Ace the Case: Manhattan Mystery
Ace the Case: Manhattan Mystery
PG-13 | 26 August 2016 (USA)
Ace the Case: Manhattan Mystery Trailers

While her mother is away on business, a young girl home alone with her older brother witnesses her neighbor's kidnapping. But no one believes her--not her brother, not the cops. So she takes matters into her own hands putting her life at risk to save her neighbor.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Andrew Gross This movie is just plain fun in a way the movie critics don't seem to understand. It's like Home Alone for a new generation - speaking of which, that movie didn't get such great reviews when it came out, and it's now an absolute classic. It's a premise that's exciting for kids - the young girl is left alone, witnesses a kidnapping, and has to solve it all on her own. The girl is terrific, not to mention Susan Sarandon, who plays the role of the seasoned detective just right. And as a fellow New Yorker, you've gotta love all the authentic locations, especially the big scene on the Staten Island Ferry. Very enjoyable and funny film - you'll definitely get your money's worth.
smiriamshea I'm a huge fan Susan Sarandon and will watch anything and everything she's in. Stepmom is one of my favorite films of all time. When I saw she was in this new film, Ace The Case, I decided to watch it right away and downloaded it so I could watch while I babysat my young cousins. We all loved it.The scenes between Susan Sarandon and Ripley Sobo (the young star who plays the daring girl detective) are wonderful. Sarandon and Sobo have great chemistry together. And I loved that the cast was more diverse than most. I just know Sobo is someone we're going to be hearing more about in the future.I love that the director really seemed to show us NYC - from the subways, to alleys, to parks, to upscale apartments. I feel like we got to see it all. I love that the script included comedic moments for kids, and for those of us who have aged out of childhood. And while Sarandon was still my favorite, I was nicely surprised by the performances of the ensemble cast, in particular Luca Managanaro - who plays a bumbling criminal with a great combination of comedy and pathos. I hope to see more of him.
harrisong-17612 I'd seen a lot of ads for this film on social media and thought I would give it a try. I mean you can't go wrong with Susan Sarandon. The beginning of the film was a bit disjointed, but 10 minutes in I was hooked! Is it getting an Oscar nomination? Probably not, but it's a cute film that I know my little cousins will love. They love Matilda the Musical so I think they will be excited to see Ripley Sobo as Olivia the detective! As a big brother to a much younger sister, It was interesting seeing how this dynamic played on screen. My sister is 6 years younger than me and growing up we had very little in common. Aaron Sauter does an excellent job of playing the uninterested and annoyed older brother. It reminds me of Home Alone and Harriet the Spy from when I was a kid.
mile-86596 I rented Ace the Case simply to see why the reviews were so awful they made me laugh and I ended up buying it because my 6 year old watched it 3 times in one day. Very refreshing break from the super hero movies and my kids loved the young girl and the rabbit so big it looked prehistoric. There are definitely a few scenes I could see might be scary for some young kids but not mine. They found them more humoruous than frightening. I usually end up falling asleep half way through the typical kid films but I laughed numerous times and lasted through a great finale. Great for kids of all ages that won't put the parents asleep. It definitely doesn't feel like a big budget movie but I love indie flix like Boyhood and Bottle Rocket and I felt this had similar production quality.
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