Tooth Fairy 2
Tooth Fairy 2
PG | 06 March 2012 (USA)
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Larry Guthrie, who loses his first love to the town hot shot, decides to win her back by volunteering with the children at her after-school program. When Larry accidentally tells the kids the Tooth Fairy is make-believe, he soon is transformed into a tutu-clad fairy with the "sentence" of collecting teeth.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
mattkratz This wasn't too bad a "sequel" to the first movie. It's a sequel in name only as Larry the Cable Guy is the tooth fairy here. He lets his love interest down one too many times, ruins a kid's image of the tooth fairy, and winds up having to do time as a tooth fairy. As long as you come in with not-too-high expectations, you're bound to at least like this one, as Larry TCG does a decent comic turn. It has its moments, especially with the opening moments at the bowling alley, the scenes of him going around collecting the teeth, and the scenes with the kids. It was a pretty good comic family movie serving as a vehicle for its star-same as the first film! ** out of ****
Dylan Simone This movie did get good reviews on the Internet, but personally, I have my own feeling about this unusual sequel. I did like the part where he grew those pink wings in his mobile home, though. The movie had okay effects, but they just didn't turn out the way I thought they were going to. I did enjoy the movie, but it just didn't suit me like the first one did. I wonder if they'll make a prequel called Tooth Fairy 3? Who knows what people do these days. I saw the movie in the mall and decided to blow my money on this unusual motion picture. The way I see it, movies don't always turn out the way they should. Sometimes I buy DVDs and Bluray movies on or even eBay, and then I see it and say either Wow, that movie was amazing or that film needs work! I occasionally preorder DVDs Books or CDs that I know will be popular. I do like Daedaulus DVDs, as I like other ordering catalogs, like Oriental Trading, and ordering sites, like Amazon (My Favorite) and eBay (my other favorite). Amazon has amazing prices for their DVDs and great prices when it comes to Preordering. That's how I retold my version of "Motion Pictures"!
nevadaluke I watch family movies as part of my job.I sat down to watch this one expecting excruciating torture. But I was pleasantly surprised.Somehow, Mr. Whitney makes this madcap bit of nonsense work in a weird kind of way. He has exactly the right mix of bewildered goofiness and phony bravado to pull this off.He also owes a huge debt of gratitude to his co-starring piglet and especially to Miss Reiter, who is a delightfully edgy antagonist. I look forward to seeing more of her work on the big screen.I recall Roger Ebert's test: does this movie succeed at what it sets out to accomplish? This one does.TF2 is an outstanding movie to watch with your 10-and-under family members.
tuneweplay Preface: I like Larry the Cable guy, but I don't much appreciate his usual off color humor (even though we are both Cornhuskers...Go Big Red!) So, I was a little apprehensive renting this to watch with my family. It is nearly impossible to find a movie that all my kids enjoy-16, 14, 10, & 5 yrs old. BUT... In Tooth Fairy 2, they all laughed and after it was over my 16 yr old said "that was pretty good" SCORE! Is it far fetched? YES! Is there some dumb humor? YES! SO....while not the best movie I've EVER seen, again, I challenge you to find something all my kids enjoy together. Exceeded my expectations and provided laughs. THANKS! (LOVE the fact that he wore a variety of Cabela's and Blackshirts caps too!)
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