He's Just Not That Into You
He's Just Not That Into You
PG-13 | 06 February 2009 (USA)
He's Just Not That Into You Trailers

Remember that really cute girl/guy who said they'd call – and didn't? Maybe they lost your number. Maybe they're in the hospital. Maybe they're awed by your looks, brains or success. Or maybe... They're just not that into you.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Clevercell Very disappointing...
TinsHeadline Touches You
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Her-Excellency First of all, after not only watching this, but seeing reviews which say this is 'pretty realistic', I have to truly thank God in heaven that 1. I have never met a garbage bag as bad as the guys portrayed in this film; and 2. none of my friends are neurotic, crazy, desperate women like the women portrayed in this film. Seriously. Ginnifer Goodwin's character alone is enough to make you want to watch this with your eyes rolled up inside your head to spare you from rolling them up every 5 seconds of her screen time. Kudos to her as an actress, for making such a pathetic character truly come across as the pathetic character I imagine she is meant to be. On the subject of actresses, and therefore actors - the cast is amazing in that there are a lot of well-known names in the credits. What a crying shame that they could not have lent those names to something way better than what is this trite, awful film turned out to be.Skip like the plague, and if you have daughters, PLEASE teach them that this film does not depict what real girls and women are like.
studioAT This film seems to really divide people, and while it doesn't exactly paint men in a good light (in most cases) it's a fairly enjoyable enough romantic film, with a good cast.It is however a bit long, almost as if it was trying to give all of the star players in the cast the chance to shine. Jennifer Aniston looks bored, and it's a shame that Drew Barrymore didn't have more to do at times.It has a few odd messages during its run time, and certainly has a strong 'women are awesome, men not so much' vibe to it, but for likable performances from Justin Long and Ginnifer Goodwin it's not that bad.
adonis98-743-186503 The Baltimore-set movie of interconnecting story arcs deals with the challenges of reading or misreading human behavior. The worst part about the 2009 romantic film He's Just Not That Into You is the entire plot surrounding this couples there are a few good ones like Ben Affleck and Jennifer Aniston who are easily the best part of the entire movie, the Jennifer Connelly, Scarlett Johansson and Bradley Cooper trio was entertaining but it could have been much better and then there's the absolutely worst part of the film which is this girl named Gigi played by Ginnifer Goodwin and i don't think that the actress was the problem she was actually decent the reason why she was annoying it was the character itself i mean i have seen movies where a girl tried to kill herself because she "lost" that one true love and of course the other way around as well but this chick is so desperate to be with someone to the point where you can't even take her seriously anymore it just feels cheesy and dumb and i'm sorry but she ruined the entire film for me. The father - daughter relationship between Kris Kristofferson and Jennifer Aniston was also another aspect i really liked, Drew Barrymore's character is almost forgettable and Kevin Connolly is just not that interesting. Overall to sum it all up 'He's Just Not That Into You' is a below average comedy/romance film with some good performances but also some pretty useless characters plus the running time of 129 minutes is absurd for a film of this kind because there's like 2 or 3 scenes that could be removed very easily. (5/10)
juneebuggy I generally like these types of movies with interconnected stories and a whose-who cast although I have seen better in "Valentines Day" and "Love Actually."Decent ensemble here but most of the women are freakin nuts and I found them frustrating to watch especially Ginnifer Goodwin, sitting by the phone, making desperate excuses for loser men. When did the purpose of life become solely about finding a man? This is the message that Sex & The City puts out there too, Why? Jennifer Connelly was also painful, as a control freak with a cheating husband (Bradley Cooper). -I'd cheat with Scarlett Johansson too though. Justin Long seemed miscast as the womanizing bartender and would have done better if he'd exchanged roles with Kevin Connelly, the needy real estate agent. Ben Affleck has a smaller role, playing the commitment-phobe good guy and Jennifer Aniston goes about her usual "Rachelness" managing to look fantastic in a pair of jeans but still be a big loser where love is concerned. Enjoyed the story arc at the wedding with her father (Kris Kristopherson) 02.27.14