter is ultimately depressing, whilst the revenge drama is just too clichéd to be any good. The only good scene in the whole movie is the bit where a thug finds himself distracted by dollar notes which come floating down the alleyway towards him – an original and fun moment in a film otherwise devoid of laughter.
Roland E. Zwick Since truth is indeed sometimes stranger than fiction, often the movie with the most unlikely scenario is the one that turns out to be the most believable. This is the case with "Never Die Alone," an urban crime drama with a plot just loopy enough to keep us interested and just goofy enough to make us believe it.David Arquette plays a white reporter who hangs around in a predominantly black section of the city soaking up the "atmosphere" for articles and books he hopes to write. One night, he attempts to save the life of a black drug kingpin (played by DMX) by driving the man to the hospital after he's been left for dead in a revenge killing. Immediately before his death, the man, who goes by the name "King David," bequeaths his car and other earthly possessions to this inner city Good Samaritan. Included in the haul is an assortment of tapes David recorded detailing his experiences as a successful drug pusher in LA. Thus, as Paul listens to these recordings, a full picture of the kind of man David was soon emerges.The best thing about "Never Die Alone" is that it doesn't flinch from displaying the ugly, harsh realities of its blood-splattered world. It shows how even the innocent and the good eventually fall victim to the evils of drug addiction and crime. The film is not afraid to kill off characters in a random way, often surprising us with just who ends up dying and who ends up surviving. And it does not attempt to sugarcoat "King David," for despite all his comments about redemption and making up for the evil he's done, David is one hell of an amoral bastard who does some pretty horrible things to some truly undeserving people - and the film does not shy away from depicting that reality.Although, on the surface, the film seems like just another in a long line of sordid crime dramas involving crack heads, dope fiends and armed-to-the-teeth ghetto gangstas, "Never Die Alone," perhaps because it is willing to hold nothing back in what it chooses to show us, has a certain ring of truth about it. Whatever the reason, "Never Die Alone" is a cut above the average.
moviefreakazoid When reading about the plot of this movie upon its release, the concept although extremely familiar sounded promising, even though DMX was involved. Although DMX's music has been very well received, there is a good chance that his movie career will not be of a similar level of praise. DMX plays King David a man who returns after 10 years, only to die. David Arquette is the man who pieces together the fragments of King David's life. Within the few minutes you can tell this is different from your usual Hip-hop kind of movies with fast editing and lots of serious bling within the few minutes. Continuing with the manner of the opening half hour, the movie could have been much better than it was. It is obvious that the movie is a vehicle to glorify DMX. This is part of the problem, the other problem is that the movie is a mess. When going into recap although interesting at times, the movie doesn't develop, instead we have DMX in his usual role. There is no depth to the character of King David, we have no real remorse shown, no character, no emotion. There are elements in the story that could be involved much more but instead the camera cuts to shots of drug usage, some sex and some violence. The thoughts of DMX come out as if they're heavily lifted from somewhere, and the thoughts are not really backed up. David Arquette although used very little, does not offer anything to the movie. Although a very likable actor, he has not really given a stellar performance in a movie yet.Never Die Alone is much better than a lot of the rubbish that fills the screens nowadays but it lacks so much. There is potential but it is never explored. My rating-4/10
djlatino69 This movie surprised me in many ways starting from King David ( played by DMX) King is not the type of character people will fall for like Scarface who was an Anti-hero with remorse. Unlike belly, king David is more ruthless and has no pity for the ones he kills. DMX handles the character very well. Not only is he a hell of a good rapper, but he can bring out a performance in a movie that will impress some viewers. David arquette might seem overshadowed by the other actors,but he also plays an important part of this movie. Micheal ealy and Antwon Tanner who plays mike and blue are very likable, in fact they pretty much remind me of Tony Montana and Manolo in Scarface. Clifton powell who plays moon is one that you either love or hate. I just happened to find him a pimp like character who keeps his word, but cannot be trusted. The rest of the cast did an amazing job and the story is well done, but can be twisted at times that people will have to watch it two or three times to get it right. Overall, I think this is one of the best films I've seen and for those who like gangster movies, you won't be disappointed.