The Disappearance of Alice Creed
The Disappearance of Alice Creed
R | 30 April 2010 (USA)
The Disappearance of Alice Creed Trailers

A rich man's daughter is held captive in an abandoned apartment by two former convicts who abducted her and hold her ransom in exchange for her father's money.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Pluskylang Great Film overall
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Thomas W___ The movie is limited by the small number of characters and set locations. It's a bit contrived and perhaps a bit exploitative. It certainly has its twists and surprises, which are the fun of it. Heck, even the title of the film is a spoiler.
elenastolyarova I am giving this movie a title of one of my favorite movies as it is a movie which I will remember. I'd say it's more like a play and the most unusual movie I've seen. And very unexpected. Actors are brilliant and movie itself is very clever with unexpected turns. Pity I can't find it on streaming services as I'd like to watch it again. I loved this movie and recommend watching it to my friends and colleagues.
FlashCallahan It's wonderful that such a low budget thriller, with a cast of literally three people can be so intense and stand proud with many a big budget thriller.It's a simple set up: two ex-convicts kidnap the titular character for a princely sum, and plan to start a new life with the money they accumulate, after all, they fell for each other in prison.As these films go, one is good, and one is bad, so when the bad one goes out,the good one takes a little pity on her, and this is where the film veers toward leftfield.It turns out that Alice is in a relationship with one of the kidnappers, and he was planning to take the money for them both to start a new life.A war of nerves begins with the kidnapper in a dual relationship, trying to hide everything that has happened.Although Compston and Arterton are wonderful in their respective roles, it's Eddie Marsan who makes the film the tense thrill ride that this film turns out to be. He's an absolute menace in the film, literally having an unhinged manner about him during every moment he has on screen.Even when he is off screen, he makes moments almost unbearable, such as the scene where Compston is trying to reason with Alice, his intense knocks at the door, are an uncomfortable accompaniment to the scene.It loses its way toward the end a little, but for the most part, it's a little gem of a movie.See it for Marsan.
runamokprods Extremely tense, beautifully shot, generally well (if not quite brilliantly) acted, this is a clever and effective exercise on making an exciting film on a tiny budget. Even though about 75% of this kidnapping tale takes place in a two room apartment, director/writer Blakeson finds enough effective and compelling ways to photograph his tiny set, and enough sharp plot twists and reveals that any claustrophobia becomes a plus not a problem. There are a few times when credulity is stretched, and a few plot turns that have that sense of being a 'clever twist' instead of something organic to the characters or the story (you can feel them as they're where the acting is less strong, you can see the actors strain to make them 'work'), but neither shortcoming is enough to keep this from being a highly entertaining, and even ultimately oddly touching nail-biter.
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