| 06 June 2006 (USA)
Transit Trailers

A group of American pilots from Alaska ferry Airacobra fighter planes across the ocean on Lend-lease. The orderly course of life is disrupted when it becomes clear that the American pilots are attractive and charming young women. The feelings of the Russian young men collide into barriers of culture and language resulting in a host of awkward, funny, and sometimes tragic situations.It is the story of Russians, Americans, and natives of the Far North. It is the story of man and woman in war. Love and death are squeezed between the hills as human fates are destroyed and born.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
dusan-22 Very good movie, following the outstanding acting and brilliant camera work. First of all, must say that this movie has gathered so many great actors that no great production Hollywood movie can match. Plot of the film is pretty catchy and behind it there are distinct social and political messages from the past that can reflect to now days as well. I liked this movie very much because it tends to be what film had been before and that is work of art. Even though modern in terms of composition this movie has some kind of impressionistic style, scenes longer than today movie standards suggest. We might agree that the movie could be shorter for an hour which would probably add more dynamics but then it would take most of the other beautiful things making it looks more like some Hollywood mediocre. All in all, considering the standards of this site I should give rate 10 to this film, at least. Knowing the standards however, I am not confused about so few comments on the movie and sooo low grade.
Mikomi Jade First of all I was all in desire to watch this film only for one actual reason - this reason has the name - Daniil Strakhov. I have never seen him in the full screen picture so that was interesting, but when I saw it I have found out that this is a very good work - in general this film makes a very good impression from the point of the view on the history of the Soviet Union.......not in general meaning but on some specific aspects - political question was revealed very well. I loved the stories - a lot of personal stories told in the film. There was no main hero and everyone was important to the plot. Couple of words about the plot of the film: the story starts in the North of Russia - near the border with Alyaska in early 1940s.....where American pilots transit planes to the Soviet pilots to combat Germans....... Everything else is to be seen by your own eyes and heard by your own ears.
RNQ More dispersed than the life and death story of Rogozhkin's "The Cuckoo," "Peregon" ("Transit") still has the same patience with practical procedures. There is a very plausible reconstruction of a World War II Siberian airbase, done presumably on a much lower budget than the sets of Spielberg's "Empire or the Sun" and with less bedazzlement, but with a better sense of individuals, social dynamics, relation to the civilian population, and political complexity. The airplanes here have mechanics and pilots. Like an Altman movie, "Peregon" follows many complex individuals, but it also gives a sense of the overriding Soviet culture during the war years. It succeeds in representing people working within history.
mantas056 I saw this flick yesterday and I was awed by the flaws of it.Later Russian films tend to be more sufficient,modern with better actors,bigger budget and less Russian propaganda.This here thing has followed the steps of cheap Hollywood filmmakers,with their leader in front - Uwe Boll.Peregon really reminds of some off Uwe's masterpieces.Throughout the movie,nothing happens.I mean NOTHING.Some guy gets drunk,chases a woman,then again the same.It's kinda comical.Then there's the drama for all you romance lovers,but you cant really make out who loves who.There is some action in Peregon,really,cross my heart...about 8 minutes of flying planes.What a crock,I wasted two hours of my life,just to go to sleep at 1 AM in the morning and haven't seen a single scene which I liked.So if you kept reading and didn't get it - try to avoid this "masterpiece".