PG | 18 April 2003 (USA)
Holes Trailers

A wrongfully convicted boy is sent to a brutal desert detention camp where he must dig holes in order to build character. What he doesn't know is that he is digging holes in order to search for a lost treasure hidden somewhere in the camp.

Wordiezett So much average
VividSimon Simply Perfect
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
zkonedog I was initially drawn to this movie because I very much enjoy Shia LaBeouf's style of acting. I had absolutely no experience with the YA novel of the same name, so I had no idea what to expect in terms of plot/characters. What I found was just a fun movie that can be enjoyed by the entire family.For a basic plot summary, "Holes" tells the story of Stanley (LaBeouf), who is wrongly-accused of stealing an expensive pair of shoes and as such shipped off to a boys work camp. Led by Mr. Sir (Jon Voight) and The Warden (Sigourney Weaver), the camp makes each boy dig a large hole in the desert each day in order to "build character". Through the use of flashbacks, however, viewers begin to piece together information suggestion that Mr. Sir and The Warden may have an ulterior motive for the holes.To me, the main draw of this movie (and what ultimately gives it its charm) is the flashbacks that are used to flesh out the backstory of the Stanley Yelnats family and the area where the work camp has been constructed. At first, viewers will wonder what the heck all the flashbacks mean and might even get a bit confused as to how they relate to each other. As the narrative continues, though, the plot lines begin to weave together to form a satisfying conclusion that "we probably should have seem coming" much earlier than we actually do.Of course, children who watch the film will be more attuned to the events of the work camp itself, the crazy antics of Mr. Sir, and the jocular camaraderie present throughout. Even for adults, though, there is enough mystery surrounding the proceedings that things never seem juvenile enough to zone out.Overall, "Holes" is a fun little movie that can be enjoyed by a wide range of audiences. I'm sure that pre-knowledge of its novel counterpart lends even a deeper understanding to the movie's plot and central characters.
OneEightNine Media This is actually a fun little movie. It is about a kid from a cursed family going off to a camp for troubled youth which is more like a prison, etc, etc. The plot is layered but works well because it is well written. The film is a fun for the whole family kind of joint. It works well and I can not say enough about it without spoiling it so I won't. My only criticism is the soundtrack, it is horrendous. Anyway this movie is worth checking out if you're into offbeat hollywoodized indie films that make the most out of their budget. What the heck does that even mean? Whatever, I think I'm going to end this review here. Have a goodnight and drive home safe.
abdel messaad Holes is a Walt Disney production of 2003. The story takes place in the Texas during moderns times. Holes is an adventure ad drama comedy. The film is directed by Andrew Daws who made other good movies like Le fugitive. Holes is a movie based on a book of the same name. The book is writ by Louis Sachar. He has a little role on the beginning and the end of the movie.Holes is the story of Stanley Yelnats incarnated by Shia Leboeuf that was send at Camp Green Lake because he stole a pair of choes. At the camp he met Zero (kleo Thomas) and became very good friend. One day, Zero escape from the camp. Few days later, Stanley joins him and they climb the Good thump. Finally, they return to the camp to dig their last hole.Since the film is based on the book, I found that the movie was better because compared to the book; many details for each part on the book make it hard to understand.The actors were very well prepared. They were natural and felt good with their role. For example, Shia Laboeuf was 17 years old and played very good Stanley that was 13. This movie was very well prepared and many stars played on it so it' make the movie more professional and famous.Finally, Holes is a very good movie and I appreciated but I've seen better movie. For this reason I give the mark of 5/10 that is a very good mark for a movie for me.Messaad,Abdel HR: 201
Elyse Brouillette This movie created in 2003, is an adventure movie. Holes was directed by Andrew Davis. This film of 117 minutes was produced by Disney.The story of the movie was print of the book Holes writed by Louis Sachar. In this movie, Shia Labeouf play the role of a boy of 14 years who thinks his family have a curse. Stanley goes to Camp Green Lake. At Camp Green Lake,you don't play you dig! If you read the book, you will see that is very different of the movie! There many actors, but I will talk you about Stanley, Zero, Mr.Pendanski and Mr.Sir. The main character is Stanley. The best friend of Stanley is Kléo Thomas who play Zero. Mr.Pendanski is one of the guard. Tim Blake Nelson play Mr.Pendanski. Mr.Pendanski is more nice than Mr.Sir. Mr.Sir is the teammate of Mr.Pendanski. Jon Voigt play Mr.Sir.In the movie, every teenagers at Camp Green Lake wear a orange uniform, but the Warden( Sigourney Weaver), Mr.Sir and Mr. Pendanski don't wear orange uniform.I liked the movie, but there one thing that I don't liked is because the movie is different of the book. I recommend this movie to you if you don't read the book.Elyse 202