R | 01 September 2006 (USA)
Idiocracy Trailers

To test its top-secret Human Hibernation Project, the Pentagon picks the most average Americans it can find - an Army private and a prostitute - and sends them to the year 2505 after a series of freak events. But when they arrive, they find a civilization so dumbed-down that they're the smartest people around.

Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
garthlotel This movie is genius. It is hysterically funny plus has a storyline that is eerily prescient. It is art in its greatest form, satirising the state of society and our rapid demise / spiral towards Huxley's Brave New World. A must see for anyone who is worried about the future of humanity.
Blueghost Luke Wilson represent the smart person with taste in a sea of tastelessness, and is so frustrated that he is hooked up with a woman of fiduciary virtue. That's all there is.There's a plot about a dystopic future, there's a whole setting about how American's taste has bottomed out, everyone in the future has a double digit IQ, and, essentially, things are beyond bad.It's a tasteless comedy meant for younger audiences, older high schoolers and post college grads who have yet to find their niche. The psychiatric formula in this thing is out of sociological-fear screenwriting 101, where sexual gratification is seen as cure all to "smart people's" ills, when, in fact, as per the setting and resolution of the plot, it may actually be the setting and other surroundings the subject is in that needs addressing. In other words, maybe the world is junk, but getting hooked up with a hottie isn't going to solve nor change that, nor even make it better until the world is de-junkified (to coin a phrase).As a one time young budding screenwriter who's pulled back the curtain on a number of scifi films, as well as dramas, comedies and so forth, I think I can safely say that this thing is pretty tasteless, even though it reflects some of my outlooks in my younger days. Even so I can't say I liked this thing too much. It has a few minor highs, but the over the top nature of it reminds me of how tasteless humor came into vogue in the early and mid 1980s, and has come home to roost ever since.Ergo, I don't think ti's a very good film, though the premise is certainly semi-interesting from a lay person's perspective.I really didn't get anything out of it, and just thought the whole thing was abysmal in taste. The same film could have been made for all audiences and told the same message without crass and disgusting blue humor. Lastly, this is probably my last film review. The IMDB has done its best to alter the format of their pages, effectively hiding what used to be showcased user reviews. I kind of know the reason, but will refrain from any commentary, just announce that I'm dissapointed with the decision, and, to keep it in vein with the spirit of the film, I feel like Joe Bauers as I sit here writing this last paragraph. As for the film itself, eh, it's marginally interesting, competent on the technical level, but otherwise I'd skip it. There's nothing in this film that anybody isn't aware of, and, regrettably, misses an opportunity to cast a wider net to a larger audience. I mean, aren't films supposed to be inspirational? There's no inspiration here. Watch at your own risk.
Shane Fieldsend It's an imperfect movie for an imperfect world, but its ungilded truth shines through, clear as day. It is possibly the most subversive film ever made, for those who are ruminating about why it was buried. One day it will be required viewing for history classes, if there are any schools left. If you want a clear and reasoned argument against the long term survival prospects of our species, look no further. If you don't get it, don't worry, it's probably your genes which are to blame. If you watched it and gave it less than 8 stars, this movie is about you, not for you.
ajennings-68133 I did not like this at all The characters were just too dumb for me. I see it got some good ratings so maybe it was just not for me. I found it painful to watch. I like Luke Wilson which is one reason we got it. I think the actors did the best with what they had but it was just not my cup of tea.