| 23 January 2007 (USA)
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It sounds like a budding writer's dream: a bestselling first novel, a luxurious house in Malibu, and a trophy wife... But it all unravels when writer's block and a failed marriage send Richard McMurray out into the streets.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
mattkratz Don't expect a classic, just a good comedy/drama with a good ensemble cast. This movie about a writer who gets thrown out by his wife gets taken in by two female students after lecturing their class and winds up getting the inspiration for his new novel (after a severe case of writer's block) by snooping around in their email accounts and apartment. The fantasy scenes were hilarious, and I loved the opening parts where he learns he's been kicked out and the next scene with the class. The writer and two ladies work well together, and it's a movie about getting inspiration off each other, as he inspires them to write, too. Not a bad movie if you have time to kill. I liked it and you might too.*** out of ****
MBunge Crashing has to be one of the best movies ever made about writing. Not about being a writer, but about the act and even compulsion of writing itself. It wraps you up in the creative process and drenches you in the inspiration and perspiration of success. Anchored by the slyly ingratiating performance of Campbell Scott, this is a gossamer delight.Richard McMurray (Campbell Scott) is a writer. As he was entering middle age, he wrote a commercial and critical smash hit called "The Trouble With Dick". Now about to leave middle age, Richard has been struggling with his second book for years. It's not that he's blocked and can't write, it's that every word he puts on the page sucks. Richard might have stewed in his stagnant juices forever but his Hollywood actress locks him out of their Malibu home, something he assumes is her way of asking for a divorce.Seemingly unfazed by it all, Richard walks away with nothing but a suitcase. The unfinished second novel remains behind on the computer in his now former home. He goes directly to keep a promise to speak to a college writing class taught by his old flame Diane (Alex Kingston), where Richard promptly spills his guts to the students about being tossed out with no where to sleep that night. A beautiful young student named Kristen (Izabella Miko) offers to let Richard crash on the couch in the apartment she shares with her roommate Jacqueline (Lizzy Caplan). As a lark, Richard accepts their offer. Once he's ensconced on their living room couch, though, something happens. Richard watches the girls, he looks at the evidence of their lives, and his smothered creative spark starts to smolder again. He asks the girls if he can stay and they agree, as long as Richard helps them with their own writing. What follows that is a marvelous, smart and funny weave of the girls' stories brought to life, Richard's life in the girls apartment and Richard's version of the girls and his life in their apartment that he's writing down on a yellow legal pad.This charming mix of fantasy, reality and fantasy modeled after reality is held together by Scott's exquisitely subdued and detached acting. He presents us with a writer who's a bit different than what we usually encounter in fiction. He's committed but not tormented by writing. Richard has given himself over so completely to his art that almost everything he thinks and feels is in service to it. He's not filled with self-pity or self-loathing or anger or frustration, just a quiet determination to get the word right. Richard takes everything that exists between him and the girls and focuses it not on them or himself but on the writing. Richard McMurray is a guy who writes because he can't do anything else and doesn't want to.This film is also a great introduction to the craft of storytelling. First in the way Richard critiques the girls' writing, identifying the fundamental issues within and pushing them to improve, and then in the way we see Richard writing the story of his time with the girls, imagining it one way and then the other, always looking for the best and truest fiction he can conjure. If you've ever tried to be or thought about being a writer, watching Crashing will make you want to pick up the pen or sit down at the keyboard and try again.Now, the whole mixing of real and pretend and the pretend version of what's real gets slightly precious toward the end of the movie, but it ends before it gets that bad. And this is not a film with a lot of plot or big emotional scenes. What Crashing does is take you into the life of another person and make you understand why he lives that way, while simultaneously giving you a taste of the trial and challenge a writer faces trying to create new worlds out of thin air. I had a really good time watching this movie and I think a lot of other people would too.
RNMorton Caution - heavy spoiler. I'm not entirely sure what happened in this movie but was engaged nonetheless. Scott plays 40-something blocked writer out on the street after his actress wife dumps him. When he speaks at old flame Kingston's class he mentions that he is temporarily homeless. That leads to a (real? imagined?) invitation from two girls in her class to stay with them on their couch. The girls - Miko and Caplan - both are interesting and have depth, as they use the opportunity to bounce their writing concepts off Scott and Scott uses the opportunity to peek into their lives and whatever. I'm not much into philosophy but I enjoy the way the movie gets into fairly basic philosophical issues dealing with life choices. Scott seems very familiar although I can't recall seeing him before. I think he's made for the role of the over-thinking writer and I would like to see him in something else. Of the girls Miko really impressed me, she should be good to go in future films. Very entertaining in its unique way, I would normally object to the wrap up (like I did vehemently with Fight Club), but given what went before I thought it actually worked here.
dudespell A handsome middle aged man and two beautiful young women just came to live together, all three striving to picture a book character of each other, in a tense but fresh relationship for all involved.The body nudity was replaced by some embarrassing conversation and the sex was replaced by invasion into personal space, and everything happens in a light mood.So, don't expect "Crashing" to be a movie for your sexual hormones or your fears, it isn't for your brain either, if you are a writer or do any other form of creative work it will be 75 minutes of pleasure.The original music fits perfectly and the acting is good.
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