Barbershop: The Next Cut
Barbershop: The Next Cut
PG-13 | 15 April 2016 (USA)
Barbershop: The Next Cut Trailers

To survive harsh economic times, Calvin and Angie have merged the barbershop and beauty salon into one business. The days of male bonding are gone as Eddie and the crew must now contend with sassy female co-workers and spirited clientele. As the battle of the sexes rages on, a different kind of conflict has taken over Chicago. Crime and gangs are on the rise, leaving Calvin worried about the fate of his son. Together, the friends come up with a bold plan to take back their beloved neighborhood.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
geiserstone This movie was supposed to be a comedy but quickly turned into garbage. Loved the first movie and had high hopes for the sequel and then this crap comes out. Getting tired of seeing all this BLM stuff on TV and how racism is still alive and effecting our communities but it's OK to promote and advertise that same garbage in movies. Want to overcome racism, try not promoting it and reminding everybody every second of the day about it. I'm by no way in hell a racist, so please let's not jump to conclusions. This movie has to be the worst piece of garbage Ice Cube's been in. There is nothing comedic about this movie. The movie is pure propaganda. Sadly disappointing
David Every now and then my mother and I go to the movies because she enjoys it. One day she asked me if I wanted to see Barbershop: The Next Cut at the dollar movies. I had overheard from a few acquaintances that it was a decent movie, and I couldn't find anything more interesting showing so I decided to see it with her. I had never seen any of the prior Barbershops so I didn't know what to expect. I figured why not, I had nothing better to do and thought maybe I would watch a decent movie and get a few chuckles in. Boy oh boy was I asking for too much.Right away within the first two minutes I knew the kind of nonsense I would have to sit through. It starts off talking about how awesome of a president Barack Hussein Obama is, and how black people are oppressed and blah blah blah (let it be known that I am not white. Sorry to disappoint you race-card players). I figure, "whatever, it won't last", but silly me. As the first few minutes played out, every liberal progressive talking point gets thrown in my face so fast I feel like I'm watching CNN. With horrendous acting, the illiterates working at the barbershop (which is co-ed, because you can't forget "gender equality") ramble on about how white man is so bad, and that the white man is the reason for their failures and shortcomings and how they need to take back power, how guns and cops are evil, black lives matter, and how the gangster Michael Brown was a victim despite the fact that other races are killed more frequently. I mean, people talk like Brown was walking home from Med School when he was shot. The list goes on and on. Amidst an argument among the illiterates about the tyrannical Caucasian race, the token Middle Eastern of the diverse group says, "Look guys, I don't like white people either". Can you imagine if a white person said that about black people? But this is different so it gets a pass i guess. There is no rhyme or reason to any of this stuff being brought up other than to appeal to the brainwashed population that eats this stuff up. The camera has an annoying tendency to make sure that the "NO GUNS ALLOWED" sign is always clearly visible in the background, and when our beloved protagonist Ice Cube apprehends a gun, he looks at it like he never saw one before. I'm not even 15 minutes into the movie and I feel pathetic just being in the same room. Here you have a bunch of millionaire actors pretending to be oppressed and poor and crying like victims, only to cash their million dollar checks and go back to their lavish lifestyle.The movie at times will take a break from it's communist agenda (but not really) to develop its plot, which is so hilariously sad that I have every reason to believe that these script writers belong in strait jackets. When two members of rival gangs have an altercation in the barbershop, the illiterates decide that it's time to take action! Let's do something to stop the gun violence! YEAH!! So what do they do to try to stop violence in the neighborhood? FREE HAIRCUTS! What better way to stop bloods and crips from murdering each other than free haircuts?! OMG Why has nobody thought of this before?!! If only every neighborhood in America with a high crime rate gave out free haircuts to its people then we wouldn't have this senseless gun violence guys! It's so obvious!! It's so sad seeing how out of touch with reality some people are.I apologize if my review was too political, but that's exactly what this movie is; too political, with not even an iota of intelligence involved with it. I would have walked out of the movie if I was not with my mother. If you have the slightest bit of self-respect, do not see this movie. Do not support the Hollywood idiots that are so out of touch with reality.
rajatshanu64 it has only Comedy Genre but i thought this is more than this. this is a movie about some serious topic too like the main men how he trying to saving his son to not be a gang member first he fails but in last he did. you will watch little comedy too and overall a family movie and they used president Obama name in many scene and the whole movie except some scene is just happen in Barbershop in beginning not looking interesting but as you go with this you will find little interest.i like the way how they planed all things like seage fire or whatever that was cool and in last they are trying to show president real one but they didn't show his face clearly because that is not real president. overall good movie.
Paul-271 I admit to being a fan of both the Barbershop series and Ice Cube or at least the Ice Cube I've seen in a few movies. I can't say I personally know the man. This is, again, a combination of in store banter, which is by far the most entertaining aspect of the movie, a bit of personal issues with families outside the shop and again, like in #2, addressing larger social issues which face the US. The banter is great. The personal issues are rather mundane - you've seen them all before done as well as here. The social issues will split the audience. The Big Question comes up: what to do about black on black violence which in Chicago (the setting) claims maybe a dozen lives a week. Sadly, the movie takes the easy road blaming slavery and citing as heroes Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin. These are heroes to the black community? Two thugs? Well, that's the way many see things including Cube, apparently. Still, in the end, an enjoyable feel good movie which paradoxically portrays black folks not as typical Hollywood caricatures, but as humans. That alone is worth the price of admission.