The Brotherhood of Satan
The Brotherhood of Satan
| 06 August 1971 (USA)
The Brotherhood of Satan Trailers

A family is trapped in a desert town by a cult of senior-citizens who recruit the town's children to worship Satan.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
sol1218 **SPOILERS** Interesting little film about a Satanic takeover of the little town of Hillsboro California by using the children of the townspeople in the most evil and ungodly ways.This coven of witches are now about to meet their master Satan in the world beyond in that they've reached the age where their no longer needed in his service. The last act of evil left for these witches and warlocks is to have them transfer their souls, if in fact they have any, into the children of Hillsboro and thus continue a new cycle of evil.It's both Ben and Nicki, Charles Bateman & Ahna Capri, together with their adopted six year old daughter K.T, Geri Reischi, who have the misfortune to drive through Hillsboro and become part of this evil plan conjured up by the local and undercover Satanists who are actually in control of the town. With 26 of the town citizens killed in a series of unexplained accidents over the last 72 hours the town's very concerned Sheriff Pete,L,Q Jones, is besides himself in just what's behind their brutal deaths. It's also noted by Sheriff Pete and retired town doctor Doc Duncan, Stother Martin, that those person's, who were killed, children had mysteriously disappeared! It's later in the movie that little K.T ends up missing together with the rest of the towns 12 other children who seemed to have vanished from off the face of the earth!It's the town's man of the cloth Priest Jack,Charles Robinson, who uncovers the reason why all these strange and unexplained event are really happening. Priest Jack uncovered the secret plan hatched by the leader of the Satanic and Witches cult through old manuscripts about the inner workings of Satanism. It also later turns out that the poor Priest Jack really loses it when he witnesses one of the townspeople end up getting decapitated right before his eyes. This by a dark horseman who seemed to materialize out of thin air! It turned out that the now headless and dead man's son joined the other children who disappeared and ended up later becoming part of the evil that's taken hold of Hillsboro! ***SPOILER ALERT*** The films unnerving final sequence has all witches and warlocks get just what they deserve in a flaming and sword wheeling ending with even Mr. Big, the head Satanist, not escaping the carnage. It also turns out that this was the plan concocted by the leader of the cult all along! He ended up dead but in his, and his followers, case death was not the end but only the beginning!
MartinHafer This film seems to be a tad underrated on IMDb--it's not that bad a film despite the current 3.5 rating. However, the reviewer who gave it a 10 also shouldn't be trusted--believe me, this is not GONE WITH THE WIND or CASABLANCA--it's just a cheap but somewhat interesting horror flick! The film starts off very well and it really had me hooked with the concept. A family wanders into a small town where no one can leave due to some bizarre force and now that same force won't let the family leave as well! In addition, many adults have died in the last three days and their young children are missing. Apparently, a Satanic cult wishes to sacrifice these kids so that they may be immortal!! While this is original and very chilling, it did irritate me that despite all this, some townspeople laughed at the minister when he suggested that there were "supernatural powers afoot"--well DUUUUHH!!! Any idiot would have known that, but oddly the scared folks balk at his reasonable suggestion!! Unfortunately, from about that point on, the film kind of fizzled. Now it wasn't bad, but the momentum surely was lost and the whole thing ended in a big anti-climax. The film had a great idea but spotty writing and a few clichéd characters keep this one from being any better than a 5. Worth a look, but not exactly earth-shaking!
The_Void I have to admit, I'm not a big fan of Satanic horror movies and, in fact, I seem to like them less and less every time I see a new one, and that isn't really surprising when I end up watching films like Brotherhood of Satan! Despite its low rating on IMDb, I was surprised to hear some good things about this film and my expectations went up. This turned out to be a big mistake as this is exactly the film that its rating suggests it is: namely, a very bad one! The plot is your basic bunch of Satanists causing trouble, and we focus on a small town where people have been murdered and kidnapped and it's not really clear why. Naturally, Satanists are behind it and this is bad news for a mother, father and daughter on a road trip who become trapped in the mysterious town. I had a feeling that this film might be along the same lines as the crappy Satanist flick 'The Devil's Rain', and while it's not quite as silly as Robert Fuest's later film, it's not much better either. The plot seems to be fairly down to Earth, but it's also rather boring and I can't say that I enjoyed myself at all during this movie. Brotherhood of Satan obviously has its fans, but I'm not one of them; this is a film that I see no reason to recommend...
fedor8 This is one of those religious horror films which never explain why the forces of "evil" are 10,000 times stronger than those of "good". We've got here a Satanic cult which can: 1) "beam away" people (like in "Star Trek"), 2) kill through little children's dolls, 3) transfer a soul from one body into another, 4) hypnotize telepathically from a bigger distance, and 5) cause drastic car-crashes in which selected persons turn into spaghetti while others (kids, in this case) survive unscathed.On the other hand, the forces of "good" can: 1) sit around helplessly, 2) stand around cluelessly, 3) panic, 4) laugh hysterically, 5) waste time by doing nothing, 6) read comics while people get slaughtered by the dozens, and 7) arrive too late to Satanic rituals.In every religious horror movie I have to assume that that movie's world is inhabited by God and by Satan. I also have to assume that Satan can't be 1,000,000 times more powerful, unless the movie has a world order resembling that of Hell. In other words, where were the priests in this film who knew something? The best that this movie's priest could do is guess that there are some witches about - nothing else - from reading all those books in his study. At the first sight of violence this priest becomes catatonic, then laughs hysterically, only to finish in a major panic attack. So this is supposed to be God's contribution to fighting Satan? Ridiculous. Every good religious horror film has the powers of "good" equipped with some form of (more-or-less) supernatural power, or at least SOME concrete knowledge of how to fight "evil". In that sense this movie is quite idiotic. As is the casting of the droll Martin to play the high priest(!) of the cult. There is very little menace or awe in watching the quirky Martin lead a Satanic ritual. I mean, it didn't have to be Christopher Lee or Langhella, but couldn't they have found someone less funny-looking? Also, why does the couple go back to the town after their car is put out of the running? After their "friendly" encounter with the town's folk no sane person would have gone back; they should've just walked on. The man's explanation to his girlfriend (and the viewer) is that "who knows what's in that direction".