The Nutty Professor
The Nutty Professor
PG-13 | 28 June 1996 (USA)
The Nutty Professor Trailers

Eddie Murphy stars as shy Dr. Sherman Klump, a kind, brilliant, 'calorifically challenged' genetic professor. When beautiful Carla Purty joins the university faculty, Sherman grows desperate to whittle his 400-pound frame down to size and win her heart. So, with one swig of his experimental fat-reducing serum, Sherman becomes 'Buddy Love', a fast-talking, pumped-up , plumped down Don Juan.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
RaspberryLucozade Eddie Murphy is a comedian who in recent years has in my opinion peaked in terms of quality. It is easy then to forget that in the early days of his career he was a sensation, giving us memorable hits such as 'Coming To America', 'Trading Places', 'Beverly Hills Cop' and, the best of them all in my view, 'The Nutty Professor', which was a remake of the 1963 film starring Jerry Lewis ( who allegedly was meant to appear in this version but pulled out due to his distaste over the reliance of toilet humour in the script ).Murphy plays Sherman Klump, a morbidly obese yet well-meaning, kind hearted and well respected scientist whose kind, quiet nature is often exploited, particularly by his greedy, arrogant boss Dean Richmond, as well as by his loud family ( in particular his belligerent, perpetually farting father Cletus ). One day at work, he meets mature chemistry graduate Carla Purty and is smitten by her. Due to his weight, he feels that she won't be interested in him and in an attempt to gain her interest takes a sample of a slimming serum he has invented, which transforms him into a thinner, more youthful, better looking version of himself who he renames Buddy Love. Buddy is everything Sherman has ever dreamed of being, however Buddy's confidence spirals out of control and things rapidly go from bad to worse for poor Sherman. Will Buddy cease to exist or will Buddy kill off Sherman for good? I have never seen the 1963 film so I am unable to compare the two but one thing I am certain of is that 'The Nutty Professor' is a prime contender for Eddie Murphy's CV of fine comedy. Eddie Murphy has the most challenging job of portraying not only Klump but also Buddy and indeed the entire Klump family, however it would not be fair to not give credit to his supporting cast. Jada Pinkett ( wife of Will Smith ) is fine as Sherman's romantic interest Carla whilst Larry Miller is suitably slimy and conniving as Richmond. Special mention should be made of the screenwriters - David Sheffield, Barry W. Blaustein, Tom Shadyac and Steve Oedekerk whose outrageously funny script not only had tears rolling down my face but also dealt excellently with the issue of obesity.Some overweight viewers may find it uncomfortable to watch but should stick with it as it is one of the few things which manages to successfully ridicule prejudice against obesity rather than applaud it.'The Nutty Professor' was so successful that four years later a sequel was made - 'The Nutty Professor II: The Klumps' ( which I went to see on its cinematic release in my hometown, despite being two and a half years younger than the film's age certificate ). It did not do as well first film, critically or commercially. Personally, I thought it compared rather well with the first film.Funniest moment - the 'farting at the dinner table' scene involving the Klump family. Disgusting I know, but it is still hilarious and creases me up each time.Second funniest moment - a nightmare sequence in which Sherman dreams of himself as a Godzilla type creature wreaking havoc around the city. Only then to destroy the world after letting off a humongous fart!
SnoopyStyle Sherman Klump (Eddie Murphy) is an overweight professor at Wellman College. He's working on a weight lost formula that actually restructures DNA. Dean Richmond (Larry Miller) is not a fan of Klump who has lost him lots of donors. They need to get the last rich alumni Harlan Hartley (James Coburn). New teacher Carla Purty (Jada Pinkett Smith) is a Klump fan. When she accepts a date with him, he tries to lose weight. After getting embarrassed on the date, he decides to take his own formula which turns him into the smooth operator Buddy Love.This is not for anybody who gets offended by fat jokes. There is plenty of that plus loads of fart jokes. It's saved by a very appealing character in Sherman Klump. He's a nice guy. The romance is sweet with Jada playing a sweet girl. It's actually very sad when the comic picks on him. I like the guy but the fat jokes aren't funny to me. This is a nice take on Jekyll & Hyde.
FilmBuff1994 The Nutty Professor is a great movie with a well developed storyline and a terrific comedic cast. It's a very funny and enjoyable movie, mostly due to the comedic genius of Eddie Murphy, this film easily could have been a disaster without a good comedic lead to hold it together, and thankfully Murphy did with over seven roles, and he shines in every single one, it is pure movie magic to believe that he plays the majority of the main characters in this, and it also won itself a deserving Best Makeup Academy Award. For the most part I enjoy the humour in the movie, although there are certainly too many fart jokes to the degree that it gets a bit irritating and the scene between Murphy and Dave Chappelle was unnecessary, I also felt like Jason was a very underdeveloped character, I enjoyed John Ales portrayal of him but we never get to know very much about him, I would have liked to have gotten a clearer indication on the friendship between him and Klump. A redeeming aspect of this movie that you wouldn't normally see in these types of comedies is that there is a lot of heart, the love story between Klump and Carla is very sweet and this is the engine that really gets the film running, having something like this adds an extra layer to the character and makes him more relatable for the audience. Funny and well acted, I would recommend the Nutty Professor to anyone looking for a good comedy. An overweight professor takes a special chemical in order to look good for a woman he has fallen for, but it has some disastrous side effects. Best Performance: Eddie Murphy Worst Performance: Dave Chappelle
gilligan1965 Since day one, Eddie Murphy has been a favorite of mine - he's a great comedian (probably the greatest ever); has a great presence; great talent; a lot of charisma; is great with the ladies; a great writer and storyteller; a great entertainer all-around; etc., etc., etc!This movie, like 'all' of his others, is GREAT! In fact, I've never seen an Eddie Murphy movie that I didn't like. Sure, this movie pokes fun at people who're fat; naive; elderly; uncouth; etc...but, so does everyone else in real-life!?!? However, it also pokes fun at cocky and arrogant people (Klump's boss; Reggie the comedian; etc.), so...if you can accept and laugh at one group, accept and laugh at them all!Despite all of this, Eddie Murphy has gone way above-and-beyond with his portrayal of multiple characters - is there anything that this guy can't do!?!? To me, a talented actor makes what they're doing believable. An 'extremely' talented actor does this, but, also adds touches such as different voices, accents, personae, and, so forth. Eddie Murphy does all of that here!Anyone who down-grades a movie, a song, a painting, etc. because they feel that it makes fun of them - 'improve yourself.' One way of improving yourself is to become comfortable with the way you are, and, learn to laugh at yourself. If you can't laugh at yourself, you have no right laughing at all...mostly, because you're the same kind of hypocrite who laughs at others in secrecy!I find this movie to be a great work by an extremely talented and funny comedian, and, I really like it! :)