Daddy Day Care
Daddy Day Care
PG | 09 May 2003 (USA)
Daddy Day Care Trailers

Two men get laid off and have to become stay-at-home dads when they can't find jobs, which inspires them to open their own day-care center.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Avigail Sarah Ben Zagmi this movie is rated low just because its a comedy. If you check all the movies are comedies rated low (especially Eddie Murphys). Eddie Murphys is an actor who plays amazing and funny in many good movies. This comedy movie is good  for the whole family and very fun to see it t in a family movie night. If you choose not to see this movie because of its rating then you make a big mistake (believe me it's not a waste of time).its music is great. and you will enjoy watching it. I loved this movie sow match i watched it like about four times. this movie is good for all ages and don't be afraid to show it to your kids because its just fine.
callanvass Unlike its follow-up Daddy Day Camp, Daddy Day Care delivers the laughs and fun for all ages. The kids are actually developed here, and the movie does a smart thing of building a nice bond between Eddie Murphy and his son during this movie, something Daddy Day Camp tried to do, but couldn't. Eddie Murphy, Jeff Garlin|Phill| and Steve Zahn are the perfect trio for this movie, and they are the main reason this movie succeeded as well it did. This was actually my 2nd time viewing this movie. I first came across this movie when I ordered it in my hotel room. I enjoyed it than, and I enjoyed it just as much now. Anjelica Huston played the perfect villain for this movie, and I must say watching her get the injustice that deserved in the end was a real treat. I've heard a lot of bashing for this movie with critics calling it another lazy movie for Eddie Murphy. What did they honestly expect? An award-winning comedy?.Performances. Eddie Murphy's charisma and humor serve him perfectly here. He's not too over the top, but not too restrained either. In my honest opinion, it's one of his best performances in his later years. Jeff Garlin and Steve Zahn do well as Eddie's sidekicks. Regina King is decent as Eddie's wife, and did what she had to do well. Anjelica Huston is excellent as the villain who is angry due to the success of Daddy Day Care.Bottom line. It's light, it's easy-going and just a nice family movie for the parents and the kids of all ages to just sit down and enjoy. Give it a break, it really is quite cute.6 1/2 /10
Hamza Bryce We first went and saw Daddy Day Care at the theater and really enjoyed it. My mother in law bought it for our family for Christmas and we have watched it 3 times since, and I laugh more and more each time. Eddie Murphy is truly a genius. I enjoyed his hard core stand up comedy, his Beverly Hills Cop movies, Coming to America, etc. and now am enjoying watching him in family movies like the Dr. Dolittles and Daddy Day Care. It is good clean fun our family can enjoy together, and that is rare nowadays. The little boy who plays Murphy's son is absolutely precious, and the casting for everyone was perfect, from Murphy's wife to his day care business partners. I have read reviews where people thought the movie was juvenile. Well, it is about children, so I don't know what the expectation was. Anyone who has spent time with little kids, or has kids of their own will definitely appreciate this hysterically funny film. The special features are fun too. There are interviews with the kids, and the kids do some interviewing too. Great music also!
Jackson Booth-Millard Cheaper by the Dozen was out the same year, and this is almost the same type of film. I have given this film the same rating out of 10 as I did for Cheaper (because it isn't brilliant), but I think this is the much better film to watch. Basically two fathers, Charlie Hinton (Eddie Murphy) and his friend (and work pal) Phil (Jeff Garlin) lose their jobs in product development at a large food company, and are forced to become stay-at-home dads. With no jobs in sight, they decide to set up a new day care facility from home, called "Daddy Day Care". When the parents have been persuaded to give the male day care runners a chance, it catches on, and the kids that turn up include Crispin (Shane Baumel), Becca (Hailey Noelle Johnson), and The Flash/Tony (Jimmy Bennett), oh, and Charlie's kid Ben (Khamani Griffin) joins in too. The only thing that could stop them continuing this success is the mean Chapman Academy director Miss Harridan (Anjelica Huston). There some good moments with the two dads playing with the kids and keeping them quiet in various ways, and Murphy makes a more fun dad than Steve Martin did, a good family film. Okay!