C.H.U.D. II: Bud the Chud
C.H.U.D. II: Bud the Chud
R | 05 May 1989 (USA)
C.H.U.D. II: Bud the Chud Trailers

A military experiment to create a race of super-warriors goes awry, as legions of murderous zombies are unleashed upon a suburban neighborhood.

Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Leofwine_draca I should say from the start that I'm a massive fan of the first C.H.U.D. movie, in fact it's one of my favourites of the decade. A shame, then, that BUD THE CHUD is a sequel in name only, and absolutely nothing to do with the first movie. The antagonist is a zombie who escapes some military experiments to wreak the usual havoc in a small town. Gerrit Graham is a good choice for the role, but his character feels like a copy of the similarly-named Bub from Romero's DAY OF THE DEAD, while the film itself is much like RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD PART 2, but even cheesier. The hero is a mulleted Steve Guttenberg impersonator while Robert Vaughn shows up as an army type and has the grace to look mildly embarrassed by the whole thing. With lame jokes and a dearth of interesting plot development, this is very much a below-par film.
Tango and Cash Pure, unadulterated 80s trash - somehow featuring Robert Vaughan, who must have had urgent bills to pay at the time. Regular folks need not apply, only 80s trash fanatics.As others have observed, there's no connection whatsoever with the OG CHUD. It's just a zombie spoof. Low budget B movie. Absurd plot, of course. Hilarious theme song. Bud the Chud. So funny. Hearing Vaughan say "bud the chud" as dialogue is even funnier. It's not the worst 80s movie out there by a country mile, but it's not the best by the same margin. Enjoy!
mmmK-Ultra OK do I get to really rip on this thing without having watched all of it? I'm going to anyways. How much of spoiled milk do you need to drink before you know not to drink the rest? I couldn't make it through 10 minutes of this. It was just horrible. Especially because I liked the original C.H.U.D., quite a bit. I thought the story and effects of the first CHUD to be very nice, and even the acting was pretty decent, despite what other reviewers have said. So imagine my dismay when I started this thing up and the monster has no effects, no gore, no nothing that makes a horror movie a horror movie, nothing even the slightest bit startling. Just a little bit of white powder, some dark powder around the eyes. That's not a CHUD! It's just not. If they wanted to call it some other totally unrelated movie, I would not give it the lowest possible rating. But they didn't, they took a movie i really liked and absolutely trashed it with complete disregard for the tastes of the original's viewers. So they just wanted target audience they knew they otherwise had no chance of getting it. It's just a sucker punch, knowing that some people would get roped into this horrible movie simply because they loved the original so much. C.H.U.D. 1 is still a very popular movie and it really holds up well. Bud the Chud, however, never should have happened. Frankly i think the original holders of the creative content should find a way to sue the current owner until they relinquish all claim to it. Current holder of the creative content amounts to an unfit parent.I can not understand how the votes or comments are less than horribly negative here. All i can imagine is that I hear of a teacher involved in this production, and I think they have their students in here saying nice comments and voting it up. They will probably vote this review down but it doesn't make it any less true! If you liked the first C.H.U.D., DO NOT WATCH THIS. It actually made me kinda angry. They could have made some really great CHUD sequels but instead we got this *bleep*. Maybe its because someone involved in this travesty is a teacher, they were able to abuse that position to attain the rights from the first C.H.U.D, like it was a student project or something? I just don't understand how a movie this bad happens without everyone involved knowing that they're basically scamming people out of their money.
Woodyanders Teenagers steal a corpse named Bud (an excellent and engaging performance by Gerrit Graham) that turns out to be a cannibalistic mutant that passes on its flesh-eating tendencies to anyone it bites. Pretty soon a previously quiet suburban neighborhood is overrun with the hungry fiends. Director David Irving relates the agreeably goofy premise at a snappy enough pace and maintains a perfectly harmless good-natured tone from start to finish, but the dumb gags miss more than hit, a dispiriting tepid quality hangs heavy throughout, and the movie frankly isn't that funny. Fortunately, the enthusiastic acting by the game cast keeps it watchable: Brian Robbins makes for a likable lead as smartaleck troublemaker Steve Williams, Bill Calvert contributes an affable turn as resourceful nerd Kevin, the fetching Tricia Leigh Fisher adds some charm and spark as the sweet Katie (and looks mighty foxy in a revealing bathing suit), Larry Cedar does well as geeky government agent Graves, and Robert Vaughn serves up a thick'n'hearty slice of tasty lip-smacking ham as gung-ho fanatic Colonel Masters. Moreover, there's a slew of fairly amusing cameos by such familiar faces as Norman Fell, Rich Hall (as an annoying chatterbox), Bianca Jagger, June Lockhart, Priscilla Pointer, Larry Linville (as a drunken coroner), and even Robert Englund in a fleeting uncredited walk-on. Ed Naha's inane script offers a few inspired touches, with an attack on a mailman by a ferocious zombie poodle providing a definite hysterical highlight. Both Arnie Sirlin's competent cinematography and Nicholas Pike's percolating score are up to par. Several cool Wall of Voodoo songs on the soundtrack rate as another nice plus. However, this picture sorely lacks the necessary sharp wit and raucous energy to really work the way that it should. A passable time-killer at best.
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