House of the Long Shadows
House of the Long Shadows
PG | 31 March 1984 (USA)
House of the Long Shadows Trailers

An American writer goes to a remote Welsh manor on a $20,000 bet that he can write a classic novel like 'Wuthering Heights' in 24 hours. However, upon his arrival he discovers that the apparently empty manor has several rather odd inhabitants.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
PodBill Just what I expected
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Michael_Elliott House of the Long Shadows (1983) *** (out of 4) American writer Kenneth Magee (Desi Arnaz, Jr.) makes a bet with his publisher that he can write a masterpiece in just twenty-four hours. To help with the atmosphere, the writer agrees to write his novel inside an abandoned castle but before long a strange mix of characters show up.You really have to give Cannon credit for bringing together the four living horror legends. You've got Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, Vincent Price and John Carradine in this film and that is enough reason to watch the film. With that said, what made them want to remake George M. Cohan's Seven Keys to Baldpate is anyone's guess. I mean, by 1983 the horror genre was in love with the slasher so the company trying to sneak an "old dark house" picture out there is a bit of a mystery. Needless to say, the film didn't strike any heat at the box office.With all of that being said, when viewing this film today it's impossible for a horror fan not to smile because of the four legends gathered up in one picture. The four of them had appeared in countless films together but never all four. Of course, you've got the added bonus of this being the final film between Lee and Cushing. You've also got to appreciate the fact that the four of them share a lot of screen time together. A lot of times you will have one playing a minor role and they won't share any scenes with the other legends but that's not the case here. All four are constantly together and this just adds to the entertainment.The story itself is a familiar one and the story itself was filmed countless times in the silent era and through the 30s and 40s. If you're familiar with the previous versions then you'll know that not too much has been changed here. This film really does keep it "old school" because there's no gore, no extreme violence, nudity or anything else that you might expect from a film made in 1983. The film is certainly too laid back and calm for most horror fans but those who don't mind that type of thing should enjoy this.HOUSE OF THE LONG SHADOWS isn't a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination but the cast makes it a must see.
callanvass An arrogant, American writer bets 20,000 dollars that he can write a classic novel like "Wuthering Heights" at a remote Welsh manor in 24 hours. He is apprised the place has been abandoned for years, but he discovers there are plenty of peculiar people staying there, including a woman named Mary Norton that he becomes very attracted too, but not necessarily trust. The people start popping up dead one by one. Think the movie "Clue" if you decide to watch this movie, only with virtually no suspense. The manor is a perfect place for this movie. It adds creepy atmosphere in spades, but they fail to deliver on it in a big way. For the first hour or so, it's nothing but "Talk, talk, talk, talk" Nothing much happens at all. We get plenty of meandering around the house, people show up here and there. But there is no excitement to be found. It does eventually start to get a little more interesting, but it was too little, too late for me. The choked on a great opportunity with an all star cast, despite most of them being in their twilight years. Desi Arnaz Jr. is completely miscast. His smug character irritated me to no end. This guy doesn't react to ANYTHING. People are getting killed all around you, REACT! He's an emotionless robot for the most part. He can't act worth a lick, and I have no idea why they casted him in this part. He was far too arrogant and talentless. He is the main reason, aside from the dullness that I didn't like this movie. Peter Cushing looks somewhat gaunt, but delivers a fun performance. it was nice to see him play a paranoid character, unlike the subtly strong willed characters I usually see him play. Vincent Price does one of his patented Shakespearean performances, and I loved it as usual. How can you not love Vincent Price? He's epic. Christopher Lee is dependable as always with another menacing character. John Carradin doesn't have much to do, but he does it well. Julie Peasgood has a sexy British accent. She was easy on the eyes, if nothing else. The finale throws in many twists and turns, but it got so convoluted, not to mention I was past the point of caring. It got way too clever for my liking. Final Thoughts: Leave this one in obscurity where it belongs. You can do a lot worse, but you can do much better as well. Resist the temptation from the amazing cast4.6/10
iamgeeker QUESTION:What do you get when Vincent Price, Peter Cushing, Christpher Lee, John Carradine and Dezi Arnas Jr. come together under one roof??ANSWER: A wickedly awesome horror'esque movie! House of Long Shadows is one of my favourite movies. It is impossible to discuss about this film without acknowledging the most amazing cast ever.So many greats in the horror industry, it's a horror fans wet-dream to see them all together. This movie is full of intense stares, drawn out moments of suspense and a great story line to work from! We have Vincent Price, a true master at his craft.If anyone out there doesn't think they know who Price is, you do. Throw on the Thriller track or watch Alice Cooper: The Nightmare. Price has a mass of horror movies behind him such as The Raven, Tales of Terror, The Fly. It's an endless list. For a younger generation he is the creator of Edward, not the Twinkle-Bitch from Twilight, the masterful Edward Scissorhands.Synonymous with Sherlock Holmes, Peter Cushing is a man who has a filmography that is for everyone. Flicks like The Satanic Rites of Dracula and The Creeping Flesh put this actor into the horror movie spotlight. Cushing can be one scary Mother F'er when he wants to be.Christopher Lee's work spans decades and he is still receiving excellent rolls and has a great continuing career. Best known for playing Dracula, in the Hammer classics, Lee has starred in The Face of Fu Manchu, Curse of The Crimson Altar and Dracula a.d. 1972 a true renaissance man. Honorable mention to the trilogy LOTR. This guy has eyes that can freeze the warmest of hearts! John Corradine did the voice for the Great Owl in the epic Secret of Nihm. He carried his roles like a pro, Corradine was someone often over looked, yet made a statement with his work. Any guy who worked on the project Vampire Hookers is good in my books.John Corradine did the voice for the Great Owl in the epic Secret of Nihm. He carried his roles like a pro, Corradine was someone often over looked, yet made a statement with his work. Any guy who worked on the project Vampire Hookers is good in my books.Then we come to Dezi Arnas Jr. What can I say? He was on The Lucy Show and Matlock. He is not well known in the horror genre, but does have his place in the entertainment industry. Still, kind of scary. No? House of Long Shadows begins with Dezi's character Kenneth Magee making a bet with a friend for a mass amount of money, $20 000 to write a masterpiece of a novel within 24 hours. Kenneth sets off to a Welsh manor to write.Upon his arrival Kenneth learns that the Manson is not empty but a strange and eerie family reunion is to take place.As more of the Grisbane Family arrive, their skeletons bust out of the closet. We learn of Roderick, a brother to the family who's been locked up for forty years because of his gruesome acts as a child. Kenneth tries to write his novel but is distracted by a fellow American sent to deter him from finishing his task.This movie has everything that newer releases are lacking. Don't doubt that it's because of the amazing cast. House of Long Shadows has, but the Directing by Peter Walker (Die Screaming, Marianne & Schizo) really pulled things off. The feeling was dark and gritty, the use of the long narrow hallways and portraits on the walls were great backdrop.The special effects, awesome. There is a death scene in it that is so well done and still gives me chills thinking about it. That said, there wasn't a need for over kill on the gore because of the strong storyline and freakishly excellent acting.This movie has a dollop of Scream 3, a dash of April Fool's Day and finally topped off with the atmosphere of the old Hammer films as the cherry. House Of Long Shadows is an homage to the actors and what they, as a whole, stand for in the horror genre.Geeker.
lindee This film to me was like a tribute to Hammer,it's a pity you can't get hold of it on DVD if you get a chance to watch it and,if you were a Hammer horror fan enjoy,cause I believe if Boris Carlos was still alive when this film was made he would have appeared in it too. When Desi Anaz,decided,to up sticks and go to this house to get some inspiration for writing,his novel he thought it would be a relaxing vacation,I won't spoil the film too much but there is a great twist at the end,which make you feel like applauding the actors who were in the 60's and 70's king of horror. So if one of the film networks ever show it try not to miss it.