R | 11 November 2006 (USA)
Bug Trailers

In Oklahoma, Agnes, a lonely waitress living in an isolated and dilapidated roadside motel, meets Peter, a quiet and mysterious man with whom she establishes a peculiar relationship.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
ScoobyWell Great visuals, story delivers no surprises
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Cem Lamb This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
angeleyesbblue Boring is an understatement. Don't waste your time. I think I lost brain cells watching this movie. It was absolutely terrible!!!
Matt Borden This movie may seem far-out to someone who has NOT known of a person suffering from delusional parasitosis. For those who have, this movie was excellent! There seems no end to what these poor people will do to explain and alleviate their suffering, and this film did well to portray that.
Misa Cristiano This movie has an interesting beginning that is going to get you thrilled and make you think that this is a really good movie,but don't get fooled by that, because everything after that is pointless. A bunch of mixed, meaningless scenes that are going to bore you to death, and you will want to end this movie earlier.The end of the movie has no sense, so you wont have a clue of what you were watching before and what is the point of this movie.Creator of the movie didn't succeed to entertain audience,and after all he didn't explain the point of the movie. About genre... there is no horror, no drama, and a little bit of mystery. So DON'T waste your time, at all, with this movie!
TdSmth5 Agnes lives in some remote motel by a highway. She works serving drinks in a lesbian bar. She's in a relationship with a girl named R.C. Her son went messing years ago and she never found out anything about his disappearance. At a gathering with friends she meets a guy named Peter. He's quiet, reserved, respectful, and isn't pushy, but he would like to see her again. They meet again. Even though he hasn't been with women recently and isn't all that interested, Agnes does want him. They have sex. After they wake up, he's bitten by a bug. He finds a certain kind of vegetable bug on the bedsheets. She doesn't see anything.Now her ex is released from prison and shows up at Agnes' place. She doesn't want to have anything to do with him. Unlike Peter, he's arrogant, violent, controlling. The ex meets Peter but Peter stays out of his way. When the ex returns later the house is full of fly traps and Peter has gotten a bit too worried about bugs. He has a little microscope and discovers bugs in his blood stream. When Agnes and R.C. arrive there's a confrontation and they kick out the ex. When Peter finds out that Agnes has been talking to others about him he flips out. Apparently he was in the armed forces but deserted because he thinks they were doing experiments on him. Peter kicks out R.C. and the couple confine themselves in the room.Paranoia completely takes over Peter and Agnes as well. Peter scratches himself bloody. He discovers eggs of bugs in his teeth and starts yanking out his teeth. They hear choppers flying around--probably the military looking for him. They cover the walls in tin foil. Suddenly one Dr. Sweet arrives at the door. He's looking for Peter and wants to take him in. He tells Agnes that Peter's a paranoid schizophrenic and needs treatment. But once he sees that Agnes herself isn't quite right, he plays along with her paranoia to see if she will turn him in that way. But then Peter appears. What follows is an interesting case of manipulation by Peter who sort of feeds Agnes' fear and guilt about her son. And she develops her own train of thought that accounts for what happened to her son, to Peter, and to her.Bug is an enjoyable movie. It's unlike most movies. While in general the way it's setup, it should make for a fairly ugly movie, it's saved by Ashley Judd and her performance. The direction also steers away from portraying sheer ugliness. Instead we end up rooting for these two. There is something endearing about two people in need finding each other even when they have their quirks. Here of course the quirks get worse and worse. And we are also a bit manipulated by the direction, which plays along with the paranoia--starting with the first scene filmed from...a chopper overflying the motel. Then there are also the constant phone calls that Agnes initially gets, perhaps from the ex. So there are some questions, perhaps left unanswered. Regardless, Bug gets you involved and it offers a smart script. Even during their worst delusions our two characters manage to formulate somewhat cohesive and interesting arguments, which shows that madness is accompanied with smarts.