R | 03 July 2010 (USA)
Predators Trailers

A group of cold-blooded killers find themselves trapped on an alien planet to be hunted by extraterrestrial Predators.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
edwardcooper-92204 Predators is a polarizing movie to review. It depends on many factors- are you a science fiction fan? A fan of the original Predator? Just a casual viewer wanting to see gore? If you loved the Arnold film chances are you will not like this one, because there isn't a main character to root for as we did with Arnold's "dutch". More importantly the new director is no John Mcteirnen. However this is a decent enough film to watch if you are a science fiction fan and the Predator has always been very popular. The setting and visual tone is pretty good (how can it not be with lush tropical jungle) and the performances from many known faces is adequate.
chrisbaldwin69 After reading reviews i was interested, as many said it played homage to the original, which i love.However, apart from a lot of the music and strangely some of the lines too, this is not what you want as a fan of the original.The original was subtle and took time to develop, keeping the viewer interested and scared. This is the opposite.I would recommend but only to avoid.
jackcwelch23 Inevitably this movie couldn't come close to the original in terms of sheer impact. It is, however, such an improvement over the other dreadful sequels that it deserves merit simply for that. Adrien Brody is solid in an against type role, and carries himself well. Every other character had the potential to be interesting but was not explored enough, especially Laurence Fishburne. The action was seriously well done, with flashes of the visceral energy that this series desperately needed. Should have been about half an hour longer to flesh out the characters and maybe have a few more plot twists but as a straightforward, entertaining and visually appealing sci-fi actioner it works. Will not go down as a classic but will always be worth watching when in the mood for an adrenaline rush.
DeepFriedWaterMelon OK so it's the back to the original jungle hunt fun of Predator (with an added bonus of the original sound track) with a twist, none of the people have any idea how they ended up here, however there is a pattern, they are all killers, or predators, apart from Topher Grace's awkward (not in a bad way) doctor. So far the premise isn't a typical Slasher flick, lets see how the rest holds up. Well once our mismatched rag tag group of mercenaries, soldiers, criminals and doctor who can somehow identify alien plants and alien poisons (and the only solution there is if just by chance that poison also exists on earth which could be possible but... kinda hard to believe), they realize soon that they are being hunted, the predators have become the prey. Basically most of the plot now revolves around the group trying to find their way out and then trying to escape using the Yautja ship. seems like a decent plan right? not when there are bigger, tougher and cooler predators than ever before, and now finally there is a proper predator group that isn't in a WasteofaGoodSpeciesVSCompletelyTonedDown movie. Now here is where a lot of viewers lose focus, the Lawrence Expositionburne scene, personally I liked learning about Yautja culture in a good movie, I like things like that, but I can see why others hate it, they don't like too much depth in their action horror movies, which is fine I guess... Now it all ends with 2 big flaws, one which I don't consider a flaw and one I do. Firstly the Doctor's "sudden" change into a psycho, if you took the hints throughout the movie and didn't just go ooh at the gore and death, then you can see that the doctor is not an OK dude. The other flaw was that the malnutrition-ed normal predator stood up to the bad ass berserk predator at all, the berserk can't be young blood, it wouldn't be berserk class otherwise, also the berserk takes forever in killing Roy, it slowly walks up to him at the end to kill him... typical clichés I guess...oh well the end fight was still awesome. I know this movie borrowed a lot from the first movie, but I don't give a damn, it was so fun to watch. anyway onto one of the more important aspects of a great predator movie, the characters. a lot of people thought Roy (Adrien Brody) was an ass hole and not a good hero, we have to remember that he is a mercenary, and along with most of the other characters and unlike the original predator team, he isn't a good person. and by the way, Brody and everyone did a fantastic job in this movie, Oscar worthy? no. but still great and compelling. while most of the characters weren't developed, they didn't really have much time to. they were all wiped out in like a day and why would they want to share past with people they just met. that's why you got to know Dutch's team more, they knew each other and showed more personality because, well they were with their buddies! they were brothers! its different here because a lot of these people don't like each other, so why would they try to bond while being hunted. besides, we do get development on the stars of the show, the predators, and that's always great. All in all as a predator fan I thought this was great, the acting was great, story was cool,action was amazing, the Yautjas looked bad ass. and in case you are wondering Yautja is the predator species :), and I enjoyed it all the time. better than the stinking AVP and slightly better than the underrated predator 2. (9/10)
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