The Road to Wellville
The Road to Wellville
R | 28 October 1994 (USA)
The Road to Wellville Trailers

An unhappy young couple visit the infamous Kellogg spa in Battle Creek, Michigan while a young hustler tries get into the breakfast-cereal business and compete against John Kellogg's corn flakes.

Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
phil-307-881852 Try stepping back in time to the days when health retreats were the rage for those who could afford them. Buckle your seat belts for an unbelievably funny comedy. Can't say enough how much I liked this one as well as the performance by the entire cast. There are multiple plots and sub-plots and, collectively, they form a 3 ring circus of entertainment. Enjoy and laugh out loud.The only problem is that I can't stop wanting to watch this again. Just like Ferris Beuller's Day Off!Once you have seen the movie, go visit the Mohonk Mountain House in upstate NY.
Roedy Green "With friends like these, who needs enemas." is the funniest line in the movie.If you laugh when you hear the words "shit", "poo", "enema" or "masturbation" you will enjoy this movie. Reliance on pompous people saying these words wore thin for me.I would have made a nice 30 minute short. It dragged on and on repeating the same elements.The actors shout as if they were on stage trying to emote to the back rows in some melodrama. I just wanted them to shut up. The musical score reminded be of an endlessly extended frantic Wendy's commercial.It is visually interesting with all the Victoriana, and the crazy health machines created by Dr. Kellogg.Lots of nudity of ugly people. The extras are a bizarre looking crew, picked for their grotesqueness.
bpstraycat I have rarely seen such a feast of bad-taste tosh in my life. One or two 'jokes' about bowel movements could be funny....two could be amusing.....but this film, dedicated to that end of the alimentary canal is about as much fun to watch as it is to receive the endless enemas it delights in bringing to our close attention. Parker's characters are shallow and boring. Hopkins plays a one-dimensional puritanical sadist. He abused his adopted son, likes to humiliate his patients, is impotent and does things to his own backside with devices. Fantastic. This character could have been generated by computer. What happened to Parker's creativity? The story simply does not exist. There is no relation at all between the various threads and they have no influence on the main storyline because it is either totally lacking or so weak as to be invisible. However I fear the most important criticism I have of this sorry waste of money is that it is simply NOT AT ALL FUNNY. During the entire, dragging, boring debacle, there were perhaps two occasions when it was worth a slight smile. Does Parker really think it is necessary to show a man in a shower with filthy underpants and then give us a close-up of the brown-black waste water emanating from them? Is it funny for a man to have an erection because of electrical charges applied to his feet? (Incidently this joke was played for several minutes and several scenes in the film.) Parker directed with a total lack of taste and finesse. I would like to take a copy of this lame disaster, and just as Mr. Parker wasted a couple of precious hours of my life showing me his sad anal fixation fantasies, procure a jar of Vaseline and then introduce him to new ways of 'enjoying film'.This film should have stayed where it belonged - on the cutting room floor. Parker - hang your head in shame, Sir!
martin lane I have been trying to catch up with this for years...ever since it was barely released...critically slammed...and buried. Now that it has finally been allowed to escape back into pay cable play (and is out on pan and scan only....since it and it's fans get no respect)I have finally been able to discover what an over looked gem it is. This is not only one of the quirkiest, bravest, and flat out funniest comedies of it's is also among the handsomest and best cast "Period Pieces".I was prepared to enjoy the film....if only for the chance to savor the enormous amount of talent involved....but I had not expected to discover that each member of the cast was at their absolute peak! What a year Bridget Fonda had...wonderful in "It Could Happen To You"....and so heart stoppingly radiant in her period finery here!....One has to ask "What Happened?????"...She looks so ready for a HUGE career...and the past decade of film could have so used her beauty, talent, and class. Her costars Cusack and Broderick have, of course, had better luck....but this should have put them in line for a level of mainstream A-List stardom that never quite came true. Anthony Hopkins and Dana Carvey are so unexpectedly flat out brilliant and hysterical (I will never be able to hear John Huston's voice again without thinking of Hopkin's wicked riff on it) that they seem to be operating on a plain far removed from there usual level.I could also go on for many paragraphs about the sensational supporting cast....every member of which was perfectly chosen....I have to at least mention Cameryn Manheim....who glows with such sexy charisma that she dominates every seen she appears in....So refreshing and erotic in the modern Hollywood universe of undernourished Barbie Clones.In Summation....all I have to say is sit back...savor it for two hours....think about it in comparison to almost all of this years "Blockbusters" and understand what is really wrong with Hollywood...Too many critics recognize class hen they see it...and too few audiences get a chance to discover it for themselves....HERE IT IS PEOPLE....Enjoy.