Friends with Kids
Friends with Kids
R | 09 March 2012 (USA)
Friends with Kids Trailers

In the wake of their friends' marriages and eventual offspring, longtime pals Julie and Jason decide to have a child together without becoming a couple. By becoming "time-share" parents, they reason, they can experience the joys of parenthood without significantly curbing their personal freedom. However, when Julie and Jason both become involved with others, they discover that they secretly harbor romantic feelings for each other.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
bjarias There should be an award for 'Can Do It All'.... writer, producer, director, star. And should she not win, it would have taken one hell of an effort to best her. With immense talent matching her beauty, Jennifer Westfeldt .. .. is one very impressive individual (and watch her in Ira & Abby to get a better idea of the range of her acting ability). Friends with Kids is a film for grown ups that is really enjoyable to watch, and it's one of the best films I've seen in quite some time (with one of the best ten minute endings of any romantic comedy/drama). You can watch a whole bunch of rom-com's and not enjoy near any as much as this one.
steverainbow1958 I shall never get that wasted time back should I live to a hundred. Self indulgence has a new acolyte worshipping at the Temple of Me-Me-Me. From the start this painted by the numbers drivel doled out a vision that only rings true to the idiots in Hollywood who financed this stinking stool of a Production.Casting by the numbers resulted in a mish-mash of semi-familiar faces who truly did not believe in this project. Acting is not just reading the pathetic script and wishing you were dead, no one convinced in the woeful crudfest that this motion picture was.How is this not in the 50 Cents or less bin at what remains of Blockbuster is a mystery 100-fold more interesting than this egregious tripe.
KarenSantaFe I found this film to be surprisingly entertaining and well-done for low-budget fare. The performances are quite respectable - my beef is more with the lighting, and some bumpy editing. But who cares? I was entertained and engaged by both storyline and performances. The scene towards the end where he kisses her, hard, against the wall.... Well any even partially heterosexual woman will tell you, that is HOT! There are funny scenes galore here, and a fair amount of non-verbal funny, which I particularly enjoy. Pop up some popcorn, put up your feet, and lay your inner film critic down for a nap. Odds are, you won't regret it.
Josh Bourne The premise of the film seems interesting; two great friends in a platonic relationship who chose to have a child together while they both pursue genuine romance. The script was also decent. There were comedic moments and it showed the more realistic side of adult relationships. However, whether the actors were at fault or the characters were just not good enough, it was hard to care about what happened to them. The characters being portrayed all lacked charisma, making it difficult not to be apathetic. By the end of it I couldn't really care less about how their relationships turned out or how well they had parented the child. Overall it was an okay film to pass the time when there is little else to do, but I certainly wouldn't make any kind of effort to watch it. Very disappointing.