PG-13 | 21 January 2009 (USA)
Motherhood Trailers

In Manhattan, a mother of two preparing for her daughter's sixth birthday party has no idea of the challenges she's about to face in order to pull off the event.

ada the leading man is my tpye
ScoobyMint Disappointment for a huge fan!
ChicDragon It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
sammyl2002 Before I saw it, I was just interested in how Ms Thurman handled this specific role of a tired "urban mom". But the film turned out to be a bit more than just about acting. Being a father of two kids of similar ages to those shown in this movie, I got pretty quickly involved into the action on the screen. While it didn't strike me as a comedy, it does contain some very typical situations you can laugh about, when looking at them as a stranger. What did strike me is cinematography, which seemed odd at first, because I didn't expect anything of the kind. Almost every shot feels sort of cramped and closed. It was literally painful to watch at certain moments. It made me experience this claustrophobic feeling, when you can't stop doing what you're doing, when you can't find a way out of this routine you feel your life has become. And I think this is brilliant. Regarding Ms Thurman acting I can only say that it fits perfectly with the pace and feel of the film. The ending seemed a bit soapy. And still, this is a movie worth watching.
gekkelex i personally liked it and i watch loads of movies, it might not be a movie to watch in the cinema but it's more than okay to watch on DVD, i like movies that appear to be situated in cities and show a lot of the city, i don't know new york personally but liked the way it was portrayed in this movie, i also thought it was fun to watch, at least it's different than most moviesi thought it was believable that moms have those kinds of days and experience things like she did, driven to frustration by the complete situation, and feelings of being taken for granted trying to cope with being not just a mom but also a woman, must not be taken lightly i guess, it sure broadened my respect for some moms, but that's just me or is it?
Laurian Diaconescu I really disliked this movie, as it portrays an extreme situation, with people who are clearly irresponsible and aren't up to the task of properly raising a child. The husband was obviously retarded and gained a little fortune only by pure chance, which was really pathetic and didn't redeem his character at all in the end, although that was clearly what the directors intended. The entire movie is a confusing and annoying piece of trash. I'm sure such situations do exist, probably even worse, but trying to globalize this as being the usual motherhood is disgusting and discouraging to any future mother to be. I refuse to believe that the characteristics of a modern day mother is being hysterical, bitching, screaming, always dead-tired and frustrated, not to mention the father being a retarded being, showing absolutely no interest in raising a child or helping around the house. Instead, he is collecting old books, based on the idiotic hope of accidentally gaining a fortune someday which, bummer, actually happens in the end. Money clearly wasn't the main problem in this family, it was the lack of communication and team work, which remains unsolved even after the credits roll.Avoid, if you're willing to waste your time, waste it on a bad movie that can be perceived as entertaining, which is clearly not the case here.
nstanisci Adequate performances in an inadequate storyline. The character is like a male going through midlife. She regrets motherhood. Her children are placed in dangerous situations due to her wallowing in self-pity(her son is almost killed climbing out of his car seat and out the car window). The article she is composing, which is not due till midnight, is more important than her child's birthday (which is the catalyst for most of the catastrophic chain of events in here). She asks her husband, an editor by trade, to proof her story. When he does and tells her it was unclear and weak (a critique which is proved to be spot on at the end) all she can do is leave him, the kids, and call him saying she wants a divorce. She is more attentive to the neighbor than her own children. She totally disrespects the confidentiality of her best friend for the sake of her own BLOG site. There are very few redeeming qualities to her character. For the record my wife is in complete agreement here.