The Big White
The Big White
R | 03 December 2005 (USA)
The Big White Trailers

To remedy his financial problems, a travel agent has his eye on a frozen corpse, which just happens to be sought after by two hitmen.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Wizard-8 As others here have noted, there is a strong feeling of the movie "Fargo" with this particular movie, from the winter setting to its tone. That tone being that of a subtle dark kind of humor to whatever is happening, even when the material covers disturbing subjects such as murder. So don't be prepared to laugh out loud that often, despite the fact that Robin Williams plays one of the leads. But while the movie isn't light hearted and goofy, you can often see and appreciate the somewhat absurdity of what's going on and be entertained by it. You can identify with these characters even if you haven't committed a crime or a dastardly deed in your life. You'll be wondering what will happen to these people in the very end with twist after twist in the plot. Though while the movie does eventually tells us how these characters end up, the ending is a little unsatisfying since there are a few details that are not quite clear. But at least the ride right up to that ending is an entertaining one.
Jackson Booth-Millard From director Mark Mylod (Ali G Indahouse), I knew the lead male star and sort of the concept, so I was certainly going to try it. Set in an Alaskan town, travel agent Paul Barnell (Robin Williams) is down on his luck and in serious debt, and tries to get the life insurance for his supposedly dead brother Raymond (Woody Harrelson) who has been missing for five years, but insurer Ted Watters (Giovanni Ribisi) needs it to be seven years. Then one night, Paul comes across a dead body in a dumpster, and rather than tell the police, he takes the body for himself, and sticks it in his freezer. Then he puts all relevant ID in the body's pockets, and makes sure the face and most of the rest of the body is devoured by wolves. Obviously with Paul saying that this body is brother Raymond, he is expecting the life insurance to be paid to him, and it would come in handy for wife Margaret (Holly Hunter), suffering from Tourette's syndrome and nearing insanity. Of course, this plan isn't going to be without its problems, the body dumpers want their cut of whatever Paul gets, the real Raymond shows up wanting some of it too, and Watters is investigating the found body further. Also starring Tim Blake Nelson as Gary, Alison Lohman as Tiffany and W. Earl Brown as Jimbo. The film does feel like a Coen brothers film, there are some amusing moments, and the snowy landscapes are good viewing, but the story is a bit patchy in places. Okay!
Jesse Kellestine When I watch this movie I get a sense of oddness, I think it's the music. Saying it's odd certainly doesn't make it bad, it actually is a rather well done film.It does however cry out the name COEN BROTHERS, most likely because of the setting and somewhat similar plot (keyword somewhat). You have two "for-hire goons" after a body, a body that solves (seemingly) the Robin Williams' characters money woes, which can help his troubled wife (Hunter). Also we have the wonderfully acted part by Giovanni Ribisi, who is trying to get a promotion so he can move away from this snow baron land. He's actually charming as the man who is constantly effed over.Woody Harrelson is always good, is a very strange man in this one and adds to the ending.All and all this movie warrants at least one viewing based on the roles played by Williams, Ribisi, Hunter and Harrellson.Check it.*** out of ****
Chrysanthepop The obvious other movie that comes to mind when watching 'The Big White' is the Coen Brothers's 'Fargo' (you know, the kidnapping/ransom of the spouse, the money, Winnipeg etc). However, it's the comedy that makes the difference. In 'Fargo' the humour is more subtle and disguised as drama while in 'The Big White' the dialogues and situations are more obviously funny and that's what gives it its own charm. Another difference is that 'Fargo' is a black comedy while this one is more of a dark comedy that's not exactly black. Mark Mylod directs a splendid ensemble cast and tells the story at an initially slow but eventually steady pace. The actors are great. Robin Williams as the down-on-his-luck travel agent trying to make some quick bucks is wonderful. Holly Hunter is hilarious as the wife suffering from fake Tourettes syndrome (more likely a form of Munchausen's syndrome). She brilliantly balances humour and pathos. Both she and Williams share a good chemistry as do Giovanni Ribisi and Allison Lohman. Ribisi naturally fits the part while Lohman has a small role but makes the best of what she has and shines. Tim Blake Nelson and Earl Brown are quite funny too and Woody Harrelson, though initially loud, manages to give a more controlled performance in the latter reel. It's a dark comedy, so the humour is obviously dark but this is a fun film and I really liked it. The songs are very nice too especially 'I Want To Protect You' by Mark Everett. The cinematography is marvelous in the beginning but slowly settles for OK as the story moves towards the end. It's a pity that the film didn't even get a proper theatrical release and remains underrated and unseen by many. I'm glad I caught it and it's definitely worth watching for those who like dark comedy. What's not to like? There's violence, romance, suspense, humour and it's a clever story.