Peter Pan
Peter Pan
PG | 25 December 2003 (USA)
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In stifling Edwardian London, Wendy Darling mesmerizes her brothers every night with bedtime tales of swordplay, swashbuckling and the fearsome Captain Hook. But the children become the heroes of an even greater story, when Peter Pan flies into their nursery one night and leads them over moonlit rooftops through a galaxy of stars and to the lush jungles of Neverland.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Steineded How sad is this?
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Kirpianuscus A seductive adaptation of a well known universe. Nice plot, good performances. And inspired use of the technique. A classic story in the right new clothes.
rrju-13502 Wouldn't it be amazing if you could be a child forever, you would not have a worry in the world, and all you get to do is adventure with your friends all day? Well in Neverland you can. Peter Pan (2003) tells the story of a boy who lives in this fantasy world. Sounds like a dream life, right? No rules, supervision, or worries! It all seems like that until he shows up at Wendy Darling's bedroom window. He takes her and her siblings to Neverland where they go on magical adventures and have a victorious dual over the evil Captain James Hook. In the end, no matter how bad Peter wants Wendy to stay, she knows she must go, she must grow up. He realizes then that even though he is the great Peter Pan, he has to grow up. If you enjoy adventure, fantasy, and a fairytale that teaches you to cherish your childhood, then you will definitely enjoy Peter Pan a much as I did.This film teaches us many lessons. The main one is no matter how badly we would like to stay young forever, we have to grow up sometime, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Another lesson it teaches children is that they should cherish their childhood because it all goes by in a flash. Many of us struggle with these lessons as did Peter Pan in the film. None of us want to face the reality that one day we're going to have to get up early everyday to go to work, pay bills, and live in the real world. In my opinion, since he was a child for so long it kind of devalues his childhood. It's supposed to be quick and fun. You're supposed to have the best time of your life before you enter the real world. The film teaches lessons that I would share with my children: to cherish your childhood, but when the time comes to grow up, there is no escaping it. However, you will always have those memories of your childhood. In a way it makes those memories a little sweeter, rather then having to relive them over and over in Neverland and them losing their luster. So I thank Peter Pan, for helping me realize that as dull as life may get as an adult, it's part of life, and we need to cherish our childhood and adulthood because it all goes by quickly.One aspect of the film that I found particularly interesting was that Captain Hook, who was played by Jason Issacs, was also the role of Mr. Darling! To me it seems as if the director in the movie was trying to send message to the audience. The message that I interpreted from this is that we all have a father figure in our life, even if you think you don't there is always some there to teach you lessons, help you mature, and have a great influence on your life. Captain Hook did all of these things for Peter, even though it might not seem that way. Once you look past all the battles they went through, it is clear Hook had a huge influence on Peter's life such as a father would.In my opinion, this film was very good and a great lesson to children of all ages. It's more of a family oriented film, something that you would watch with small children. They would definitely enjoy all of the special effects such as flying, and how through these effects it makes Neverland look like a magical and very real place. They will also enjoy characters such as Tinker Bell, after little girls watch her they will be wanting to be a fairy just like her. Captain Hook his sometimes goofy and unorthodox ways of running his ship can provide comic relief to the evil side of him. The Lost Boys which all young boys can relate to as their crazy group of friends that they adventure with. Overall it is a very fun, magical, heartwarming, and in some ways relatable movie for all that can tug at your heart strings and give you great exhilaration. I highly suggest this film to anyone, especially those who enjoy fantasy films.
Anssi Vartiainen Peter Pan has been adapted into a theatrical live action movie multiple times, but would you believe that this is the first one where the titular role is played by an actual young boy? Early stage versions of the story started a tradition where the character was played by a woman, mostly to give the actor enough experience while still retaining the look. Theatre world is weird like that.Nevertheless, this is the first one, so how does it hold up next to its kin? Well, it's a mixed package. The young man they got to play the part of Pan, Jeremy Sumpter, certainly has the look down pat. He's an imp, quick and agile, with a devil may care grin always on his face, and those attributes transfer to his performance as well. He embodies the cockiness and infallibility of the boy who never grew up, certainly bringing to mind the mythological Pan after which the character is named. Jason Isaacs is also magnificent in his dual role of both Mr. Darling and Captain Hook - another theatre tradition, but one which I heartily approve. Isaacs is easily the best Hook I've seen so far, and also one of the better pirate characters in general. Dark, menacing, hiding behind the veneer of a gentleman, while plotting his nefarious schemes to bring down the one he hates above all else.The rest of the cast is unfortunately merely okay or even slightly below average. The Lost Boys and the Darlings are played by child actors, making their acting rather wooden most of the times, though Wendy's actress Rachel Hurd-Wood at least manages to have some chemistry with Sumpter. They also added in a new character in Aunt Millicent (Lynn Redgrave) who, while played by a talented actress, brings nothing to the plot, making her completely pointless.I also detest the use of CGI in this film. Though to be fair, most every movie in the 00s was doing this, but it has not aged well. Not at all. It's overly bright, often rather rubbery or sleek, and you can spot its fakeness miles away. And it is everywhere. It's like they shot the film and decided to colour saturate every single frame using computers. It looks hideous. And it glitters, making me feel like I've walked into a store for five-year-old girls. Perhaps some would say that's a valid art style for a Peter Pan film, but personally I think it makes the whole film look artificial.The actual plot is captivating, closely mirroring the original play by J. M. Barrie. No complaints there, and if you can stomach the visual style of the film, it is a very good adaptation to check out for all fans of the original tale. My personal pet peeves keep me from appreciating it more, but don't let that keep you from experiencing its upsides.
Armand it could be an inspired adaptation. or a seductive film. or example of working technology as support for special effects. in fact it is a beautiful gift for dreamers. because the reader discovers details from books. because , after a long expectation, Jeremy Sumpter seems be the perfect Peter Pan. because Captain Hook is more than a demon or a cartoon character. because the adventures are soul and the fight scenes are realistic. because nothing is pink, sentimental or boring. because it is not exactly the childhood spirit but something who could be defined as magic in a special sense. the special effects are only clothes for a fascinating story. the freshness, the spectacular images are the best parts. so, a trip in Neverland. especially for the dreamers.