The Lost World: Jurassic Park
The Lost World: Jurassic Park
PG-13 | 23 May 1997 (USA)
The Lost World: Jurassic Park Trailers

Four years after Jurassic Park's genetically bred dinosaurs ran amok, multimillionaire John Hammond shocks chaos theorist Ian Malcolm by revealing that he has been breeding more beasties at a secret location. Malcolm, his paleontologist ladylove and a wildlife videographer join an expedition to document the lethal lizards' natural behavior in this action-packed thriller.

Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
superpaulina This movie is very underrated, but i can relate to the critics. Something that i love about this movie it's that it wanted to change, and make something different from the original, but it doesn't have the relatable characters, the magic, the memorable scenes and other things. The San Diego scene is pretty good but it feels out of the movie and more like a monster movie. I really like Ian Malcolm here, but Sarah and Nick are flat and stupid, horrible characters. Roland Tembo is the only good characters over the lot of new characters (seriously there's a lot of new characters, which don't even develop over the movie) But i still enjoy it, but it doesn't have the rewatch ability of the original, i can see see the original one time on a week but i need a month to enjoy this one.
domtaylor Making a follow-up to a masterpiece is no small feat, but who better to make a sequel to Spielberg's best film than Spielberg himself? Well, probably nobody but that just shows what a hard task this must have been. 'The Lost World: Jurassic Park' is nowhere near as as good as the original. It's not even close. Spielberg's touches are evident in the film, however, and thankfully that means we get a few good sequences (such as the RV scene) that are genuinely tense, exciting and well-crafted. Unfortunately though, these sequences are few and far between, undermined by a seriously silly storyline and screenplay that make this film feel like a parody of the first. Having characters that use gymnastics to fight dinosaurs and ones that would rather accompany the same space as a T-Rex than a snake really highlight the shortcomings of the screenplay. Even Jeff Goldblum can't save this, mainly because the 'Ian Malcolm' in this film is completely different from that in the last. At least the visual effects are up to scratch again (except from the obvious control blatantly seen on one of the animatronic dinosaurs' legs) and the soundtrack by John Williams is good, without being a copy of the first films'. Overall, 'The Lost World: Jurassic Park' is a massive let-down that, apart from everything else, is actually quite boring. 'Jurassic Park' is Spielberg's best film. 'The Lost World: Jurassic Park' is one of his worst. 5/10.
djfrost-46786 Jeff Goldblum comes back and delivers. Great 2nd movie. There are tons of scenes and movies that rip off this one.
hecoxjus This film is similar to the original Jurassic Park, but introduces some much darker, scarier themes, and the highest death toll in any Jurassic Park film as of now, though this may change with the upcoming Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.This movie had more dinosaurs than the original, introducing the Stegosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Mammenchisaurus, and Compsognathus, as well as finally giving the Parasaurolophus and Triceratops properly exciting scenes. It's the only movie in the franchise to properly portray herbivores as dangerous animals, with Sarah Harding being attacked by Stegosaurus, a rampaging triceratops destroying a camp, etc. And the carnivore scenes were a lot of fun, particularly the worker village with the raptors.Some people don't like this film because it focused too much on the horror element, and not the wonder and beauty seen in the first movie. I say this makes it more realistic, a properly accurate portrayal of what would happen should the dinosaurs return. The deaths were gory, memorable, and creative, with my two faves being Dieter Stark's demise by Compsognathus, and Eddie Carr being torn in half by the T-Rex parents. A great movie that just barely falls short of the bar set by it's predecessor.