R | 31 August 1984 (USA)
C.H.U.D. Trailers

A rash of bizarre murders in New York City seems to point to a group of grotesquely deformed vagrants living in the sewers. A courageous policeman, a photojournalist and his girlfriend, and a nutty bum, who seems to know a lot about the creatures, band together to try and determine what the creatures are and how to stop them.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Rainey Dawn C.H.U.D. = Cannibalistic Human Underground Dweller. Nuclear Waste Sewer Monsters (N.W.S.M) Is what the the film is really about - and some political garbage. The film starts out a real bore-fest. We have an uptight photographer and his girlfriend model with drama between them over a photo shoot for a perfume ad. This photographer did a story on the homeless in the area and apparently gave them his phone number during the photo shoot & story on them - so yea they call him (and he seems a bit irritated about it). We also have a policeman who is now a police captain with lots of boring police stuff happening. There is a man that works in a soup kitchen who considers the homeless his family and they start to come up missing. Yea the getting to know the characters for about the first 25 minutes of the film is really boring. About the 25 minute mark it starts to pick up a little bit with boring scenes in-between. The last 30 minutes of the film gets pretty good - not too bad - this is when we see the C.H.U.D.s and the story picks up. The best most likable character by far is A.J. 'The Reverend' Shepherd (Daniel Stern). Two other somewhat likable characters are Captain Bosch (Curry) and Lauren Daniels (Greist). The rest of the characters I didn't care about (I'm not talking about the actors themselves - I mean the roles they play). I loved the cameo by John Goodman who plays a small part as a cop in diner - that was good. 5/10
BA_Harrison I first heard about '80s creature feature C.H.U.D. in the pages of Fangoria, where I was particularly impressed by a selection of gruesome stills featuring mangled corpses, victims of the film's Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers, homeless people who have mutated into hideous monsters after exposure to toxic waste dumped in the sewers. Unfortunately, when I finally caught up with the film on UK home video, I was extremely disappointed: not only was most of the juicy gore absent—which, at the time, I put down to the scissor-happy attitude of the British censors—but the film's pacing was weak and the narrative disjointed.I later learnt that the version I saw on video was actually a heavily butchered TV edit which screwed around with the order of the scenes. The Director's Cut, now available on DVD, not only includes the missing gore, but also puts events back in their correct order; however, even though things are now as they were originally intended by director Douglas Cheek, C.H.U.D. still feels like it could do with more work, the film devoting far too much screen-time to dull chit-chat when it should be delivering monster mayhem. When the creatures do appear, the film is a lot of fun, the creepy critters boasting rubbery claws, snaggle teeth and glowing eyes; there just isn't enough of the good stuff to offset all of the scenes where very little of interest occurs.4.5/10, rounded up to 5 for the decapitated heads, one of which belongs to a C.H.U.D. that meets the business end of a samurai sword.
Chris Smith (RockPortReview) Cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers or C.H.U.D's are the hideously deformed mutants living in the sewers of New York City. Although back in the eighties it wasn't that much better on the surface. Like many of the 80s horror movies I've reviewed this one has also become a cult classic. From its B-movie style monsters to its dirty and sleazy depiction of the big rotten apple.George Cooper is a fashion photographer who lives with his girlfriend/model Lauren in a small apartment in the city. She gets pregnant and they have the should we or shouldn't we talk about weather to keep the baby. They give a very strong pro choice message and she chooses to keep the baby and that's all were ever hear about it. Professionally George is in kind of a rut and is looking to break out of it. He got his start in photography by documenting homeless people in the sewers. So he decides to revisit his roots and meets A.J. , played by Daniel Stern, a young and energetic soup kitchen owner. People have been disappearing and they set out to find answers. This movie made me think a lot about the Clive Barker story then movie "Midnight Meat Train" which has a similar plot involving a NYC photographer discovering horrifying people within the endless sewer tunnels. Although Barker's story is pretty hardcore and violent, while "C.H.U.D" has more of a comical side to it.George and A.J. find out that the nefarious city employees have been storing nuclear waste in these tunnels until they can move it somewhere else. Its too late as it has started to change the sewer people into the C.H.U.D.'s who hunger for human flesh. When the C.H.U.D's start appearing on the surface the city they must be dealt with. The C.H.U.D's themselves look like guys in big slimy latex suits with glowing yellows eyes and are kept mostly in the shadows for obvious reasons.With the NYPD now on the job we go inside a cafe and meet a couple of New York's finest eating breakfast with one of them being played by the yet to be famous John Goodman. The city plans to gas the sewer to kill off the C.H.U.D's but our heroes are still down there. Will they survive both the C.H.U.D's and the NYPD? This is a fun and schlocky movie from the 80s horror vault that is available for your viewing pleasure on Netflix watch instantly.
dullfinboy This review contains spoilers. C.H.U.D is a classic monster movie. It is my all time second favorite monster movie. All deaths are off screen but the remains of the victims are shown. Spoilers. The only on screen deaths are one of the C.H.U.D.s by decapitation. Another is of Victor who is shot in the neck. Then Wilson by getting shot in the chest. They are not that gory but the remains are usually gory and gross. The C.H.U.D.s themselves are very cool looking and can be very menacing. The plot is good and I found it interesting. A very suspenseful movie. Two villains. The C.H.U.D.s by attacking people for food and Wilson trying to cover the problems that are going on under the city at any cost. This is a good movie.