R | 04 March 1983 (USA)
Joysticks Trailers

A successful businessman attempts to shut down a video arcade he believes is harmful to the mental health of children.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
utgard14 Joe Don Baker is out to shut down the video arcade because his Valley girl daughter won't stop hanging out there. It's an '80s teen comedy so you pretty much know what the ceiling is on this. It's lowbrow and childish but harmless and even funny in places. The Dorfus character is the 'funny gross fat guy' that all post-Animal House comedies seemed to have. Jon Gries is in this in an embarrassing early role as King Vidiot. The old school video game stuff is cool and, of course, the female nudity is nice. Some great boobs on display here, for those interested. The strip video scene is a highlight. It's not the best '80s teen sex comedy but it's enjoyable enough. Personally I think it's impossible to completely dislike anything with Corinne Bohrer in it.
ObscureCinema101 I love eighties movies of all kinds, yet I have been neglecting the great eighties sex comedy for a while. I decided to finally catch up on some of them, and I figured JOYSTICKS wasn't a bad place to start.The local video arcade is the greatest hot spot in town for the teens, but it's not too popular with the richest man in town. Can the manager's grandson (who runs the place, since his grandfather is out of town), his nerdy co-worker, and the arcade's gaming champion stop him from shutting it down for good? Even if it's not the greatest, JOYSTICKS still manages to entertain despite itself. It's your stereotypical eighties comedy, with lots of sex jokes, boobs, and all the caricatures you'd expect to find (the fat guy, the nerd, the suave guy, the punk, etc.). This kind of familiarity gives JOYSTICKS a very comfortable feeling, like homemade cooking.Fans of eighties nostalgia will have a lot to love as well, with a classic soundtrack filled with cheesy tunes (including a title song), as well as all (or at least most of) the arcade games you can remember. The film does have its funny parts, and they're funny in the "that's-so-stupid" kind of way.However, for every funny part, there are at least two jokes that fall flat on their face. This leads to some groan-worthy moments where you wonder why they would even put a joke like that in the film. For one, there's the rich guy's daughter, who they try to make funny by making her voice squeaky and making every third word she says, "Like." There are also the bumbling nephews who go into the arcade incognito with one of them dressed in drag.JOYSTICKS really isn't that great, but it provides for a fun night of late twentieth century nostalgia. I'm being really generous by awarding it a 7/10, but no one can deny how fun it is.There are obviously better eighties comedies out there, but this one will still entertain in a C.H.U.D. II: BUD THE C.H.U.D. kind of way.
ericdetrick2002 You either "Get it" or you don't. Of course when this film first hit the theaters it was just a film about the current fads of the day. If you were a kid going to arcades in the early to mid 80s this will be very nostalgic. If games like "Zaxxon" or "Galaxian" don't mean anything to you then this film will seem ridiculous. And to answer the question, "were arcades really like this?"...Oh yeah, this portrays the arcade "scene" in the early 80s pretty well.This is a have fun, so bad it's funny movie. It could be thrown in with the "sex-comedies" of the 80s- and there were a lot of them. I believe this is coming out on DVD soon (Summer/Fall 2006).
EyeAskance The dubious honors given this film are entirely justified. This is, without question, among the most moronic comedies ever made. Quite interesting as a time capsule of the early 1980s, however, and a real gas for anyone who was a youngster at that time. The plot concerns a popular video arcade in danger of being closed down by nogoodnik Joe Don Baker. Who cares about that, rented this to see boobs. Right? Singular boobs. Pairs of boobs. Sets, groups, and crowds of boobs. Yes...JOYSTICKS is a veritable Wall of Boob, and while you're busy boobing it up, you can also enjoy the most sophomoric humor ever be offered up in a teen sex comedy. As an extra bonus, there's a gang of comically over-the-top "punkers", the likes of which were commonplace as guest villains on T.V. crime shows throughout the 80s(tri-color frightwigs, bondage gear, lots of chains...yeah, you remember...)Shamefully fun trash, if you don't mind hitting the kill-switch on your brain for 90 minutes. Wakka Wakka Wakka.4/10