I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell
I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell
R | 25 September 2009 (USA)
I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell Trailers

A tireless and charismatic novelty seeker, Tucker tricks his buddy Dan into lying to his fiancée Kristy, so they can go to an legendary strip club three and a half hours away to celebrate Dan’s last days of bachelorhood in proper style.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
The Grand Master I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell is one of my favourite books of all time. It was hilarious and even though Tucker Max is a self confessed a***hole, he is a great writer. I was eagerly looking forward to seeing I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell as a movie. The end result was extremely underwhelming. It was as if the movie had been butchered.Loosely adapted from "The Austin Road Trip Story" in Tucker Max's book I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell, the movie centers on Tucker Max (Matt Czuchry) and his buddies Dan (Geoff Stults) and Drew (Jesse Bradford). Tucker decides to take an impromptu trip to celebrate his Dan's bachelor party after he lies to Dan's fiancée Kristy (Keri Lynn Pratt). Tucker finds himself in trouble with the law and his friends and finds himself banned from the wedding. Tucker must work to make things right with his friends so he can attend the wedding.The movie was unfunny, disgusting, bland, and overall extremely bad. The acting itself was overall woeful. There was nothing redeemable about this movie whatsoever. This movie made Tucker Max very unlikeable. I acknowledge that the real like Tucker Max can attract an equal number of fans and haters due to his controversial views and supposed sexist views and glorification of drunken behaviour. In fact, Tucker Max is frequently the target of many feminist groups.To the production team of the movie: Thanks for nothing. You turned a best selling novel into one of the worst movies of the year. The book is still one of my favourite books of all time however I treat the movie as if it did not exist.1/10.
Matthew Wright (thefiresidechronicles) Post the events of American Pie 4, Jim who has strangely been renamed Dan probably for ease sake, is getting remarried again. There is no reference as to where the one from How I Met Your Mother went, but we can assume divorce or death. At a very short 12 hours long, the plot dragged on and the characters were wrong. Note the rhyme. The three main characters were so unlikeable that I didn't even like them at all in this movie. In fact i definitely didn't like them. The pacing of the movie was SO bad that I didn't like that either. In fact it was even very good. It was SO bad that I thought it was terrible. The scene in the movie in which Tucker (Stifler) has a poo was really funny, especially the part where he poos a lot and some goes on the floor and he has to wipe his bumhole with his t-shirt, and as previously mentioned poo is everywhere. In fact there is so much poo everywhere that there is poo literally everywhere. In conclusion, where was Eugene Levy. That would have made this film a solid (unlike the poo) 10. Unfortunately this film wasn't a 10, however was it a quite low 5, we think it was somewhere in between. We bring the film up from a 5 due to the following reasons: 1) Poo (LOTS) 2) Sex and boobs and strippers and talking about sex 3) Sick in hair 4) Misogyny, sexism and slight racism. (Quite a lot of all)To conclude, where was Eugene Levy. A very very very low 9.0 for us.
nanders23 I have no idea what compelled me to watch this movie, or finish it for that matter. usually a fan of Jesse Bradford, but this time around his acting is horrible and comes off as forced and unenthusiastic. it may be the writing, but it's almost as if it is painful for him to play this role. his chauvinistic and downright obnoxious comments make you wonder how this guy even had a girlfriend, let alone any friends. he's like the Debbie downer of the group. he proceeds to tall crap to the stripper and then falls in love w her?! and the fiancé, Keri Lynn Pratt is also horrible and a sad excuse for an actress. shes not even the least bit pretty so idk why or how she got this role. probably slept w Tucker to get it bc she cannot act. her voice is nasally and high pitched which makes it AND her beyond annoying. reminds me of a snotty 6 yr old little whiny brat. it's any wonder why she hasn't had any real major roles in a decent film!! the bathroom scene near the end is vulgar and makes you sick to your stomach. it is truly gag worthy. if Tucker max really thought this film would be bigger & better than the hangover then he is absolutely delusional, thus making it easy for one to see how he thought that this would be a hit in any capacity-he is just downright delusional. horrible storyline, god awful "acting" and just a crude waste of your time.
groatski Let me present this hypothetical scenario to you:You and your buddies get in the car and drive to the nearest Middle School. Once there go up to the fattest or ugliest little girl you can find and make fun of her till she runs away crying. Continue doing this till the principal calls the police, then key a few cars and do a donut in the front lawn before speeding away. Then you all go to a local bar and recount your experiences, loudly and with great hilarity, till you're totally bombed.Sound like a fun way to kill an evening? If so then you're this movie's target audience and may enjoy it. For the rest of us 'lame-ass losers' who would find such behavior appalling, just walk away and pretend you never saw it.