Tooth Fairy
Tooth Fairy
PG | 22 January 2010 (USA)
Tooth Fairy Trailers

When minor-league hockey player Derek Thompson -- who has a penchant for knocking out his opponents' teeth every time he plays -- disillusions a fan, he is sentenced to a stint for one week as a bona fide, tutu-clad, real-life tooth fairy. Soon, Derek is inspired to rekindle his youthful dreams.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
SnoopyStyle Derek Thompson (Dwayne Johnson) is a minor league hockey goon known as 'The Tooth Fairy' for knocking out opponents' tooth. He's dating single mom Carly (Ashley Judd). With his cynicism, he tells kids the brutal 'truth'. After he tells Carly's daughter that there is no real tooth fairy, he receives a Notice of Violation from the Department of Dissemination of Disbelief. Tracy (Stephen Merchant) is his case worker. Head fairy Lily (Julie Andrews) doubles the normal one week sentence.The good news is that The Rock is willing to look silly. That goes a long way but it is not enough. He should be paired up with a nice comedian. Merchant is too mean-spirited which only doubles Thompson's cynicism. It shouldn't be a sarcastic supervisor but rather a super cheery partner who could bring out his optimism. On top that, there is the angry teen and the jerk young gun. There are just a lot of unlikable characters. The jokes don't really work and that's as simple as that. Despite it all, The Rock's natural charisma does come thru.
Nadine Salakov This movie isn't actually that bad. Dwayne Johnson plays a former ice hockey player who tells kids not to go for their dreams in life because they'll never make it and will end up disappointed, that mindset blurs the lines between realism and pessimism.By the end of the movie it becomes apparent that Dwayne Johnson's character has a change of heart thanks to the kid of the lady he is dating. The message of this movie is clearly to go for your dreams and goals in life regardless of how unrealistic they may seem.The actors performances are okay, the dialogue was fine, Overall a watchable film.
Kristine I was channel surfing the other day through the movie channels and came across Tooth Fairy, the title is already bad enough but I figured some of these family movies have a few good laughs so just to give the movie a fair chance since I haven't seen it before. Now I'm wondering if in Hollywood the way a script is made is they take a very macho tough actor and see what would be funny on a poster to see him dressed in. Don't believe me? Just think of Arnold Schwartzenegger on the cover of Junior or Vin Dessel on the cover of The Pacifier, now let's take it a step further with putting Dwayne Johnson in a pink dress with fair wings. Makes you wonder what kind of money they must have been flashing at him in order for him to say yes to this script. Now to be fair, I wasn't the audience that was intended for this movie, but like I said I like to be fair to movies. However this movie was just lazy and like I said, someone thought of the poster and how funny it looked and probably just wrote a script off that.Derek Thompson is a hockey player nicknamed "The Tooth Fairy", for hitting opposing players so hard that he knocks out their teeth. One night, Derek steals a dollar from his girlfriend's daughter Tess that had been left for her lost tooth. Later that night, he receives a summons under his pillow. He magically grows wings and is transported to the realm of tooth fairies. There, he meets his case worker, Tracy, and the head fairy, Lily. Lily tells Derek that he is a "dream crusher", due to his unsympathetic dealings with children. He is then sentenced to serve two weeks as a tooth fairy. Derek visits several children and tries his best to become a good tooth fairy, but ends up ultimately causing more harm than good. Lily states that he is the worst tooth fairy ever and denies him more supplies for the remainder of his sentence. Now in typical family fun filled fashion, a muscle bound man must find his true love for children and realize to be a good fairy and wow, did I really just write that? That sums up the film pretty much.You could say that this was a very family friendly movie and it is, but lately I've been thinking about the way I grew up with film. A couple weeks ago I saw The Goonies on the big screen as a re-release and I grew up with this film, I still love it. It has action, adventure and never insulted it's audience making just a bunch of 10 year old jokes and a bunch of visual gags that just fall flat. I know it's a completely different movie, but I just remember the days where family friendly movies had an edge and were enjoyable for both children and adults, seeing these films as a child and still enjoying them into an older age. Tooth Fairy is just a forgettable film, I would even label it as harmless, but Hollywood is really running out of ideas. The acting is horrible, the CGI effects are lame and the story is just so stupid. I can't believe that this great cast would be suckered into this, no names… Julie Andrews and Billy Crystal! Sorry, just had to get that out. But I would say this movie is a skip and the only thing it wasted was my time, but a tip for Hollywood, just because the picture of a tough guy in a child like situation is funny doesn't mean "Let's make a movie!".2/10
MLDinTN Even though it's for kids, this movie turned out much better than I thought it would. The Rock pulls off the role of the Tooth Fairy quite well. He plays, Derek Thompson, a hockey player known as the Tooth Fairy because he knocks a lot of teeth out. He has a girlfriend played by Ashley Judd, why her I don't know because it is a very minor role, whom has 2 kids. One night Derek almost slips up and tells the young daughter there is no tooth fairy. But her mom saves the day. That night Derek is summoned to fairy land and in a unique way is given things for fairies to use and trained to fly. I liked this part the best. Billy Crystal cameos as Jimmy, the fairy whom gives him the shrinking paste, fairy dust, etc... Amnesia dust is great.So Derek is sentenced to 2 weeks as a tooth fairy by the head fairy, Julie Andrews. Of course, he learns valuable lessons over this time.I also liked the parts where he goes into people's homes in various ways. It was funny, we all need invisible spray.FINAL VERDICT: I liked it and recommend it.